
Chapter 2

I already feel out of place. I shouldn't even be here but somehow I let Avery drag me to the bonfire. Thank God it wasn't at the creek or anywhere close, though it was near the forest, so I can't really complain.

Being in the company of Avery, I've already gotten the sense that she's intent on making the most of her senior year. At first, in the years passed, you'd never really see her involve herself with parties and things like that, but last year, I saw a bit of change in her.

Now that I'm her roommate, I am afraid she'll try drag me along with her everywhere, when it was my intention to not do so.

  The bonfire was set in a clearing , surrounded by trees. To me, it simply gave off that House of Wax vibes, but that's my opinion. While most people huddled around the fire, there was still different groups scattered around, creating a more wider circle.

Cars were parked on top of a small hill while the party was happening at the bottom. From the moment I arrived here, I've tried to ignore the few questioning glances I received from people I've walked passed, not wanting to be sucked back into the memory of that night.

I knew that some were curious about me arriving here without Danny, not that we ever displayed much about our relationship, but still, arriving without the other raised questions.

Avery has us stopping in our tracks when she receives a call.

" Hello." I decide to block out her conversation, mindlessly looking around at our surroundings.

I quickly turn away from a couple close by, making out like crazy. If they had their way, they'd be doing far more than make out, by the way they are eating each other's faces off.

Why don't they just get a room, seriously.

" I can't believe he's back." A girl says to her friend, as they walk past us.

I wonder who they are talking about. No, it's none of my business.

" Yeah, I heard that he might show up tonight." The friend responds.

Before I can ponder much on the girls conversation, someone tugs at my arm, earning my attention. "My friends have found a spot, come on." She says, already taking the lead.

Avery simply looked good tonight with a high waisted jean skirt and cute top, ending the look with complimentary make up, that didn't take away from the outfit. She was slightly shorter then me by an inch, right on the tanned side, had brown hair with blonde highlights with a pixie haircut. Her eyes were forest green and her greatest feature was her dimples, that popped out when she smiled.

Call me weird but she is cute.

I had settled for my own matched maroon set of a high waisted skirt and top, black stockings and anklet boots. I left my hair how I came and put little make up on.

One thing I was sure of tonight, was that I wouldn't be staying for long.

"Hey Avery, I'm feeling up for a drink, I'll come find you." I tell her, changing direction when I see Danny standing with a couple of his friends, them in between.

" Oh, please get me a soda too!' She calls after me.

'Wasn't planning on getting anything else.' I want to say, but I carry on my way.

A tap on my shoulder whilst distracted with drinks, has me jerking around that I almost drop one.

" Sorry." Ingrid says sheepishly.

" G. hi." She opens and closes her mouth, the words written on her face.

" Sorry, force of habit." Now I feel really awkward. " Ingrid, what are you doing here?"

"Well I wanted to see for myself whether you heard the rumours or not." She tucks her curly black hair behind her ear, shifting awkwardly on her heel.

I guess this is awkward for her too.

Ingrid Mathews, tall, slender, pretty with gorgeous big light brown eyes. We used to be close, right after Roman left me. Ingrid saw an opportunity for us to hang out and start a new friendship. Ingrid approached me with so much confidence, knowing full well that Roman wouldn't stand in her way, because Roman stood in the way of anyone who tried to get close to me.

" I don't listen to rumours, you know that." I say, walking away with the cans of soda.

" Well this might interest you." I stop in my tracks, my back to her. "In fact, it does concern you." She comes over to stand in front of me.

" If this has anything to do- ."

"No it's not that, though I'd like us to talk about that night."

"Well I don't, now I need to go." I start to walk off but she blocks my path, making me sigh.

" You don't know do you?" Ingrid's brows pull together, her eyes search my own for something but I have no idea what.

"Can you just tell me already." I say impatiently.

" Well- ," she's interrupted by someone calling her.

We turn to face Nicky, Ingrid's friend, a partner in crime, who stands just a few feet from us, giving us curious looks.

" I've been looking for you, we have that ' thing', to get to." I notice how she glances my way, when mentioning ' thing.'

" Oh um yeah, that. I'll be right there." Ingrid says.

Instead of walking off, Nicky remains where she is standing, making it obvious that she's listening in, on our conversation.

" You should have known by now, half of the school is buzzing about it."

The conversation is cut short yet again when a loud noise, like no other blocks out everything , including the music, earning everyone's attention.

My eyes glance up to the hill, where the rest of the cars are parked. That's when it appears, a big, black beautiful car, parking right in the middle like it was meant to be there.

I shouldn't have been looking or  even glanced that way, but I couldn't help it. Not when it's who, exits the car.

Four people our age, strut down the hill like they have no care in the world, three guys and one girl. Even after their music had been switched off, everyone here can't look away, not that I can either.

It might be dark but I would still be able to recognise the one in the middle, the more good looking one out of all of them.

" I guess the rumours were true after all." Ingrid says next to me.

I can't respond, words are stuck in my mouth as my eyes focus on one person and one person alone. The guy in the middle.

The new arrivals stand at a distance, conversing like they haven't just arrived, except one.

His eyes look around until they land on me and my heart stops.

I should look away. I should look away. I tell myself.

But I can't, it's impossible when he starts advancing towards me.

Oh no, no.....

The cans of soda drop from my hand, knocking me out of my trance, giving me reason to look away. I blink twice before crouching down to pick up the drinks.

Unfortunately for me, one can has rolled away out of reach. A hand wraps around that one, picking it up, just as I rise to my feet, my eyes trail up the figure.

Dark combat boots, dark jeans, leather jacket, white shirt and dark long hair tied back, oh gosh with the eyes that belonged to such a good looking face.

My eyes make the mistake of connecting to his own, the hazel capturing me at first glance. Something about these eyes seem familiar, they hold me in place, threatening to open a missing blocked piece of memory in mind, I've discovered.

" Here." A deep voice with a hint of huskiness says and I realize he's just spoken.

I blush so hard, realizing that I was just shamelessly staring.

He hands me the can and reaching for it, my body tenses when our hands touch and a tingly sensation remains on that spot. I glance up at him to see if he'd felt the same, only for something entirely different, to happen.

I'm rendered speechless for a few seconds, as pieces form together about who this is. It hits me hard, that I stagger back in surprise.

My eyes move all over him in quick motion and yes, without a doubt it's him.

Roman Joel O'Connor.

My ex best friend.

Memories flash at me like some slideshow, I'm taken back to that place of hurt, the stinging coming back.

He left me all alone but now he's here.

He opens his mouth to speak but I don't give him a chance to do so, when I walk past him to dash off.

" Hazel. " I stop in my tracks and close my eyes for a second.

It had been so long since I heard him call my name, I don't know how to feel about that.

I won't fall. I won't fall.

I walk away.

This time, it's me who's doing so and he'll see me doing it.

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