
The destruction of Avarice
The destruction of Avarice
Author: Philomena Cherry

Chapter One


The sound of little birds singing sweet tunes awakens me from my slumber. The first rays of the morning sun shine through my window and cause my pretty chamber to glow brightly. Today is going to be a wonderful day.

I smile brightly at the thought of this evening's ball, where I shall have the chance to meet some of the wealthiest Kings and the most charming of princes'. Is it not every young maiden's dream to be a princess and marry a wealthy and handsome prince? Or even a King? Well I am certainly living that dream. Their fantasy is my reality, well almost. 

I suppose the part that they always miss out in those fairy-tales, is most princesses do not get to marry for love. Instead it's an arrangement formed in the name of peace. I am a part of the rare lucky ones, I get to choose my groom. Even if we do not fall in love, so long as we can respect each other and live in harmony, my life shall be one of peace.

Today is all about tonight's Royal Ball. I shall be accompanying my mother in it's preparations and with the assistance of my ladies-in-waiting prepare myself to look my greatest for my future husband. I wonder to myself, 'what does he look like?' 'Shall he be charming but kind?' 'Handsome in a devilish manner or be of a sweet/charming nature?' 'If I choose him will he choose me?' 'What does his castle look like?' 'Will I ever know love?'

My mood begins to dampen at such thoughts but I force myself to smile and be optimistic of the future. I've always had a strong desire to know what it feels like to be in love and to be loved deeply in return. The entire marriage arrangements among Royals is indeed a gamble of hearts. Some win enormously, are happily married and in deep love with one another. Others are not so fortunate and live miserable lives, all hidden behind false shows of teeth and laughter. 

I sat up in my bed and stretched my arms above my head, yawning deeply as I do so. I force myself out from under the soft heaven and make my way towards the two glass doors that open onto my balcony. I enjoy coming out here every morning, even in the wintery days. I love to look upon the beautiful gardens catching the sweet heavenly scent of the roses and Jasmine that waft into the warm summer air. I find it calming.

The sun rays warm my pale skin and I raise my head to see the towering forest looming mysteriously in the distance, I feel the shadows calling my name. I feel the urge to shift for the last time before I'm ensnared in a potentially loveless marriage. With this sudden need I swiftly begin to change. My body morphing into a four legged creature. My ears sharpening, growing. My body spouting a short hairy coat. My teeth, replaced with sharp pearly fangs. I feel my long tale swishing behind me. Growling with satisfaction, I leap off my balcony and land with a soft thud within the captivating garden. I tilt my head up slightly as I sniff the air, my nostrils are now much more sensitive, I gather the smells of different flowers, herbs and some of the nearby guards. I begin to pace towards the surrounding walls of the castle, searching for the hidden doorway within.

As I'm searching, I take in the different varieties of plants growing in a wild formation all around me. There is one flower that particularly catches my eye and distracts me from my current task. It's shaped petals resemble a lily flower yet the variety of colours and stems that shoot from it's center cause a waterfall of vibrant colours and an intoxicating scent to put the lily flower to shame with it's simplicity in comparison to this vivid display of nature's beauty. 'I'll have to enquire with my mother about what type of floral this is, as I've never seen it before'. With that thought in mind I once again began my search for the hidden doorway leading to my temporary freedom.

After a short while I discovered it, hidden underneath some overgrowth behind the large oak tree. Using my strong jaw, I sunk my teeth into a small, thick, oddly shaped branch and pulled down as hard as I could. Once I heard the familiar 'click', I awaited the door to open. Soon enough the awful sound of stone grinding against stone stung my ears until my exit way had fully appeared. I swiftly ran through it and continued on my way heading straight for the mystical voices calling my name in the shadows of the forest of Avareen.  

The soft breeze combs through my short fur coat as I continue on my run towards my destination. The large fir trees seem to grow even larger with every step I take. Their swaying, pointed figures look almost as if they're dancing. Their whispering needles are caught up in the wind beckoning me to come closer. 'closer' they say. 'almost there'. I run as fast as I can. Speeding to a sudden halt as I look up at their moving figures. 

I sniff the air, taking in their sweet pine scent before I begin to walk slowly through them, my tail swaying gently behind me. As I make my way through I begin to run as fast as I can. Jumping over fallen logs and sprinting across random pathways that intertwine within each other. I run deeper and deeper into the forest, enjoying the wind brushing against me, the sound of the ground beneath me crunching as my paws come into contact. 

After some time I begin to slow my pace into a trot, taking in my surroundings. The trees seem endless but up ahead I see a small clearing. I make my way towards it. A large hollow log sits comfortably to my right. To my left I hear the sound of water thundering against rock. I begin to make my way towards it and come across a large waterfall. The ground surrounding it is damp as the sprays from the water come spitting out in all directions. I sit and watch, taking in it's beauty and the peacefulness that comes with it's rumbling voice. 

I look around me, the birds are happily chirping in the trees. I see fish swimming and leaping out of the river. Their colours are magnificent, sparkling against the sunlight in a smear of rainbow before they disappear again into the crystal blue water. 

Suddenly a loud roar echoes through the trees. The birds flee in flight and the fish swim into hiding. I stand, ears alert, eyes scanning my surroundings. I hear a frightening growl from behind me, my fur stands on end. Turning slowly, my heart racing and not daring to breathe. I look into the shadows, peering back at me are a pair of yellow demonic eyes. Before the creature can pounce, I run. I run as fast as I can, not caring where I go so long as I don't die by the claws of that demon. 

My heart's panting at an increasing rate. My breaths come in and out in short spurts. I've stopped running to catch my breath. All I hear is the pounding of my heart. My body trembles at the thought of those eyes. Fear envelopes me. 'WHAT WAS THAT!?' 

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by another heart wrenching growl from behind me. I attempt to leap forward before sprinting into the woods, only to feel a powerful force slam me into a nearby tree. A screech escapes my throat as a terrible pain rips through my side. I whimper as I cower against the tree. Turning my head to face my attacker. The creature with demonic, yellow eyes stares into my soul. Baring it's vicious teeth. Spit drips from it's jaws as it snaps and growls at me.

I whimper and try to escape but I'm cornered. I try to growl in return, baring my fangs only for it to anger the beast further as it steps closer to me. Out of the shadows it comes. It's short black fur covered it's body in a thin coat, disturbed only by the deep scars torn through it's entirety. There is a deep scar running from it's forehead down to it's snout. Making it look even more frightening. It's huge muscular body shook with every step. Just as the enormous bear lunges towards me I freeze, my body unable to move. My heart stops and my breath hitches. 

'i'm going to die'. 

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