

The upstairs lobby of the mansion was beyond beautiful it looked like a museum with pictures of the past Jamesons and antique pots and much more. Beck didn't let go of my hand as we walked down the hall, it was that little gesture that stopped me from literally peeing in my pants. Honestly, I didn't get myself. One second I am walking up to Sierra's gang that was armed to the teeth and the next I am literally shaking from meeting one guy.

We got to a door with the poster of a skull and just beneath it was a little writeup that said; I didn't make myself like this you did. I remembered it from the tattoo that Anderson had on his chest. Remember Anderson the guy who killed Maggie. Maggie is yanno, the love of TB's pathetic life. eck knocked twice and after muffled noise from within the door knob twisted and the door opened an inch and bloody hell was there a gun coming out through the door?! i moved back on impulse and Beck chuckled, I shot him a glare which he totally ignored. The gun kept growing to arms till I saw a face, he was a tall guy as expected. He had really light brown eyes that looked really cold yet they were welcoming and tired. 

"What's up Pequeno?", he said in a really warm tone. 

"Noah we have real shit going down, the event can't.. it can't take place at all... like you're going to get killed and you're not going to survive I can't live with that shit Noah, I can't", he ranted. I just watched the ink markings that form the sunflower on Noah's chest and the my eyes followed the root of the sunflower that ran down his chest and it's root was connected to the root of an oak tree at the other end of his chest and it in the space in between the sunflower and the tree was the same quote as the one on Anderson's chest and the one on the door.  Noah watched Beck rant about how Mom had died and he didn't think he could handle losing another member of the home. He said home instead of family for reasons I couldn't decipher. 

"How do you know I am going to die, Pequeno?", Noah finally said and Beck looked at me. This was the hard part trying to convince a gang leader that  I can see the future. He was going to laugh.

"I had a vision", I  said and his gaze fell on me. 

"A what?". 

" A vision, a glimpse into the future".

Noah looked at me and chuckled. "What do you want little girl?", he asked and I blinked. WHAT?!

"Noah shit just listen okay, I have witnessed her powers, she's like some kind of prophet some kind of oracle but she's serious".

"Pequeno is April Fools or something cause I don't get the joke", Noah said. I was sorry I had to do this but I did. 

"She was really pretty", I said looking at Noah and he cocked a brow. 

"Excuse me?", he asked.

"I am so sorry bout how she died, I know you loved her and you were broken but throwing your feelings away isn't going t  make her resurrect or make you heal. She's the sunflower isn't she and you're the tree", I said and he was obviously convinced. 

"How did you-".

"The same way I know if you go out tonight you are not going to come back home, Mr. Noah", I said. Beck was obviously confused his brother must have not told him about Rana, his lover that their father had to kill after he lied to Noah that she had betrayed him but when was I going to tell him that Rana didn't betray him.

"Noah", he turned. "She didn't betray you, she would never, your father he tricked you", I said and I could see both relief and hatred fill his eyes. 

"I'm sending two guys to your door Noah, no buts", Beck said and Noah had no choice but to nod and as he closed his door, we heard the lock click.

"You can do that?", Beck asked and I nodded "so you can look into anybody's head and just see their deepest darkest pain and secrets".

"And their guilty pleasures and what they had for breakfast even the day they were born, the tini tiny memories that we don't pay attention too but I just don't". I replied him.

"Why?", he asked me slowing slipping his hands back into mine as we made it down the stairs. 

"I understand the meaning of privacy, Beck Jameson not everyone is like you". He squeezed my fingers and I whimpered. he chuckled and then we slipped into this comforting silence.

"Have you ... have you ever-".

"Done that to you? No I haven't. I have been tempted to but I just keep to my ethics, I could look if you want me to", I said. 

"We'll get there but right now". we had stopped walking now and we were at the foot of the stairs and he turned me to face him. "damn you look so cute with those fat ass eyes, you should cry more often". If I were white I'm sure I would have had heated cheeks like the girls in all those romance novels.

"Beck Jameson and his words", another voice said spoiling our moment or  whatever this was. You guessed it Ajani Blade.  I saw anger fill Beck's eyes even before he turned to the face Ajani. 

"Why are you here, Blade?".

"Nehemiah let me in we have some business to discuss about ownership". He looked at me and smiled and I gave a small smile. 

"Hey Belle", he said and I whispered a hi. AWKWARD!!!

"So you hit her that hard she cried?You haven't changed much Beck after these years". That's it I officially hated Ajani Blade but he was so hot. Focus OB this super hot guy is a super hot jerk. At this point even my logic had bailed on me. But a sound made me jolt back to life. And immediately Beck's hands were around me. Those were gun...gunshot sounds.

I listened to About Love by Mariana for this chapter so you can go check it out. It doesn't relate to the chapter anyway. I will be introducing another book soon so let's see you guys there. 

Votes and comments make my stressful day happy. so please do make the star shine and drop your thoughts. love y'all.

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