
Chapter.4*Game Of Money*

Well, now that they had enough fun on my behalf, it was my time to stand up for myself. 

''I believe in simplicity, I wear what I feel comfortable in, not in what others feel comfortable seeing me in,'' I replied and slowly pushed my hair back from my right shoulder.

Of course, I couldn't say, I'm lying because I can't afford a designer dress which was okay as the reason I chose to work in a boutique was to earn in the first place. If I was rich enough to afford designer dresses, I would have never taken this job.

 I sensed not just the girls, but Ryker stared at me for a moment too, even when I swirled my head back at them, he was still looking at me. He was zoned out in some deep thoughts and I was just an object where his eyes were stuck upon. 

''Yeah, but sweetie, we sell clothes. I would want my workers to look pleasing enough for the customers to not only spare glances at them but also compliment your choice.'' Scarlet, being a fashion designer, quickly disagreed with my statement.

I understand what she was saying, so she should just pay us extra then, "I would suggest you buy some clothes from my store with your payment to look appealing." as ignorant as she sounded, she didn't think there was anything faulty in her statement. 

"Ryker is right! At dinners you should---" Willow, in her beautiful accent, was about to mutter something when she was cut in the middle of her words with Ryker's interruption.

"It's sir!" That awkward moment, "and how do you what I meant?" Well someone has to show her the boundary. The wicked smile on Willow's face was quickly replaced with an embarrassing weak smile, she of course didn't see it coming.

Her head bowed down with shame as she fidgeted with her fingers, she deserved it anyway.

My eyes went back to Ryker, who was waiting for my attention. 

''I respect what you said, it is what everyone should feel too. You need to be comfortable in what you wear, not to please others because you can't ever fully satisfy everyone. I resp-----'' Ryker had a glass of water in his hand and with his every word he was shaking the water in the glass, his eyes weren't on me anymore and that's why I was easily scanning his gestures. 

Before he could process, Scarlet made deep eye contact with him and he took a pause before continuing again, ''I respect your thinking, but when you are in the fashion industry, you have to be aware of what you are wearing and how you carry yourself or you will make a fool of yourself.'' He changed, he freaking changed his statement. 

The girls noticed that too, I mean the way the girls shared glances indicated that they too discerned how quickly he contradicted his own statement. 

But what I noticed no one else did, he changed the statement when Scarlet cleared her throat, and soon after he finished talking, she squeezed his hand with satisfaction and a smile of content on her face. 

"I'll work on my closet," I replied to him in a murmur. 

A woman in a kitchen apron walked out of the kitchen with a tray of food in her hands. Everybody's attention diverted to her while I planned to steal a look of Ryker, just to see if Scarlet and him were speaking in eyes. 

My bad! 

The moment I looked at him, I found him watching me. 

Oh No! 

Instead of looking away, my nasty eyes traveled down his chest. His shirt was a little messed up from his chest and a bit unbuttoned. I hurriedly lifted my eyes again and scorn covered his face. 

Ugh! I bet he thinks I've a dirty mind. 

''Oh, by the way, girls, this is maid Monica.'' I raised my head upon Scarlet's introduction to the old lady holding a tray in her hand. ''She is our maid.'' She passed her a sweet smile while Ryker watched the lady with a comforting beam on his lips, why was I watching his lips? Let it be a mystery.

''Hi girls," Monica mumbled sweetly. Lacy and Nichole had a smile on their lips, but Willow doesn't look very Impressed, I wondered why. 

''Hey, Maid Monica.'' The girls replied, straightening their back so she could set the plates in front of them. 

I don't wanna be judgmental, but we all knew she was a maid, then why do we have to tag this term with her name? Maid Monica? For real?

 So shouldn't it be like Stupid Willow, Model Ryker, and designer Scarlet?. These rich people I swear were so weird. 

The girls were talking to each other, Ryker was busy on his phone while Scarlet and I were just doing nothing. 

Monica tried to adjust the tray in one hand while using her other hand to set the food before us. 

''Here, lemme help you.'' I saw how hard she was managing that tray in her hand and then every time she moved a plate off, the balance broke, ever heard of the trolley? I got up in haste and grabbed the tray out of her hand, offering her my help. 

''Kathleen.'' In the murmurs around, I heard Scarlet's gasp. Her forehead had a frown drawn over it. I ignored the uneasiness of Scarlet and kept my head high. I knew I wasn't doing anything wrong. 

Ryker, however, tilted his head and scanned my every move sharply. I didn't do it for him though, or to impress anyone. I have been in her spot and I still was. Only I knew how it felt to be treated with disdain. 

''No, honey I'm fine.'' Monica pulled the tray back, but anyhow, I grabbed it off her hand again. ''oh what a kind girl.'' she happily smiled back at me.

I knew Scarlet didn't like it, because for some reason it was wrong to help a maid right? Why are these rich people so self-absorbed?

