
•11:30 a.m•

∆ Margot's p.o.v ∆

I was dumbfounded by what she just asked. Not that I feel uncomfortable with this question, far from that. It's just that the last person I was expecting to tell me this bluntly is Adalyn.

She had a blank expression on her face. Her eyes being the only source of glimmer and light on her naturally pale face. Surprisingly, the colour and shine didn't cover up the fact that they were blank; no feelings whatsoever. There was something else in them that I couldn't quite catch.

I was always the talkative type but Adalyn somehow managed to make me speechless at any given situation. Her coldness and bluntness makes you shiver with just one glance but I know her better than that. She has warmth; a lot of it, but it is hidden behind multiple walls made up of deception and numbness.

At that moment all I could manage to say is

"I'm sorry what?" 

"A woman." She simply said as if this was a normal thing for her. 

"No." I replied matching her tone but miserably failing since I could feel heat creep up my neck and my palms getting sweaty.

"Okay." She shrugged

"Why this question?" I asked out of nowhere. I was mentally slapping myself at that very moment and mentally cussed.

"Just curious." 

"What about you?" Ladies and gentlemen here goes another mental slap for the one and only Margot herself

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but then looked ahead and released a breath.

"Probably not."

"Oh." Is all I managed to get out.

After a few seconds of complete silence, she talked again.

"Are you homophobic?"

My eyes widened but I knew exactly what to respond.

"First of all, I don't think it should be called a phobia. If you don't respect people for who they love, you are just an idiot. It's as simple as that."

She looked at me and her demeanor softened

"I think we should stop being friends..." 

"Wait... What? Why?" I asked confused

She placed her palm on my shoulder and sighed

"You are starting to talk like me Margot"

I loudly sighed as we both laughed a little. We talked some more about everything and anything and for some unknown reasons, what she said earlier still haunts me.

I shook the thought out of my head and tried to concentrate on something else but it seemed stuck in my mind. I wanted to ask more questions about why she asked me this but two mental slaps seemed enough. I didn't want to say something that would ruin the moment. So for once, I didn't say anything and tried forgetting even if it seemed impossible. Maybe she really had an effect on me after all.

I tried changing the subject so as to clear up my mind and think about something else but nothing came up. I don't exactly know why but it was apparently my lucky day. Adalyn found a new intriguing subject of discussion and let's just say that it lead to a series of fortunate events.

"So do you play any instruments?" She asked in a curious tone never leaving her cold demeanor.

"Pardon?" I asked as she snapped me out of my daze.

"Instruments, do you play any of them by any chance?" 

"Um no, I stuck to art my whole life."

She simply shrugged so I asked a question so as to keep the conversation going.

"Do you?"

"Yes actually!" She said as her face suddenly brightened; well that is new.

"Really?" I asked my voice full of hope of apprehension.

"Yes but I am not the best" She said as her smile fell and was easily replaced by her blunt and cold apparel.

"What do you play?" I asked never leaving my enthusiastic tone.

"The piano actually."

"I would pay to see that!" I said jokingly.

"I could make a free exception for you." She said while smirking.

"I wish." I sighed

Her eyes suddenly widened almost as if she remembered something and she turned to me with a bright smile. Gosh that smile. These are my weak spots. Her face was suddenly bright and her smile complimented her gorgeous eyes. Something was hiding behind it though, something dark and mysterious. Something you would be curious to venture but too creeped out to do so.

"Wanna see?" She said quirking a brow

"See what exactly?" 

"How I play!" 

"How will you do that?" I asked approaching closer to her

"My music school is five minutes from here." She sighed before continuing "Obviously I am not forcing you, after all we have a train to take and it is an understatement if you disagree with this hideous idea but I thought it would be fun and since we are still learning to know each other, I can tell that we are both very comfortable with each other and it could be a way to get closer." She said in one breath

"Wow." Is all I could say

She gave me a sympathetic smile and dismissed the idea "It's okay, I get i-"

"Are you serious!" I cut her off

"What?" She asked amusingly

"As I said before, I would pay to see this! Honestly it wouldn't hurt anyone to have some fun" I smiled

"Off to the music school we go then?"

"Off we go." I giggled

I nevet expected to see this side of Adalyn, her fun and amusing side. It is always interesting to see how some people hide behind a shell built out of guilt, horrific past experiences and shame. Seeing how she can show her actual side without the need to think about it twice amazes me. Even though she stated being shy and conservative with people, I could tell she was different with me. Perhaps a mutual feeling of being secure or all of this is just in my head but I highly doubt it. I kept wondering what to do and what was waiting for us but right now, I got to live in the moment.

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