


"MATE, MATE, MATE", Nova kept on singing in my head. Letting out a sigh I walked towards the guys. The guy that stood in the middle started to walk towards me. He's a good looking guy. He's tall with dark brown hair and brown eyes. When he reached in front of me he stood just looking at me. He didn't feel like a threat, more like he was trying to figure me out, after a moment of uncomfortable silence, I cleared my throat and introduced myself.

"Hi, my name is Annalise but you can call me Anna, and from the looks of it I guess you are here with my grandfather", I said hoping I don't make a fool of myself. The brown-hair guy in front of me chuckled and shook his head. His warm brown eyes had that twinkle in it that made me feel like I trust him, you know the ones that make you feel safe. 

"I see your reunion happened rather fast. My name is Colin, I'm your only cousin or as your parents had hoped your big brother, since they practically raised me", He said smiling, the expression on his face soften even more, like he remembered something about my parents. And damn, I felt a little jealous that he got memories about my parents and I don't even remember their voices. Then he turned and continued with introducing the guys he came with and that's when I meet him, MY MATE.

"On my right is Shawn Charles, he is my beta. On my left is Dean Summers my third in command or in our community my gamma", he said but all I could do was focus on Shawn. He was also looking at me just as I was looking at him. After what felt like an hour Colin cleared his throat and I shook Dean's hands first, and then Shawn's and that's when I felt it, the sparks, I immediately removed my hand and rubbed it on my jeans. 

"So would you like to go to the packhouse or maybe go for a run before meeting everyone", Colin said trying to make conversation, I understand that I should be nice, but all I really wanted to do was leave but Nova, on the other hand, keep trying to persuade me otherwise, and that's when I remembered no one knew I had my wolf and that had to be kept a secret. 

"I'm sorry but you have the wrong idea, I don't have my wolf yet, I'm a human and besides I really need to get to school", I said looking at Shawn, disgust flash so fast in his eyes that if I wasn't looking I wouldn't have seen it. I felt like something dropped in my stomach and now, for sure, I really need to leave.

"Or ok, I'm sorry, I didn't know but if you intend on going to school Dean will accompany you and----",

"No need Colin, I'm ok on my own, I have had enough of people trying to protect me", I murmered then turned and walked away. He seems nice and I don't want to be ruder than I have to be. On my way to school, I called Kelly but she didn't answer, I knew she would normally go off and try to get information on the rogue alpha by herself but I really needed to talk to her. I decided to call James instead and informed him of Colin, Shawn and Dean, he wasn't happy to know I found my mate, but he said we will talk later as he was hunting some vampires who just popped up in town. As I almost reached the school I started to feel like someone was watching me, so I made a quick phone call to mom while taking a detour and heading into the forest. Mom's phone rang once before she answered.

"Anna, are you ok?", she asked and I couldn't help but feel guilty knowing this woman cares so much for me and she isn't even my real mom. 

"Yes mom, I'm fine but by chance does grandfather have anyone following me?" I asked, as I reached an area where no one from the road could see me in case I may need to prepare for a fight or shift.

"No anna, I have no one following you, Colin and the others are still here, why are you asking us this? Are you being followed?" my grandfather answered, I guess mom had the phone on speaker because he answered really quickly. 

"I'm not sure, I will call you guys back shortly", I hung up the phone before they could ask more questions. I need to focus, I know I'm being followed. Seeing Shawn's reaction to me not having a wolf just added more emotion to my already messed up head, so much for clearing my head it looks like today isn't my day after all. 

"Nova be prepared something isn't right". 

"I know Anna, but I think you should call back James or your maybe uncle", 


I was about to call when I heard a noise, I raised my head to see who or what it was. There coming out of the woods were five vampires and five wolves. I remain still carefully taking in the situation around me. It would be an easy fight if I have to fight, but I would like to know why they are following me. As they got closer the man in front came forward. He was indeed handsome with him being over a foot taller than me, red eyes, black hair and a serious dark vibe around him. He wore a dark gray suit and looked like he was about to attend a business meeting. He stop and stood in front of me, his red eyes roam from my face all the way to my feet and back. Then he just stood there not taking his eyes of mine and not saying anything so I decided to ask some questions.

"Who are you? What do you want? And why are you following me?", I said in one go, sounding like a ranting lunatic. The man in front of me just started laughing, but it wasn't a funny laugh, more like a sadistic laugh. With his deep voice and dark aura, my body went on high alert. 

"You rant just like your mother when she's scared and you even look a bit like her", he said, moving closer to me, for every step he took forward I took one backward until I backed up onto a tree. I didn't like the way he was looking at me and the fact that he knew my mom was no coincidence. Nova wanted to come out, she wanted to rip this guys face but I need answers.

"H-how do you know my mom?" I asked, keeping myself calm so I can get some information. He came closer to me and now we are face to face, and then he sniffed me. Did he really just sniff me? EWWWWW

"Well darling, your mom was supposed to get married to me. My name is Damien and I am the head of the largest vampire coven and since your mutt of a father took her away, I'm thinking I should take you away instead, since I can't smell a wolf nor see any vampire signs on you I'm guessing your human", He said, but after everything this morning. I don't mind having a good fight to blow off some steam, so I laugh and laughed hard.  His face was somewhat confused by my behavior, wait was he expecting some scared little girl, well he is surely mistaken.

" Did I say something funny?" He asked and I could sense the anger coming off him, even though he was trying hard not to show it. The rest of the vampires and wolves started to come closer, I was still laughing and they were looking at me like I was mad. Damien tried to grab my hand but I put up my two hands like I was surrendering, I stood up, straightened my shoulders and answered back.

