

A good man will not let his woman wait for news, he should let her know first if he doesn't want to worry her.



Zeyn drove his car at an average speed, occasionally he glanced at Allena who was sitting in the passenger seat. Earlier, Zeyn told Allena to sit on the bench next to him but Allena flatly refused, she didn't want to sit next to Zeyn.

The girl kept looking at her cellphone as if waiting for someone to contact her but not a single notification came in.

"A good man will not let his woman wait for news, he should inform him first if he doesn't want to make her anxious," said Zeyn with a forward-looking look.

Allena glanced at Zeyn with a sneer and afterward turned her gaze back to another direction.

"I'm a man and I understand how a man is," Zeyn continued.

"What do you know about love? Have you ever fallen in love? If you choose a wife you have to be helped by your parents, how can you understand the sincerity of love? It's funny," Allena replied, sounding sarcastic. He deliberately said that so that Zeyn felt insinuated and thought back to want to cancel their match.

"You are funny, know nothing but can jump to conclusions like that."

"I know everything, even I know more than you."

"Okay, if you know more. But if you know more, you should understand male characters, even though it's just general ones."

"That's none of your business!"

"That is my business because after all, I am your future husband."

Allena looked at Zeyn hatefully.

"A future husband? A dream!" His words were full of emphasis. "I suspect that you may accept our matchmaking, not because of your parents, but because you like me."

Zayn's face seemed to turn red, like someone who was caught hiding something.

"Isn't that right? You can see that your face has changed drastically. Look, sir, I just want to say that I won't want to marry you because the man I love is Bryan, not you or anyone else. Keep that in mind!"

Zeyn couldn't move anymore, his mouth suddenly complained, and couldn't make a sound. Somehow when he heard Allena say that his chest felt tight, as if he did not accept Allena's words.

Zeyn tries to act normal, he doesn't want Allena to notice the change in his face that looks very clear. He accelerated the speed of the car until a few afterward they arrived at Allena's house.

It turned out that Allena's parents were waiting at the door, they smiled when they saw Zeyn opening the door for Allena.

"Oh, our prospective son-in-law is really good, Dad," said Mother Allena.

Zeyn just smiled, while Allena looked even more annoyed.

"Well, mom and dad didn't go to the office?" Allena asked.

"No, mom and dad want to take a few days off first. Refresh your brain."

Allena just nodded her head.

"Om, Auntie, I will say goodbye to you first."

"Uh, not Zeyn, you are here first. Have lunch here, auntie already cooked a lot," said Mama Allena, she tried to hold Zeyn.


"Have you been here first, auntie already permitted your parents."

"Uh, Mom, let's just go home, Mr. Zeyn."

"No, Zeyn will have lunch here with us."


"Now you go to the room, change clothes, wash your body, after that we eat together with Zeyn."

Allena looked annoyed, she lazily walked into her house. Zeyn disgusted Allena, the man was very good at winning the hearts of Allena's parents.

Arriving at Allena's room, she did not immediately change her clothes, she chose to lie down first.

"I think I should go to bed, okay, I'm really lazy to eat with him," Allena said to herself.

Yes, he chose to sleep alone. Allena doesn't want to eat one table with Zeyn, she hates him.

Just as Allena was about to close her eyes, suddenly the sound of knocking on the door from outside made Allena retire her intention.

"Allena, open the door first."

Allena sighed for a moment, ah her mother must have canceled Allena's plan.

"What are you doing, Mom," Allena replied half shouting.

"Just open it, hurry."

"No, Mom, Allena is sleepy. Want to sleep."

"After all, how come you sleep. You have to eat with mom, dad, and Zeyn."

"No, Mom, Allena's not hungry."

"Allena please don't make mama angry!"

Allena sighed harshly, if she threatened like this, Allena did not dare to argue with her mother anymore. Lazily he got out of bed and immediately opened the door.

"What are you doing?" She asked her mother sounded annoyed

"Allena is sleepy, mom is going to sleep."

"No, you have to come first."

"Mom, but—"

"Nothing but buts. Now you hurry to take a shower, mama waits here."

"Ma, uh—"

"Allena ..." Just one word, her mother's glaring gaze was enough to scare Allena. Without saying anything else, Allena went straight to the bathroom, she didn't want to make her mother even angrier.

"Do not belong."

"Yes," he replied simply.

In the bathroom, Allena daydreams, she did not expect her life to be like this. Marrying his teacher was something he never thought about, what he would say to his friends later when they found out about it.

"Anyway, I'm going to do whatever it takes to cancel this arranged marriage," he thought.

"Allena is fast!" Her mother's voice came from outside again, Allena let out a rough breath. If you like it or not, he must obey.

After Allena finished straight out of the bathroom, she deliberately wore a T-shirt and shorts above her knee so that when Zeyn saw her she would feel annoyed with Allena.

"After all, how come you only wear a t-shirt? Are you wearing a nice shirt, dress, grandpa, or something?"

"Hey, you don't want to, Mom. In the afternoon, how come you wear weird dresses."

"Yes, please, you eat with your future husband, so you have to be elegant."

"No, mom, Allena doesn't want to." Without saying anything else, Allena headed straight for the dining room. He pretended not to hear his mother who kept calling out his name.

Arriving at the dining room, Allena immediately sat down next to her father.

"Why haven't you eaten yet?" He asked.

"Not yet, I'm still waiting for you."

"Okay, let's eat."

Mama Allena sits right next to her, her face looks angry but Allena pretends not to notice.

"Eat Zeyn."

"Yes, Aunt."

They start to eat their food, Allena who deliberately wants to make Zeyn Ilfeel raise one leg on the bench like a man drinking in a coffee shop.

"Allena's your feet!" Said the father.

"Hehe, delicious, dad, sitting like this."

"But there is Zeyn here again, you have to be polite."

"Hm, Mr. Zeyn— em Zeyn you mean, is it okay for me to sit like this?" Allena asked Zeyn.

"I — yes, it's okay, it's okay, uncle, auntie, the name is also natural at home," Zeyn said with a chuckle.

Allena smiles, she is sure that this time Zeyn ilfeel is with her. Not wanting to stop there, Allena throws a tantrum again. He deliberately ate voraciously like a person who hasn't eaten in days, Zeyn only glanced at him briefly then returned to focus on eating. He knew for sure that Allena was deliberately acting ridiculous in front of him so that he could feel with her, but strangely, instead of I feel, Zeyn felt funny seeing Allena like that. That girl is not good at acting.

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