

She woke up three days later. The nurses that were there were surprised that she had woke up. Bree looked down at herself in the hospital bed and was confused. She could barely remember anything. “How are you feeling?” One of the nurses asked as she looked around the room and saw the flowers that lined the walls.

“What happened?” Bree managed to get out from her very dry throat. The nurse poured a cup of water and then tried to hand it to Bree. She took it in her hand and took a sip of the cool water, and it burned on her throat.

“There was an accident, sweetheart.” The nurse said, “I am so sorry to inform you that your mother didn’t make it out of the crash.”

“What happened to me?” Bree asked.

“You had some internal bleeding from the crash and a few other things. I will let the doctor explain it to you. I am going to go and call him and let him know you are awake.”

Bree sat there and looked around the hospital room with all the monitors. All they were doing was beeping and going off. Nothing felt right, and Bree knew she still must be medicated or something. She was lightheaded still.

“You’re awake?” She heard come from a voice she knew from the door. She looked up and saw the teacher she had for science class.

“Why are you here? “She asked as she looked at him.

“One of my students was in a horrid car accident, and I was checking up on her.” He said as he walked into the room with the flowers in hand. She looked at the man.

“So what?” she asked.

“Bree, don’t.” He said as he sat down after he placed the flowers in a vase that already had water in it. “What happened?”

“I don’t remember.” She said as she closed her eyes.

“Don’t lie to me.” He said softly.

“They were chasing us,” Bree said as she felt a tear fall from her eye. She looked at the man who was holding her hand. She didn’t even feel him take it into his.

“Bree.” He said softly.

“Next thing I know, they are hitting the back end of my car. They kept pushing it. Then they rammed us.” Bree said. “I woke up before they worked on me here and heard them talking.”

“What did they say?” he asked softly.

“They said my mother was dead, and she owed a debt. She paid for it with me.” Bree said.

“No,” he said as he shook his head. “Bree, I am so sorry. I knew I should have stopped you that night.”

“How could you have stopped me?” Bree asked as she looked at him.

“I should have done anything more than I did.” He said as he just held her hand. “That day was so bad. I watched for you to come back and when it was the morning, I knew something was wrong. I waited through until the class, and you weren’t there. I called the police.”

“You did what?” she asked.

“Bree, they found you after my call.” He said. “If I had called sooner.”

“This isn’t your fault,” Bree said as she saw the pain in his eyes and the way he was trying to talk. “This is my mother's.”

“Miss Wilson.” The doctor said as he walked into the room. He looked at the man that was there holding her hand, “Who are you?”

“My brother,” Bree said as she looked at the doctor.

“Oh.” The doctor said. “Can you make medical decisions for her?”

“Her father would be the one who could do that,” Gabe said as he looked at the doctor.

“So different fathers?” The doctor asked.

“Yes,” Gabe said.

“I am sorry for your loss then.” The doctor said.

“Sure,” Gabe said as he looked at Bree. The doctor also looked at Bree.

“Do you give consent for me to talk in front of your brother?” The man asked as he walked a little closer to her.

“Why not,” Bree said as she leaned back on the bed and winced as she felt the first wave of pain hit her back.

An hour later, the doctor left the room after going into detail about what they had done to her and the damage the accident had caused. She was somewhat surprised that she had survived. “Do you want me to call your father?” Gabe asked as he looked at her.

“Why?” Bree asked.

“So he knows you are okay.” He said, surprised that she would ask that.

“No,” Bree said. “He will come, or he won’t.”

“Bree.” He said as he looked at her.

“No, Mr. Danner.” She started to say.

“I think we are beyond the Mister thing, don’t you?” Gabe asked, “Call me Gabe like everyone else does.”

“My father won’t come,” Bree said. “His new wife will stop him. Something will come up with his new kids. He doesn’t care about me.”

“He is your father,” Gabe said.

“And that hasn’t mattered at all in the past four years,” Bree said. “So it won’t matter now either.”

“Bree.” He said.

“Gabe.” She said as she looked at him. He smiled at her when she did say his name.

“You know you sound like my sister when she is mad at me.” He laughed.

“I feel her pain,” Bree said as she closed her eyes. “Right now, that is all I feel.”

“Well, it is something.” He said as she tried resting.

“Bree, before you go to sleep, I am going to leave my phone number. If you need anything, call me.” Gabe said as he stood up, and she struggled to open her eyes.

“I don’t know where my phone is.” She said softly.

“Then I will get you one to use in the meantime.” He said as he stood above her, “I will be back later.”

She went back into a sleep state as he walked out of the room. He stood in the door and knew that he was over his head. He was torn between what he should do and what he knew he had to do. Though he looked at her, and she looked like a broken little doll at the moment, he knew that he wanted to protect her more than anything else.

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