
Chapter 10

"You did what?" Robert was shocked, "Have you gone crazy?"

It was Tuesday afternoon, and Jack had just arrived at his office when Robert came by. His friend was expecting him to bring signed divorce papers and the forms for full custody of Eric, but Jack had none of those.

When Jack landed in Chicago, it was after midnight, so he went straight home. This morning he didn't rush to come to the office, he spent a morning with his son, and now when he had a load of paperwork to go through, his best friend was bugging him about something that even he did not understand.

"You do realize that you just made things a lot more complicated than they were?" Robert pressed further.

"I know." Jack sighed. "I know…"

"Then why did you do it?" Robert shook his head in disbelieve.

"I can't explain it because I don't even understand it myself. I just followed my instincts…"

"Your instincts?" Robert interrupted him, "What instincts? You don't even have them! You are the most ration
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goodnovel comment avatar
Virgoans Loyam
and so first love at first sight! love works in mysterious ways ...️
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
He is using Eric as way to reach her heart

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