
8: New feelings

The morning was calm and fresh in pack red moon territory, there wasn't much noise except the ones from nature, including the ones Ethan had never heard in his life. But he couldn't profit fully as he was half deaf and didn't find it necessary using his hearing device, it made people hate him, and hate was the last thing he needed. if he could he would take off his glasses as well. Impossible.

He stared down at the blue bracelet and wished he had a golden one like Nathan's maybe that way he would accept him.

The slight knock on the door drew him out of his hallucinations as he went to answer it. The girl with long, light, brown hair stared at him with a nervous smile. Her big brown eyes boring into him, making him nervous.

"Uh, hey Ethan, I'm Gabriela, you can call me Gaby." She introduced herself nervously.

Ethan slowly back away as realisation hit him, she was the wolf who had sent him violently against the wall. Have she come to finish the job?

"No, no, I'm not here to start from where I stopped. I just wanted to, uh, say sorry, for, um, shoving you so hard." She said when she notice his distress step back, wincing afterward with a not so confident grin afterward.

Ethan nodded while staring at everything except her.

"So if you wish we could become friends, you don't look like a horrible person." She smiled sincerely, he was startled by her request and a little frightened by her offer. He gave a shrug.

"If you want I could walk you to your next class, maybe we would see again during lunch." She said brushing her hair behind her ear.

Ethan nodded before going in to grab his stuffs.

"So you're the omega." She said trying to start a conversation as they walk in slow pace in the hall. Ethan nodded in response.

"I heard you were half blooded. And stuffs." She continued only earning a grunt from Ethan who had his nose stuck in a book.

"Are you always so silent and kinda gloomy?" She asked hesitantly causing him to look up lifting his shoulders for a little shrug. The conversation was all new to him, he felt awkward and maybe a little tiny glitter of happy.

"You don't like speaking. Do you?"

"Sorry, I'm not of good company." He spoke in his normal usual voice. Low child-like pitched.

"Not at all, at times when Nathan speaks I wish he could just shut up." They both chuckled at her joke.

"Thanks for walking me." He said when they got in front of his class.

"No worries, see you doing lunch. Like when we no longer have classes, or you could sit by me, we're in the same class." She said with a smirk. Ethan forced a sheepish grin.

"First time grinning, caused by me." She pointed her finger to herself with a dramatic tone making Ethan chuckle.

They both walked in to a half filled class and took Gaby's favorite position at the middle roll. Gaby didn't stop her chatting, it felt new and different but Ethan couldn't deny how pleasant it felt. It made him feel like everyone.

During the science classes Ethan did his own talking, about his science experiments, she immediately knew from how he turned from a shy little boy to a great scientists just in a matter of seconds. She listened to him and asked questions on science only.

"You don't have much to tell than your books and studies huh?" She asked with an amused grin during lunch.

He gave a shrug returning back to his shell, as he played with the fork.

"Hey. I'm okay with it." She placed a hand on his send chills down his spin as goosebumps grew out of his skin.

"You're all white." She remarked amusedly

"Uh..." He blinked multiple times behind his glasses staring at her hand on top of his. The heat of her palm, the sensation of the gentle rubs.

"Gaby." A voice came from behind them, he practically jumped out of his thought as he lowered his gaze at his twin brother.

"The different personality is so opposite!" Gaby squirm pulling out her phone and taking a quick picture before Nathan or Ethan could protest.

"I need my chemistry note book, I can't find it and I think, uh, the last time I saw it, it was with you." Nathan trail off with an uncertain gaze shift.

"I don't think so." Gaby said raising a brow.

"Come on, you're the only person who hang out with my stuffs, at least check in your dorm, then we can go to the alpha building." Nathan's tone held many negative indications.

To Ethan it was a loud "fucking stay out of my stuffs dickhead!"

"Oh, yeah probably." She got up pouting before staring down at Ethan with a wide grin.

"See you, E-Town." She waved before walking off, obviously worried by the sudden disappearance of the note she could've sworn she gave back.

E-Town? Ethan thought surprisingly at his first nickname given by someone other than his family.

Nathan towered over Ethan hands crossed over his chest, "you know Ethanol, Gaby and I have been friends since we were pups, I'm very attached to her and I care about her and she is my best friend, I'll like you to fucking stay away from her. If you don't want to get me piss off. And I bet you don't wanna know what I do when I'm pissed." He ending his sentence with a growl which made Ethan shrink with a quick nod.

He turns to leave but paused turning his head over his shoulder. "Not only her, all that belongs to me, you can only approach them with five feet gap only when necessary. You aren't dumb Ethanol, I know you won't break my rule." With that he left.

Ethan picked his tray and throw it in the garbage can.

