
4. Chat

"Stop calling you because I am your future husband, and you are not your teacher."



Allena has not stopped grumbling because, after school, she was picked up by her parents, and they plan to keep Allena with the man of their choice. Allena has repeatedly refused, especially today she plans to date Bryan, but because of her parents' plans, she is forced to cancel her date.

"Allena ..." Her mother's distinctive voice made Allena turn around, her face even more gloomy when she saw her parents, who had been waiting in front of the school gate.

"Mama, daddy, why do you have to do it now. After all, Allena doesn't want to be matched like that, and it's already modern times, Ma, there is no matchmaking like Siti Nurbaya," she annoyed.

The mother ignored her daughter's babbling. Instead, she immediately pulled Allena's hand into the car. They do not want to delay the match anymore because they do not wish Allena to continue having wrong associations.

"Uh, Ma ..." she whined.

"You don't have to argue. Just mom and dad guarantee you will like the mate chosen by mom and dad," said Nita - mama Allena.

"Are you sure? Mom, listen, mom and dad's choice is not necessarily Allena's taste. Come on, understand Allena, Ma," he explained.

"You should understand, mom and dad. After all, we do this for you too, for your good."

"Ma, but this is not the best for Allena. Besides, Allena also has a boyfriend. Mom and dad know that."

"You mean that weird, bad boy?"

"His name is Bryan, Ma," he said.

"Mama doesn't care what her name is. What is certain is that you don't like her and until whenever you won't let you have anything to do with her."

"Ma, Bryan is a good man."

"Fine, you say? Did he kiss you? Touched your body? Did you say that well?" Asked Nita, sounding sarcastic.

"That's a form of his affection for me, Ma."

"Honey, you say? It's not loved Allena, but it's lust. You're just making an outlet for her lust. Come on, kid, understand. Mama and dad do this for you too."

Allena was silent, and she didn't know what else to say. According to her, her mother's words were correct, a nice man would not possibly spoil her, but Allena's brain seemed to deny that because every time she made out with Bryan, she felt enjoyed it, and it made her happy.

After that long debate, they didn't say anything anymore. The two of them just sat there in silence while waiting for the car to stop at their destination.

Soon the car stopped at one of the mansions in the luxury complex as well. For a moment, Allena was utterly amazed, and this house was even more luxurious than her house.

"Why? Amazed?" Asked the papa from behind his body.

"Ha? Eh, not really. Just ordinary, just like our house," he argued, sounding nervous.

"This is the house of your future in-laws," said the mother.

"What the heck, Mom."

Both of his parents just smiled, they immediately entered, and at that moment, they were welcomed by the host.

Allena greeted them and did not forget with her sweet smile. Even though she didn't like this meeting, she had to keep her behavior up because, after all, they were friends of her parents, and Allena didn't want to embarrass her parents because of their bad behavior.

"Wow ... This is Allena," said a middle-aged woman who was probably the same age as Allena's mother.

"Hehe, yes, Auntie."

"It's beautiful. If this is the case, Tante didn't choose the wrong son-in-law."

Allena just smiled stiffly. They sat in the very luxurious living room. Allena was amazed by the super elegant house.

"Allena introduces the name Tante Bunga, your future aunt-in-law."

"Uh, umm, i-yes Auntie. I-I'm Allena," he said nervously.

"Don't be so nervous, oh yes, this is my aunt's husband. You can call Uncle Bram or dad too," continued Bunga again.

Allena smiled awkwardly, and she didn't want this.

"Oh yeah, where's Zeyn? How come it's not out yet?"

Hearing Zayn's name surprised Allena. Didn't she hear wrong? Why is his name so precisely the same as the new teacher at his school?

"Still in the room, soon will be down too."

"Oh, I see," replied Nita.

"Oh, yeah, Allena's still in school, right?"

"Yes, Aunt."

"How is the school? Smooth, right?"

"That's it, Auntie, grandpa schoolchildren in general."

"Oh yeah, Zeyn also teaches you."

At that instant, Allena's heart wanted to dislodge, was her guess right. If that were true, Allena would not accept this matchmaking no matter what.

"Wow ... That's good, Tan. Btw, where did you teach, Tan?"

"In senior high school-"

"Wow ... It's coming, huh."

Their gaze immediately turned to the source of the sound, and there a man with a proportional body and a trim beard on his chin, and with a jacket, he was wearing, seemed to be smiling at them.

Allena was lying there, and he even patted his cheek a few times, hoping that this was just a dream.

"Well, Allena is Zeyn — your aunt's son and your future husband," explained Tante Bunga.

Allena really could not move anymore, and she just lay stiff in her place.

As for Zeyn, he continued to stare at her. His face was full of mystery as if he didn't allow Allena to breathe for a moment.

Zeyn sat right in front of Allena, his gaze still locked on the girl.

"Allena ..." she called out in a very distinctive baritone voice.

"Uh, y-yes."

Zeyn seemed to be smiling, a smile full of mystery.

"Ma, Pa, Om, and Auntie, can Zeyn have a chat with Allena alone in the park? Zeyn wants to get to know Allena more, can you?" He asked.

"You can, you can," said Nita excitedly.


"Allena, now you come with Zeyn," interrupted the mother quickly.

Allena sighed for a moment, then nodded.

Zeyn smiled. He invited Allena to walk first. The girl just obeyed. Now she must be able to maintain her behavior. Yes, that was what he had to do.

The two of them walked hand in hand towards the garden in the house without saying anything as if they were both very nervous. Now and then, Allena glanced at Zeyn from the tail of his eyes. The man looked very calm. It was as if he didn't know Allena before, while Allena was nervous, especially when he remembered what happened at school earlier. Allena was very embarrassed.

Both of them arrived at the garden in the house. The garden looked very clean and well-groomed. Zeyn sat on one of the benches there while Allena was still standing rigidly in his place.

"Why are you standing there?" Asked Zeyn.


"Sit!" The orders.

Suddenly Allena sat right next to the man. Even now, the two of them are very close.

Allena tried to shift her body, but Zeyn immediately held her back.

"Don't move," he said.

"But, Sir—"

"I am your future husband, not your teacher. Stop calling me father."

At that moment, Allena fell silent. She hoped that this was just a dream. She couldn't imagine if she would marry a man who turned out to be her teacher. Allena really couldn't imagine it.

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