
(05) Mey and the Dark Alley

I saw him. I saw Hunter Jones. We were walking home. Autumn and Jess were walking in the front while Norma and I walked a few feet behind them. I heard a familiar voice as I walked past an alley, I stopped and turned to see Tyler Vincent was having a deep conversation with someone. I couldn't see clearly who since his back was on me. I slid my gaze to a figure who was leaning against the wall and immediately recognized him.

"Mey, what's wrong?" asked Norma who was standing beside me and noticed that I've stopped walking.

"Isn't that Tyler Vincent?" I nudged my head towards the two guys, knowing if I pointed my finger directly at them, they'd notice.

Norma narrowed her eyes to help her see clearly. "Yeah. I think so. And I think that's the car Tyler was using to drive Autumn to school this morning."

I froze. "Do you think he was the one behind the accident? Do you think he faked it?" Autumn didn't understand cars, it was possible that Tyler was just acting as if the brake line was cut while in fact, there was nothing wrong with the car.

Norma shrugged. "I really don't know, Mey."

I let out a deep sigh. "But I hope he's not the bad guy. I think Autumn is falling in love with him."

"We don't know for sure," Norma paused and watched the guys carefully. "Maybe we shouldn't tell her about this unless we're sure."

We heard footsteps and in seconds Jess and Autumn were standing beside us. "Hey, why did you guys stop?" asked Jess.

I was about to open my mouth when Norma suddenly nudged me, reminding me that I couldn't tell them until we had proof.

"Girls, what is it?" Autumn crossed her arms and tilted her head to one side. "Spill the beans. Come on, let it out."

Norma scoffed. "No biggie. Mey thought she saw her new boyfie just now." She pointed her head to the dimmed alley.

"Hunter Jones is not my boyfriend!" I shot her daggers.

"Hunter?" Autumn lifted her brows, looking curious and clueless at the same time. "Who's Hunter?"

Jess nudged me while shaking her head. "Damn, Mey! I didn't know you have a boyfriend and he's a Hunter."

"Hunter is not my boyfriend! He's just some guy I met." I cleared my throat and told myself not to blush.

"Anyway," Norma looked at Autumn for a brief second then slid her gaze to Jess, "where are we going next? Are we gonna crash at Autumn's place?"

"Jess said we should try this Poirot's Café." Autumn winked and faked a cough. "Colton's working there." Another fake cough followed.

"We don't know that yet." Jess rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone.

I looked back at the alley but the black Jeep was gone. "Hey, Mey, what's wrong?" asked Autumn, causing me to jump.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought I saw something," I answered curtly.

"Saw what?" She took a few steps closer and scanned the alley. I crossed my fingers, hoping she wouldn't see Ty's car. Her phone blipped and took her attention away.

"Guess who's working tonight?" said Jess, playing her phone and wiggling her brows. She took Autumn by her arm and led us into the cafe by the alley.

I glanced at the alley one more time and nodded to myself as I made up my mind. I hated to keep things from my friends but I had to do whatever it took to protect them. Even if that required me to play nice and squeeze the information out of the charming, dangerously good-looking Hunter Jones.

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