
Chapter 3 :

I noticed another thing doing the second test; the infected can’t hear well; that’s why we usually don’t notice them in wildness. They have a short range of reacting when hearing others moving. That’s why we call them weak, a knock into their head will take them out.

That’s all I could find near my living place. Damien chose a perfect place for me to live in. Really, I am glad that he thought of it before hand. I know that there are more out there, I remember that I was on a mission with Damien, apparently, there were some survivors from an expedition awaiting for help, they were attacked by a somewhat different creature than the madmen, they were completely different; they had claws, a body more violet than usual and stronger.

« You are back, how about playing cards, it was in one of the boxes that you made. »

« No, I don’t feel like it. »

« Are you like that because you saw something bad or because you haven’t received any letters? »

« I need to wake up early; I had work to do tomorrow. »

« Oooh me too. I’ve been a housemaid this whole time. »

I am quite used to him now; he is funny and a good companion. I could trust him; he didn’t harm me and was smiling all the time. We spent two months now together, and we’re good.

« You know what how about we go out tomorrow? I guess we’ll have a good time, » I said, turning my whole body facing him.

We are sleeping near each other around a fireplace that I built before in the house; it had to stay lit for the shadow beasts to stay away.

« You are saying that we’re going out to have fun, but I doubt it, we’re probably going to fetch water. »

« So we’re going? »

« No »

Next day, I went to the river at dawn. I know that I have an unusual brute force, but a little help would be welcome. He didn’t want to come even if I insisted. He said that it’s better to rely on my brutal force. Seriously, he isn’t a reliable person; I feel like I am leaving a wife at home. The place where I go to fetch water isn’t far from the capital. There is a river that crosses the whole capital to the other side. It’s actually one of the main reason that it was built there, to have water inside of the city. I used to read books, that’s why I know that. I had to walk alongside the river, moving far away from the walls, if I am spot, I’ll be snipped. I had to be careful, not to use magic, because if I did, they would sense it.

Because of Robert’s handcraft, I could bring home a lot of water. He made a mud pot, a big one for me since I can heft it easily and one that I leave behind where I put water. Mud has great properties, especially for water, it purifies it from all impurities. There is always a chance that we’ll get infected by the water.

I put the pot on the ground, then used a small bowl to fetch water from the river. Thinking about it, Robert’s company is precious; he is funny, kind and helpful. I had the work to go hunt for meat and bring water each time that we needed it. There was once he went with me to fetch water, but he complained from the long trip, he returned all exhausted. I laughed for the whole day.

I was busy filling the pot when an explosion happened near me. I had to shield the pot for it not to break because if it broke Edward would yell at me the whole day and I can’t endure his yelling; he has a hard voice that makes you want to crawl in fear. Why am I even thinking about this now? I sigh.

The explosion stopped. I turned to see what happened. There was a small crater nearby, the trees around it have fallen. I left the pot behind and wanted to know what caused the explosion. It felt like something dropped or fell from the sky.

There was a strange creature lying down entangled in hunting nets; it was all over it. I wanted to hide, but nothing was available to play the bush. The creature was busy fighting its way out from the net. It kept rolling over itself, the more it moved, the more it trapped it. I felt pity for the strange creature. It was all black with clear scales; it was so pretty. I’ve never seen anything like it in my whole life.

What should I do? I want to help it, but I feared its wild temper, I’ve been watching it for some time now hesitating whether to go to it or go back. I can’t leave it like that. I approached it slowly, but the crack of a branch gave out my position, it looked at me with its yellow eyes. I doubt that it will understand me.

Every time I came closer by one step, its growling grew more and more, but I was determined to help it. I won’t back off if it attacked me, I’ll punch it and flee away. I pulled the knife from my backpack, ready to use it for the net. I wasn’t afraid this much from it since it was all mummified by it. Thinking about it, he was hunted down so probably someone must be searching for it, I need to hurry up. I began to cut the rope turning my head from time to time checking if someone was approaching, I couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe someone is near. I didn’t notice the creature that calmed down until I finished cutting all the ropes.

« Big guy, I’ll get you out of here. Just wait for a second okay, » I said.

It looked at me as if it understood me. That was strange. I wonder what kind of creature is this. It stood up but fell due to his legs being injured. I guess that it injured them in the fall. Suddenly I remembered about a cave that was not far away. I remember going near it when it suddenly rained one day, I think that it would be better sending it there, but I’ll need to pull it. If I pull it normally, it would be a problem because its back would be injured. It’s a tricky situation, but I can't stay here for too long, and I can’t leave it either.

« What do you think we should do because we can’t stay here? I bet that someone is already at the trail, » it kept looking at me, what am I expecting that it’ll answer me? That’s crazy, « I don’t think that you would understand me.»

« You are looking down upon me too much human, » it said, or rather he said since he talked. I turned around surprised.

« You talk, I mean you talk. Wow, that’s surprising, I’ve never met another one from other races, from which one are you? Do you leave far away because I’ve never travelled to other kingdoms? What kind of magic do you perform? »

« You must use the energy that you’re using in your excitement to be safe, I appreciate your help, but I can’t drag you any further. »

« Don’t worry, I am strong, I can help you, I need something to pull you, I don’t think that a tree would do the trick. »

« Indeed, then let me lean on you. »

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