
17. Campfire: History's Rappers and Bible's Scientific Psychologists

There are as many philosophies in life as there are jellof rice in a Nigerian wedding party. Two of these philosophies have always intrigued me. One being the "Philosophies of Reviews". E. Thade once said, "Reviews are like the mirror that reflects our true self. A man that cannot do his reviews cannot fend for his family".

Don't think too much about it, it isn't as "awesome" as you think. Just meet that weirdo guy in that Wattpad book club of yours that is hammering on doing your reviews that carpenter that lives on Drury Lane.

The second being the "Philosophy of Creative Start". Speaking on that, Euphrates said, "A dive into the actual contents of a work without beating around the bush, not considering whether the bush is a different one from that to be hunted on, is like taking a bath more than once in a year".

You should have pretty much figured out by now that I was just churning out a bunch of nonsense. And yup, that was my own creative start--you can argue that with
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