
Chapter 149: Here comes your end...

Beatrice's POV

I could hear howls, screams, and laughs from everywhere. The battle just begins from our pack and Klint's pack. On the other hand, I am bound to fight Klint. There's no other one who is going to face him. My allies have already found their opponent. This is my chance now to make him pay for what he did to my family. Klint and I didn't start fighting each other. I was waiting for him to attack me first.

“I can't believe you have the courage to face me, Beatrice Fraye. What a lovely name but is bound to die in my hands.”

Alpha Klint was even laughing when he told me those words. I just shook my head, teeth gritted in anger.

“As if I will allow you to do that to me. I swear, before you can kill me I have already killed you first. I'm not afraid to die, Klint.”

Klint crossed his arms, eyes were still on mine. I wondered what he was thinking right now.

“Really? Don't you want to see your husband? That coward alpha? Where is he now?”

I gritted my teeth when Klint mentioned
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