
Adventures of a Klepto and a Gambler
Adventures of a Klepto and a Gambler
Author: Mo Marie

Chapter 1: Jovie and Reno

Jovie's POV

Five point eight seconds. 

That's how long it took for me to steal something. Three point four seconds if I really wanted it. I didn't even really want this diamond watch, but it's shiny.

The store clerk hadn't even noticed that I had slipped it up my sleeve.

"Can I see the white gold one?" I asked politely. 


When he turned around I grabbed two more watches. That only took four point two seconds. This is almost too easy.

He showed me the watch. I scrunched up my face. "I think I'll pass. Thank you so much for your time."

"Of course Ms. Wimberly."

I looked around the store trying to decide what I would steal next. Ooh, those socks look fuzzy!

In under fifteen minutes I managed to nab five pairs of socks, three scarves, eight necklaces and four sticks of lipstick. 

I would have continued, only I saw that my bodyguard, Hobbs, had caught up to me.

"Jovie," he grunted in his deep voice. "Why did you leave me at the food court?"

"I really wanted to shop." I said innocently. 

"I don't see any bags."

"Nothing interested me." Behind him I saw the store employees running around frantically. I think they had started to notice things were missing. "And now I'm done! Let's go."

"Okay," Hobbs looked at me suspiciously. 

"Ms. Wimblerly!" The watch guy yelled.

I just kept walking.

"Jovie, what did you do?" Hobbs demanded. 

"Nothing!" I called over my shoulder before running into a security guard. 

"Do you mind if I look in your bag?"

"Yes, I do mind." I stated. 

He grabbed my bag anyways. Hobbs groaned as the security guard pulled out all of my new treasures. 

"Damn it, Jovie."


Mall jail sucks. I'd been to many different jails. Country club jail, school jail, county fair jail, theme park jail and even real jail.

Mall jail remains the worst.

"Ms. Wimberly, can you explain to me why you stole seven thousand dollars worth of product?" The security guard questioned. 

"Seven thousand?" I asked incredulously. "All that stuff being worth seven thousand is the real crime!"

"You are banned from ever entering this store again."

"Seventy-eighth time I've heard that."

"Do you know how lucky you are to not be going to jail?" He asked.

"It's not luck it's Mommy and Daddy." I rolled my eyes. "Is that annoying to you? A spoiled heiress comes in the store and steals a bunch of stuff that she easily could have paid for and then gets off scott free?"

"Yes. Get out of here. Your bodyguard is waiting."

Hobbs looks very upset with me. "Your parents want to see you now."

"But we were shopping."

"Jovie. This is not funny. Let's go."

He gently grabbed my arm and led me out of the store. 

I wondered if he noticed the perfume I swiped right before we exited.


"What the hell is wrong with you Jovie?!" Dad yelled. "I thought you were done with the stealing."

"I never said that." I protested. 

"You are rich. You have everything you could ever want. Why do you do this?" Mom demanded. 

"Didn't the therapists tell you why?"

"Lawrence, please speak to your daughter."

"Jovie, honey. We're trying to help you but you don't seem to want to be helped. Is this because you and Jasper are having a fight?"

"We didn't fight, I broke up with him." I informed them.

"Why?" Mom asked. 

"Because I don't like him at all. You guys are making me date him."

"Well good news, you no longer have to date him."

I smiled. "Really?"

"Yep, you're gonna marry him." Dad grinned. 

"The hell I am! I don't love him."

"Well he loves you and you are not equipped to take over the family business. He is. So he will be your husband." Mom explained. "He's proposing to you tonight at the ball and you will say yes."

"Mom...please. Don't make me do this. I don't want to be with him." I whispered. 

"We don't know what else to do, Jovie. You cannot take care of yourself. Jasper can do that."


"Jovie, do you like having a cushy life?" I nodded. "Jasper will make sure that continues to happen. We cannot let the Valenzuelas overtake us honey. We must win this rivalry. We all have to make sacrifices to secure our family legacy. This is yours."

"I'm sure you'll grow to love him." Mom pinched my cheek. "Now go get ready for the ball. You must look your best for Jasper."

"Fine." I sighed. 

"Oh, and Jovie. On Monday you start group therapy." Dad informed me. "You can work out your sticky fingers issue there."

"I told you I'm done with therapy."

"Do you want group therapy or real jail time? Not just an hour behind bars. Two months."

I groaned. "Fine, therapy it is. But don't expect me to take it seriously."


Reno's POV

I watched as a box of my clothes sailed right into the pool from the balcony.

My wife was not happy with me. 

"Darla, you're being ridiculous!"

"Reno, you gambled away all of our money! Our savings, gone! Your trust fund, gone! My shoe fund, gone!"

"I-I can win it back. I just need a little more money and then we'll be swimming in it baby!" I insisted.

I ducked as a pair of shoes flew down in my direction. "You're a useless gambler, Reno I should have never married you!"

"You're the one who wanted to get married!"

I didn't have time to duck this time and my shoe clocked me right in the forehead, knocking me back into the pool. I resurfaced sputtering. "Darla, don't do this!"

"You are not welcome in my house! I want a divorce! I will not have my wagon hitched to a star that's going to lose all of our money." Darla shouted. "Now get out of my backyard!"

There was only one place to go now. 

I knew I wasn't supposed to be at horse races anymore, but to be fair I had already bet on my horse before I made that promise. Had to see if I won.

I lost. I lost so horribly. My debt had just gone up seven hundred and fifty thousand. I had no idea how I was going to pay that back.

"Reno?" I looked up and saw my father. "How did I know I'd find you here?"

"Well Dad, let me explain-"

"Shut up Reno. Meet me at the house, now."

I sighed and dragged my feet back to my car. On the drive my mind raced, trying to figure out how I was going to get the money to pay Vigo Ramsey back. I didn't even know how high my debt was anymore.

What I did know is that if I didn't pay him back he was going to kill me.


"So, Darla kicked you out." Mom shook her head. "I told you not to marry her."

"Well, it doesn't matter anyways. We're getting a divorce. Happy?"

"Maybe I would be if your father didn't find you skulking around a horse race. Reno, where are you getting money to gamble when you've lost it all?"

"That was the last of it. It's gone now." I sighed. 

"Good, that means no more gambling." Father said. "You are going to start working for me and become a productive member of this family. That way you can pay off your debt to your mother and I since you lied about needing to fix the plumbing."

"I did need money for the plumbing, I just used it for something else. A-and I don't want to work at the company."

"You don't have a choice, Reno." Mom said. "You've blown your fortune. If you want another fortune you have to make it yourself. And if in the process the business expands its a win."

"You just want to beat the-"

"Don't say their names." Dad spat. 

"I just don't understand why I'm being punished." I muttered.

"Oh, that's not your punishment, Reno. You're also starting group therapy on Monday. We are going to get rid of this horrid habit of yours." Mom said. "You will be the son we once knew, I'm sure of it."

"I'm not."

"Go get changed. You're damp and filthy. The ball is tonight and you need to look your best. And come up with a reason that Darla isn't attending."

I rolled my eyes. "Can't we just tell people she died?"

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