
Precious Cargo


“It’s quite pleasing to see the turnout for this event, don’t you think, Mr. Enrico?”

This came from André Cassini, the host of this event and the head of the Cassini Mafia family. He was a tall, greedy man with thinning gray hair and spoke with a thin voice that grated on my nerves. If he wasn't already my enemy from holding onto a territory I wanted, his voice alone was enough to put him on my wrong side.

Elaine, André, his wife Marie, and I were standing to the side of the boisterous party, having a conversation.

“Of course, Mr. Cassini,” I agreed, forcing my lips into a friendly smile I didn't remotely feel. I took a sip of whiskey from the glass in my hand. I tried not to show how much I wanted to shoot him and his wrinkly wife, who carried the distinct smell of mothballs, even though it was apparent she’d over-sprayed her perfume to cover it up.

I wondered why I hadn't just sent one of my men on this scouting mission instead of coming myself.

“Who doesn't like a good pa
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