
where is my coffee?


‘’I know what it looks like, Sharon’’ I held her icy hands again but she pulled away like my touch burned her. ‘’The media is making me look bad, come on now. I could never do that to you.’’ I lied.

Sharon’s lips were shivering, and her tears were flowing again. Fuck! I hate seeing her cry like this; she was such a sweet girl, although I didn’t love her as she thinks, I still hate seeing a girl cry.

‘’Believe me, Baby, please.’’

‘’You were leaving her apartment, Dev!’’ she said those lines about six times now and I hate repeating myself.

I came here to her place as soon as the tabloid printed those paparazzi shots. Sharon and I have been going out for almost a year now, not because I feel anything for her. This relationship we have is completely for the benefit of both our families. Dad and Mr. Holland have been close business partners since I can remember, and me being in this arranged-relationship with Sharon only seals the deal for both companies.

This issue of me cheating on her break out is a huge mess. Dad didn’t even ask if it was true or not, he just assumed it because I was just like him in his eyes. A cheater and a liar. It’s true alright, I’ve been with many girls before and during my relationship with Sharon, but it was consensual. They know what they were getting into except for Sharon.

‘’I know it looks bad, but believe me. Please, Baby, I can’t bear seeing you like this, you know how much you mean to me.’’

She didn’t even look into my eyes. Sharon is a hopeless romantic and wouldn’t even see that I wasn’t in love with her. She just loves the idea of being in love so much that she couldn’t even see that we are not a happy couple, we were just a couple for a purpose.

I hated begging and apologizing, especially when it was something I didn’t even regret doing. I hate lying, but I need Sharon to buy my charade. ‘’Fine, I’ll be leaving now. Just talk to me when you’re ready to listen, Baby.’’

I was about to walk out of her penthouse when I felt little arms around my waist. I knew that trick would work, but I still masked my victorious face with a worried face as I turned around and wrapped my arms around Sharon.

‘’Don’t go, Dev’’ she sniffed. ‘’I’m sorry, I’m just... I was just hurt seeing you with another girl.’’

Cupping her face, I planted my lips with her pinkish ones. I hate the taste of her branded lipstick, but I still had to deepen our kiss. ‘’Baby, there’s only you.’’

I made love to her that night, fucked her senseless until she forgets about the tabloids column. Sharon was a gullible girl for her age. She’s twenty-eight but still loves the idea of being in love. For me, love is just a word. Girls loved to be fucked and treated like princesses, listen to their stories, bring them to fancy places, and give them expensive gifts. I’ve never met any girl who could break that idea carved on my mind, and so I am stuck with that view.

Friday came and as I entered the Mávros’ enterprises, employees greeted me, but I just nodded at them. There was only one person in this building that I needed to talk to, and that’s my personal assistant.

I didn’t enjoy mingling with employees, they only whine about their workloads and complain about the company benefits. That’s HR’s job, and I pay them for their jobs.

As I stepped out of the private lift, employees on the 40th floor stood up and greeted me one by one. I just passed along their lines and nod each time someone greets me. My brows furrowed when I didn’t see my coffee tumbler on my desk. I hate tardiness and I will fucking fire my P.A.

I pressed the intercom. The one connected to her office, but she didn’t answer at the first ring. She answered on the fucking third ring!

‘’Office, now’’ I slammed the phone when I said those words.

I didn’t enjoy repeating myself, and I knew that I made my point clear that I wanted my coffee as soon as I entered my office. If she couldn’t even follow a simple instruction, how can I trust her with my entire day’s schedule?

There was a knock on my door and that fucking irked me. Is she doing this on purpose to irritate me?

The door swung open, and I started my banter as soon as I heard it closed.

‘’Where’s my coffee, Ms. Green? Are you really asking for your departure in this building?’’ I asked as calmly as I could straight into the glass wall of my office with both hands tucked inside my pocket.

‘’Mr. Mávros’’ her voice is different and when I turned around to look at her, it was actually a different person. I came into liking Ms. Green’s voice, it wasn’t as high pitched as a regular girl’s voice, hers was as calm as the morning breeze, not that I even told her that, and this girl’s voice in front of me sounded like it came from the depths of a concert. Broken and irritatingly pitchy.

‘’Where is Ms. Green?’’ my voice came out a little aloof now, and she stiffened at her foot. This blond is wearing a very skimpy office attire which I hate. It covers almost nothing and if she bends over a little, just to pick out a dropped pen on the floor, everything under that black mini skirt of hers will be revealed. Her makeup is as thick as a cake frosting and her hair was perfectly curled, unlike Ms. Green’s. She always wore those granny dresses that flow with the wind and her hair was always tied in a neat bun which made her look like my grandma. I would never lust over Ms. Green. Maybe that’s why we stayed together for years now.

‘’S-sir. She- You fired her yesterday. I-I’m just her temporary replacement.’’ She stuttered, and that definitely snapped my patience.

‘’Out! Now!’’

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Kiran Owen
he fucked her to the max
goodnovel comment avatar
Aminah Bolhi
Word usage not so nice🤔🤔🤔
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
Oh boi this is either gonna be very fun, funny, or sad

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