"Look, Damien, if you are expecting some scared, young, pathetic little girl you are surely mistaken. And, if you think by bringing a handful of fighters will make me go willingly with you then you are even more wrong. I CERTAINLY WILL NEVER GO WITH YOU AND I WILL NEVER BE YOURS." I was shouting the last part to let him letting him know I'm serious, all laughter gone.

"Well, then I will take you by fo-----",

"She isn't going anywhere with the likes of you", said someone and I don't need to look to see who that voice belongs to. Damien looked behind me to see uncle Kylen, James and about fifteen other vampires who I don't know standing to the left behind us, and then to my right came seven wolves of all different colors and sizes walking up to us growling. I knew Colin's and Shawn's wolf as I saw them. Colin wolf was the same color as his hair, and I guess by the mate bond I knew Shawn's gray wolf. Damien's face dropped he knew he was outnumbered, he looked at me and said,

"This isn't over offspring, I will get to you no matter what it takes or who I have to kill to make it happen",

"Don't count on it, I don't need back up to take you down, remember that", I said with a smirk on my face, knowing fully well that I just provoked him. With one last look at us, he retreated and the rest of his followers left with him. As soon as he was out of sight James ran towards to hugging me hard earning him some growls and glares. Shawn was about to attack but I immediately stood in front of James to protect him,

"Enough, James is my best friend so everyone back the hell off", I said sternly looking at everyone. Shawn lowered his head and walked back to stand beside Colin. I was about to ask my James how they knew where I was but my uncle spoke first.

"James, can you take Anna to the packhouse", uncle Kylen said. 

"Sure boss"
"What, no I want to go to school, I need to speak to kelly", 
I protested.

"Anna, listen, Kelly isn't here she left yesterday, you can try contacting later, but for now it's better to get you somewhere safe", said James. Why did she leave and didn't say anything? I was about to argue but Colin wolf walked up and nudged me, so I sigh in defeat.

While on our way to the packhouse, I was holding on to James who was running using his vampire speed with both Colin and Shawn on either side of us. As we reached outside the house James put me down and I couldn't help but look at the most amazing house in front of us. It has a log cabin feel to it with some modern features, it's three story house but from the outside each story looked huge. I was so focused on the house I didn't realize that everyone had arrived and shifted back into human form. I was about to thank them when Shawn walked passed me bumping me. Like seriously what the hell is his problem. I looked at everyone in front of me just talking away and couldn't help but feel grateful for them. They were willing to put their lives on the line for me. 

When we entered the house, my grandfather told Colin to take me to my room and my Uncle told James to follow. Some of the pack members were looking us up and even growling at James, but as Colin growled at them, they bent their heads in respect. Colin leads us to the top floor at the far right of the house by a big red door.

"This is your room, mine is opposite yours, and Shawn's is next to yours. Dean doesn't stay here, he has his mate so he took a cabin outside. James you will take a room from the other side where aunt Cleo had prepared for her family". Colin said and James nodded.

I entered the room and I was shocked, the walls were white and gold with red drapes and red carpet, yes I love red but I didn't think anyone here knew that. I guess my parents had a part in making this room mine, the bed was a king-size, the bathroom was a good size but the closest was huge and I loved that, after checking out the room I sat on the bed and decided to try calling Kelly again but she didn't answer. James came and sat beside me taking my hand in his.

"I think we should tell Colin the truth, but Anna this is your decision. I feel we can trust him."

"I know, I got the same feeling", I said but I still need Nova to tell me if she trusts him, the moon goddess did say to keep it a secret.

"Nova do you trust him", 

"Yes, I do, it feels right", she answered instantly.


"James can you call Colin for me please", I asked giving his hand one last squeeze before letting go.

"Sure"he replied, leaving the room. Being by myself I allow my mind to wonder, trying to figure out a way out of this mess. Also a small part of me hopes Colin accepts me because wether I like it or not he is the only connection I really have to my parents. Colin entered about five minutes after. I was about to tell him everything when I was hit by the most horrible pain in my stomach. A horrific scream tore it's way out of my throat and I fell to the floor, it felt like someone was stabbing me, both Colin and James came to my side, but as they touched me it felt like I was getting burned. 

"NOVA WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING", I linked Nova but got no reply. 

"NOVA", I called out to her, but nothing, just silence.

James was shouting at Colin who was looking at me with so much rage, that his eyes were black and his teeth were coming out like he was about to shift.

"J-James something is wrong, N-nova isn't answering",

"Who is Nova?", Colin growled, his wolf was starting to take over.

"Nova is Anna's wolf, she masked her scent because the moon goddess asked her to, come on Colin we need to help her", James shouted, but Colin came and took my hand and asked a rather strange question.

"Who is your mate", before I could answer another pain hit me stronger than the last one and I screamed. 

"Shawn is her mate but I don't understand what that had to do with anything", James answered for me. Colin growled loudly before he picked me up like a baby and took me downstairs to the game room. James was right behind us questioning Colin who didn't answer. As Colin pushed the door opened, the scene before me, shocked and hurt the hell out of me. All I felt was my heart-break. 

In front of me was Shawn and a big boobed blonde going hard at it, he had her pushed up against the wall, her legs were wrapped around his waist while he was thrusting in her hard, she arched the back in pleasure moaning his name loud while he put his mouth on her nipples sucking the life out of it, they were so unaware of our presence that the moans and grunts were getting louder. I'm guessing the amount of pain that's running through my body means Shawn was about to cum. 

"That's why you are in pain, your mate is unfaithful",  Colin said but before I could look away another sharp pain hit me causing me to scream out loud, that's when they both saw us looking at them.

 "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD", someone shouted before everything went black.

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