
Chapter 4250

Christian was deeply shocked. He instantly stood up and demanded, “What happened?”

Charlie’s aunt Lulu, who was on the other end of the line, choked as she said, “The doctor said it’s a brain hemorrhage…”

“Brain hemorrhage?” Christian parroted, anxious. “What exactly happened?”

Lulu sobbed, “Dad’s mental state has been really bad recently… He’s unable to sleep during this period of time. He also seems to be feeling very miserable, and is in a very bad mood… He’s also very resistant to doctors, even as his body gets weaker and weaker…”

“Just now… Dad went to the bathroom by himself and suddenly fainted. He fell into a coma right after. The doctor rushed over and claimed that it was a brain hemorrhage, and that it’s caused multiple organ failures. Dad’s in a deep coma now, and he only has one or two days left at most…”

Christian grew more anxious and blurted out, “How could he suddenly have multiple organ failures?! What have so many of the doctors been doing?! Can’t they cure Dad?”
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