

   Maisie collapsed on her bed as soon as she entered her apartment. She let out an ugly sob, her day was horrible, and it was the worst day of her life. They didn't plan to make use of her brain. All they wanted from her was to stand in a corner and look pretty like an ornament.

   At first, she had thought that they planned in using her as a secretary but apparently, they were not even thinking about that. She must be a dumb bimbo to them, she asked about the boss. The person who wrote to her about her employment but the news she had received was disheartening. He was in a coma and as a well-known womanizer, the only reason he could give a job to her was because of her figure and not her brain.

     She wasn't sure if she was glad for the job now. Maybe she should have taken her chances and applied for other job interviews, she might have gotten a firm she would be happy in. Instead, she had put all her eggs in one basket because it was the first one that offered her a position and now it was not what it seemed.

  She was sad and depressed about the job and she knew that there was no way possible she could leave this job now.  Her rent and plane ticket already wiped out her savings. She needed to be employed if she doesn't want to starve between the next two months. 

  Maisie stopped crying as she sat up with her face blotchy as she thought about her next course of action. All she needed to do was endure until she has enough cash at her savings then she could switch to a job that she wants because right now, her dream job sucks.

  Taking deep breaths, Maisie sat down as she plotted her next four months. She would have to do something about Mr. Huggins wandering hands which had already wandered to her butt twice today.  She had to do something about it fast. Before she can press charges for assault, she needed to save every penny she needs for the next four months, then maybe just maybe, she would be able to search for another job in the city until then, she planned on excelling at her current position.

  No matter how much of a womanizer Zachary Stephens was, she knew that she would not judge him or his choices in business because of how he chose to live his life outside of work hours. He must have seen something in her brain to employ her, not her figure and since Zachary was not around for her to ask him these questions plaguing her, she knew that she had to be the best she can be, not to prove to the firm that she has skills but to prove to herself that she could handle anything that was thrown her way. Good or bad and she will try her best to make the thing to work to her favor.

    Smiling to herself because of her plan which she thought was well made. She stood up and hopped into her shower hoping to take a quick bath before she goes to the kitchen to fix something for herself to eat.

 While bathing, she didn't notice the tiny whirlwind that happened in her room for a small time and didn't leave a lot of things out of their places. She certainly didn't notice the chill in the house.


Within the next two weeks, Maisie plan worked fine. She had won a case for the firm and that made her superiors to watch her closely, not that it did anything to stop Mr. Huggins wandering hands but she had perfected escaping them to the extent that it has turned into an art for her. 

  Still, Maisie couldn't help the feeling she has that she is in a den of enemies and that she wouldn't be safe if she took one wrong step.

   Maisie shook off her bad feeling as she walked back into the office of her team. " Miss Williams, did you get the coffee. " Mr. Huggins said as a mode of greeting her.

   " Sure, did sir. " Maisie replied with a smile. She has begun to enjoy her day little by little and one of the parts of the day she enjoys is getting coffee. Her enjoyment probably has a lot to do with the handsome owner of the cafe who works the lunch shift and little about the coffee itself. 

  Maisie wouldn't complain, she was okay to feed her eyes although she knew that if Betty was around, she would either be dating the cafe owner or had already dated him. 

  " What about the evidence on the Harris case. " Mr. Huggins asked.

   " Printed and sent to the judge, we would probably get her answer on the issue very soon. " Maisie said as she stood and waited for her immediate boss to throw more questions her way. This is what he does after she comes back for every coffee refill she was sent. He eradicates her good mood and leaves her almost to the point of bashing his bald head. 

  " At least you are good for something. " Mr. Huggins said in an absent-minded voice although Maisie knew better. If it was a lesser woman, she would feel the urge to cry but Maisie had already decided that all the tears she was going to shed because of this job had been shed on the first day of resumption when she had broken down.

   " Why thank you, sir. If you give me more caseload, you will see that I am very good at solving them. " Maisie said not beaten by his statement.

  " If you say so. " Mr. Huggins said with a creepy smile on his face as he advances towards her. Maisie guard immediately went up and for good reason too because when Mr. Huggins reached her side, he reaches out a hand to cup her butt.  " In a situation like this, what would you do? "

   " Well, I would have kicked your ass for sexual harassment but in a firm where I would probably be dismissed if I do that, I would just take care of you by myself. " Maisie said as she neatly side-stepped his hands.

  " Really? You said so. What would you do if I tried to take it further and attempt to rape you? " Mr. Huggins asked.

  " I will make sure you don't father any more children. " Maisie replied smoothly as the atmosphere went tensed. " any reason for these questions. " Maisie asked in a naive tone as if she was not feeling the mood of the room.

  " Your very first case, sexual assault of a female worker. We will be representing the company. " Mr. Huggins said with a hard tone.

  " Okay. I will see what I can do. " Maisie replied with her face blank even though she was screaming and jumping on the inside. It wasn't the type of case she would go for but she knew that she would make all parties happy and end the issue before one week without it meeting the courtroom and also gain recognition in her firm for the case.

 Everything was settled in her office, she wished she could say the same about her apartment, but she couldn't. Something was seriously wrong with her apartment.


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