''Oh my, look at those legs of yours.'' After serving the food, Monica took a minute to glance at my long legs in jeans. I bit my lower lip but managed to pass her a weak smile. 

"Ryker had seen my photos from when I was young." she sweetly mentioned and peaked at Ryker for affirmation, who passed her back the same innocent and sweet smile.

Scarlet adjusted in her chair lazily to show Ryker she wasn't comfortable with a maid mentioning his name so casually.

Although Ryker wouldn't waste mending his ways for her over matters, he disregarded Scarlet's every attempt to get his attention. 

''I used to look this beautiful when I was young, ah time flies by quick,'' she mumbled, everyone looked at my blushing red face and I became more self-conscious. I saw Ryker from the corner of my eyes, his eyes were lifelessly watching me with no expression on his face. 

I don't know what it was about his stare, but it was giving me chills, ''and those blond long hair of yours looks like a fountain.'' her words made me blush more, and that indeed pissed off Willow.

Because she scoffed tiredly and glared at Monica to shut her up. Ryker slid to one side on his chair and rested his elbow on the table. He stroke his lips while being zoned out into space and thinking about God knows what. 

''Shall we start?'' Willow looked at everyone, making Monica walk away. I took my place again and soon everyone was indulged in their meals. All I wanted was to just finish the dinner in peace now. 

''Willow, what's your full name?'' Ryker, who was now beginning to take interest in the dinner again, questioned. TIlting his face towards our direction since Willow and I were sitting right by each other's side, he deepened his stare. 

''It's Willow Whitaker,'' she replied with a pleasing grim. 

''Don't tell me you are Mr. Parker Whitaker's daughter!'' the surprise in his voice was really evident, ''Scarlet do you remember that brand we were trying to sell your designs to?'' Ryker cocked his head to Scarlet, the smile on Willow's face was a sign of victory. 

I appreciated the boldness of Ryker for mentioning that specific part so loudly. 

''That deal?'' she looked as surprised as Ryker was. The beam of excitement shone through their eyes. 

''Yeah! She is his daughter. I had a few suspicions when I first heard her name but couldn't get myself to investigate her.'' the amount of honesty they showed in talking about her made me really impressed by their ways. 

''Yeah, that's my father, but my mother runs the company,'' she replied, tugging her hair behind her ear.

"Your mother is the one who makes the deals right?" Scarlet bit her lower lip and thought hard before interrogating Willow, who was happy to be a part of this discussion. 

"Yeah, my stepmother owns everything," she answered back but with less enthusiasm this time. The way she nervously played with her food made me think the daughter and mother might not be close to each other. 

''That is great, why didn't you tell us before?'' Scarlet gave her a very pleasing smile and pressed Ryker's hand. She knew she was going to use Willow to get the deal or whatever.

''I just wanted to do something on my own,'' Willow replied and waited for the appreciation of everyone. Well, I don't believe her, ''what does your father do Kathleen?'' Willow's question ceased the fork in my hand to the midway.

This was so abrupt, how did the conversation turn from her family to my father so quick? I bet I have mentioned that my father was no longer with us, but she had to spoil my mood.

''He--,'' I gulped, not looking up from my plate, ''he is not with us anymore,'' I stated, not even wanting to look at anyone.

''Why, where does he live?'' she crossed the line, everyone glanced at her face in confusion. it wasn't so hard to understand what I meant. I raised my eyes her way, hoping she would get a hint that she had pissed me off but she wouldn't quit. 

"Tell me, I wanna know." She questioned with a fake pout to look cute. 

''He is dead Willow, he is dead.'' I finally raised my voice, glaring at her face with my eyes filled with tears. It all began after his death, the reason I had to run from the world, and she dared to mock my life's worst incident. 

I understand she was self-absorbed, but what happened to everyone else at this dinner table? Why didn't anyone stop her right there? 

''Chill Kathleen, she didn't know.'' Scarlet, who used to be so nice and by the book, started taking sides. Willow's mother's money has become a shield for her. I calmed myself once Scarlet eyed me to conduct myself before everyone. 

I sneakily looked around with tears of anger forming in my eyes. Everybody was glaring at me while Ryker very calmly chewed the food and cleaned his mouth. I bet he was getting ready for his turn. 

''How rude Kathleen.'' Lacy eyed me bitterly, I shrugged in confusion. How is it my fault?

I turned my head towards her, blocking everyone else out of my vision since she sat in a completely opposite direction to them. She shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes on me scowling at her. 

''Kathleen,'' Ryker said my name, freezing my body with the mention of my name from his lips.

Now what? He was going to lecture me to behave while Willow keeps hurting me? Is money above everything?

I bit my lip to subside myself from muttering anything under my breath and swirled my neck in their direction again. 

His eyes were fixated at me, his eyebrows knitted together as he deepened his stare at me. I prepared myself mentally and just blankly watched him. 

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