
54 #Acted like a true Luna


I don't know how many seconds, minutes, or even an hour passed, but I stayed the same, clasping my eyelids shut and trying to block out the world around me. The sound of my own heartbeat was the only thing that kept me grounded at that moment of stillness.

I pray the wolves are gone by the time I open my eyes, hoping that the silence will bring some relief to the tense situation. The darkness envelops me, and I focus on taking deep breaths to calm my racing heart.

Why in hell am I so scared when my boyfriend is even a wolf himself? But then, with him by my side, I knew I am safe. His presence alone brings me comfort, even in the midst of uncertainty. He is gainful and strong, a protector in every sense of the word. I trust him with my life, knowing that he will always keep me safe from any danger that may come our way.

Andrew is dangerous and unpredictable, but I feel safe with him, be it in human or wolf form.

But these wolves staring at me are making me question everything. The
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