
Chapter 1419 Any Last Words?

Lucas called not long after Charlotte put down her cell phone. “Milady, I just received a call from my ex-girlfriend, who I dumped last month, and she said that she just found out that she’s pregnant and she suspects that the baby might be my child... Ahem!

“Therefore, I have to go to the hospital to get a paternity test with her as soon as possible. I don’t have time to drive Naomi back to your house, so you can either pick her up yourself or just let Naomi stay at the Second Master’s house.”

Charlotte decided to pick Naomi up.

As soon as she drove out of the yard gate, a crimson Ferrari dashed toward her head-on. She immediately turned the steering wheel sharply, avoiding a direct clash with the car.

Braking harshly, the Ferrari hit the tree and killed its engine.

Charlotte also stepped on the brake.

The Ferrari’s door was pushed open abruptly, and Lorraine walked in front of Charlotte’s car angrily. She then pointed at Charlotte with her trembling right hand. “Charlotte Simmon
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