
Chapter 13: Another One

Asteria had calmed herself down after some time. Even though the reality was hard to be accepted, it was still a fact. Knowing less may also lessen your caution, so she thought that with this new knowledge in mind, she had a better chance to survive. Knowing one’s enemy’s strength was the first step to defeat them. Here, Asteria only needed to survive.

Nevertheless, though her mind was still as clear as the day, Asteria was more cautious than ever. She often rested on the tree, vigilantly looking around to make sure that the area was safe before continuing to proceed forward.

Now that she knew wolves had the same intelligence as humans and could turn into one, how could she not be worried? She would suspect anyone that crossed the path with her as one of those creatures.

Asteria looked at left and right. She had been running around in the woods for some time. A day had passed just like that. She could only eat anything edible n

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