

          The kiss was shameless and intense, an impressive display of passion that bowed her in a delicate arch, caged by the unyielding iron and steel of Chance’s powerful frame. Firm, smooth lips moved over hers in a back and forth rub so skillfully seductive Melora could only sigh under their assault.

          Give into the idea that, if she wasn’t going to escape the spotlight as she’d planned, there were plenty worse things than being exposed while discovering what it was to be really kissed by Chance Benson. It was all-consuming. There was something undeniable in his touch, something chemical, instinctual, and absolutely unexpected.

          She didn’t understand it, couldn’t defend against it as, locked in his hold, her body and mind pushed into overdrive. Eyes closed, fingers flared at his should

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goodnovel comment avatar
Marena John Lambrou
He’s never felt like this before so I think it’s scarring him
goodnovel comment avatar
Marena John Lambrou
You go girl! Hell yea. Go for it! One life to live. I wished I got it from my dream boat guy I once had! Lucky girl!
goodnovel comment avatar
Bella Jersey
Melora gonna make the moment and run with

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