He grabbed his bag and walked in the opposite direction Nathan took. The remaining hours were exclusively for training. What could a human be doing in a wolf training room? Looking to get hurt..

He shuddered at the memory of the crash the previous day. He made his way slowly in a steady pace out of the H building. The sky was the pure reflection of ocean except with the many white clouds.

Ethan stepped out taking a deep breath as he continued down the field. The ground was green and carefully cut in an equal level. The sounds of loud thumbing on the floor peck Ethan's curiosity as he took out his note book looking at the horizon were he could spot heads.

A group of werewolf in a dull colored suit of ash with thin straight golden line as tripe, with a dominant color of black, were heading in a straight line to the woods. They looked older than the psi and stronger. Who are they? Ethan thought.

He looked down at the note he had taken while Gaby was speaking. They were the lambda, the hunters. And the two male and female leading them in ash blue suit with black were they kappas, leaders of all hunters. (All suits are dominantly black! I.e black is the dominant colors on all their werewolf suit.)

Ethan noticed another group heading to the labyrinth with rainbow colors and black, weird suit. He thought but immediately knew they were the psi. New wolves looking for ranking. The large group split in two. One with the beta, he identified as Mark beside him was Nathan with his golden suit similar to mark's. The other group was with the Gemma he knew was Robin in his dark green black suit.

The first group went straight to the maze. The second to the garden.

Again their was a split from the garden group who head to the weapon section with Dian as leader.

Ethan watch in awe. Writing as much note as he could. And wishing he was one among the million werewolves jugging with determination of proving their rank.

He turn the other way to a different part of the woods, he also noticed that the mansions were surrounded by bushes.

Ethan walked slowly while taking in the strange plants. His foot rubbing and matching on the surprisingly smooth ground with little to no dry branches.

The slightest sound made by the living things around were different. It didn't feel like you were in a typical wood in the universe where earth is located. It was different.

A squirrel hopped on a tree nearby, it had strangely black stripes on it's white fur, but it wasn't snowy around.

Ethan reached out but before his hand left his pockets the animal had already flee.

He took out his note jotting down the details and behavior of the squirrel.

He moved further, spotting a giant butterfly, with the colors of rainbow perching on the most beautiful yet weirdest flower he had ever seen in his whole study.

The plant was big and tall enough to stop at his kneels, it had three colors of petals each with a small shed of different colors at the edge.

The first layer was black with pink at the edge, second was pink with black at the edge, third layer was violet with green at the edge. The seed were blackish pink. The root, green like every normal plant.

Ethan crouch down to it, pulling his hand out he touch it, only to be poked by a sort of torn that grew out of the flower's stem within a second. Good defense.

Ethan flinch checking out the now bleeding tiny hole. He took out his note, quickly drawing the floor, then giving the tree nearby a scratch with a sharp stone, so when he comes back he would easily recognise it.

He continued his little exploring, further in the woods. Jotting down what seem to be fascinating to him, and that was almost all the woods.

He came to a brutal stop when he heard loud voices over an argument and a heavy thud on a tree.

He froze. Hiding was the first thing that crossed his mind. He quickly swung behind a wide bush, taking out his hearing device, he put in on, so he could pay more attention to the conversation.

"Fuck that!" A hoarse voice growled.

"I was gonna get it! But the alpha, is just too cautious with his stone. I can't access it right now." Another familiar voice said.

"Really?! Move your lazy ass and get me the fucking stone, or I'll make your life hell!" The voice yelled.

Ethan moved some branches away from his view so he could have a good look at the scene.

To his greatest surprise, Flash was been pinned to a tree by a dangerous looking guy, two times his size.

The man was in ripped clothes, his tattoos were fully exposed and the weren't good looking, ripped head, cross bones, snake and dragon. Ethan cringe at the sight, he had never seen anyone so dangerous in his life. He could picture the guy ripping out his intestine while laughing out loud from so much blood.

"Now go, no one must see you here." Flash broke out from the man's grip and adjusted his clothes.

"I need the fucking stone, my rogues needs to feed." He said through gritted teeth.

Ethan could sense the danger hanging around, it wasn't safe. He slowly back out of the bush as he crawled away, slowly and quietly he took his distance but of course his clumsy self had to step on a dry branch, which was almost impossible for that to happen since their was not much dry branches on the ground. Bad luck cat.

The 'crack' was enough to wake a sleeping panther, how much more two swift werewolf with super strength?

Ethan darted to the first direction he saw, running as fast as he could. Not stopping to catch his breath or look behind if they were even after him.

He broke through branches and almost tripped but continued till he was out of the woods were he could see the fields and the labyrinth, but that didn't stop him.

He ran straight to the H building, climbed the stairs to his dorm slamming and shutting the door, then he backed away from it still panting expecting a knock but instead heard a voice just inches away from his ear.

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