
Chapter 8

Trust me, kid, you don't want to be part of their stupid game.


Silence eats people to the core, drives them crazy, slowly rots them from the inside until it was too late for them to be salvaged. It’s a terror unknown to most. And to me, it was my very weakness.

I always hated that tingling sound of an empty, quiet room. It made me more insane than I should be. I imagined the walls of the cell coming closer together to trap me in, trying to swallow me whole. I wasn't claustrophobic but the beads of cold sweat forming under my brows made me think otherwise. I knew nothing was going to get me and it was best to put me in solitary. The only issue was, the idea of being alone sounded better if it stayed as an idea. I couldn't comprehend how to do my task if I was being locked up. It was no use trying to convince me that I did not make a fucking decision because obviously, I did. Liked before they have left me alone to fend for myself. Those useless bastards never failed to amaze me.

I lay down on the mattress-- the only furniture inside the cell-- willing the lights to be on; it was my only sense of time in the hell hole. I closed my eyes and started humming a tune from a childhood memory, it might not solve anything but it was a good diversionary tactic, driving away from the earsplitting silence. The night seemed to stretch for far too long, my stomach was already killing me. Though, I doubt the food in the canteen would satisfy my hunger. If only I hadn't lost the cracker from Edmund. That man, what exactly made him so interested in me. Helping me back there, he was a fool to think that I would cooperate with him. I have learned from past experiences that people show kindness for expecting something in return. I was not an innocent kid anymore, I have grown. I wouldn't fall on the same trap twice, not intentionally though.

The beeping sounds came after some time and the lights turned on. At last, came the sun. "Up now, Newbie! The shower won't wait for you!" I stood up reluctantly, I wasn't in the mood to take a cold shower with an empty stomach. But arguing could only cause more trouble than I could handle. Without words, I walked quietly behind the stout officer. "In you go, ten minutes only." I was shoved inside a tiny shower cubicle. At least fifteen or so of the same size lined each side. Each one got an officer guarding them.

The unnerving feeling at the back of my head surfaced again. They put way too much effort into security; it was like a game of basketball with a man to the man defense strategy. The floor was way riskier than the upper level, there were too many eyes looking at me.

I tucked the restlessness for the time being and made the record to take a shower under five minutes.

Measured looks were given at me as soon as I stepped out of the misty cubicle, again I was the new one and easy prey for all of them. They were like sharks wanting to devour me. But, I didn't back down, I met each pair of eyes with equal measure. It was no time to look weak, better that I set my grounds high. I followed my officer quietly as invisible daggers were being shot on my back.

Minutes passed walking through the halls, we made it to the canteen and the same glob was served to me. I set my food tray to an empty table at the center. Murmuring started as I sat down and I dismissed them all. Let them buzz like a hungry fly, they will tire soon enough, I thought to myself. I was tired from all the events that happened, I might not able to handle more.

A hand slumped down angrily at the table. I looked up to see a snarled look from a man, then I cast them back down, ignoring the guy. "Who gave you permission to use our table?" he asked me, infuriated. I didn't acknowledge his question nor his existence. I concentrated on making my peace with the glob in front of me. I took a spoonful in my mouth and chew, savoring the awful taste. "Who gave you permission to use our table?" he repeated in a raised voice and I continued eating with vigor. "I asked you a question you fool!" The man grabbed me by the collar, raising me an inch from my seat.

"Does it have your name?" I asked calmly, looking the man straight in the eyes.

"Do you want to die kid?" Based on the expression on his face, he meant it. I shook off his hand away, determined to finish the hideous food. I took another spoonful but it didn't make its way to my mouth. My butt dropped on the floor and my spoon cluttered next to the guy's spot. Laughter echoed through my ears. I rose to my feet, dusted my buttocks, and smiled at the ugly man. I inched closer to him as the sound of tamping hands surrounded us, the prisoners were urging us to fight.

"There are plenty of tables, why not just find another? I'm eating." Instead of giving in to them, I knelt picking up my spoon, and sat back down.

"Hush it! What is happening here? I will suspend your showing night if this goes up! Eat-in silence!" Everyone quieted as the angry officer walked out of the canteen.

"We are not done yet kid, better pray till you can," the guy whispered closely in my ears. He stomped away leaving me and my glob. I could feel the burning stares being sent in my direction, that bastard was not their leader, he wouldn't sacrifice making a scene with me. I knew I was asking for trouble for the way I was acting but I couldn't be a sitting duck; for all, I knew they might have forgotten the fuck about me.

"You're new, trust me you don't want to make a scene on your first day," said a voice, cutting me off from my thoughts. A guy in his fifties with a white gruffly unshaven beard sat beside me.

"What if I want to attract attention?" I looked at him questioningly. “What if I want all of this?”

"How old are you?"

"Why would I want to answer your question?" He quieted, only raising both shoulders in response. "Nineteen," I surrendered.

"Young, too young. What the fuck are you here for? Kids these days, and I won't ask what you do for fun. Bloody hell." He finished his heaping in about five seconds. And I almost wanted to throw up. "How long have you been here?"

"Um..." I raised my right hand to count, "About four days now."

"What? In this level?" He asked in a mixture of surprise and confusion.

I shook my head, "No, the whole lot including my time up."

The man sighed. "And you are proud of yourself? You fucking stupid kid."

"I want to be in solitary, so here I am. No one would bother me." I doused the after taste of the glob with water, gulping it in one go. I felt full yet I was still hungry. "Why do you even care?"

"Trust me, kid, you don't want to be part of their stupid game."


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