
Beyond this Reality
Beyond this Reality
Author: Anshi

Chapter 1: LUNA

It was snowing as I walk in the snow with two small feet covered with brown fur boots, wearing a pink overcoat. I tried walking ahead of mother but still holding onto her hand my another hand holding the strap of my bag tightly.

We passed through the snow covered curve with my dad following us behind alongside some other trekkers.

I looked behind to check up on them something I have been doing every few minutes since we started our journey. 

They were easy to spot even from a distance in this all white background.

It was snow all around us, the white blanket was covering everything under it trees, grass, mountains. Nothing else could be seen ahead due to the low visibility and curvy roads in this trek route. 

The air was moving at a faster pace now but weather was still suitable providing all of us with some hope.

I endured the cold and this physical exercise of going around a mountain to gaze upon the heavenly valley with lush green nature and my favourite animals that I was promised by my parents.

The know my weakness, my love for animlas and nature, but still won't get me a dog. Every time I ask my mom to get me a pet she says I am enough but she is also right it's hard to take care of pets and my parents don't have thst leisure of time.

We all had to come here today for my mother's departmental research. Her team members are also with us.

'We are really close' she yelled with joy calling out to the people behind us, informing them our approaching destination. They waved back to us showing they understood.

I was also excited but my face was frozen and couldn't form any expression due to this low temperature and cold waves.

After some more walking we reached a cave which was surrounded by trees and vegetation of all kinds.

My mom halted her steps to wait for others to discuss the plan ahead. In few seconds they all got to us. We gathered around nearby the cave and adults started taking out their stuffs.

Maps, compass, pens they took out all kinds of things from their bags, one even took out a container to provide us all some coffee. I looked behind at my little rabbit bag on my little shoulders recalling how I only shoved snacks and comics in it. How useful?

I really believed them when they said we are going out for a picnic after all.

They were all busy discussing the route ahead as we already reached the cave which was the land mark to identify our destination's location. My heaven is nearby.

I was bored listening to all their speculations and decided to look around the area. It was a wide stretch, some steps ahead of me I saw a flower. A blooming flower?? In this weather?? 

I was so surprised and ran to it sitting down on my knees I cleared the snow settled on it. It was a beautiful six petal white flower. As I was busy doing my important work I sensed someone staring at me. An uneasy feeling dwell in my heart and my head subconsciously moved up.

There I saw something on the other side at some distance ahead, staring straight at me it's eyes boring into my soul. 

I couldn't figure out what it was but whatever that thing is, it's huge and black in colour.

My curiosity took over me and I ran to it trying to catch up with whatever it was. It started running too going away from me.

My mom noticed me suddenly running in a frenzy out of her sight and she also ran after me.

Before I could even get to that place my small legs gave in the pressure and I slipped on the snow. Sliding right into the cliff on my right.


'LUNA...' mother shouted in fear running towards me followed by my dad and everyone.

I opened my eyes slightly and noticed someone was actually Calling my name. That's when I noticed Trisha standing near my bed calling out my name.

'Luna' she called out again. It was all a dream?? 

'Get up lazy bum' she said moving my shoulders. Noticing that I am not moving, she suddenly pounced over me.

'Ahhh...' I shouted in pain 

'Get up, you pig’ I shouted trying frantically to throw her away.

In a moment she was thrown down, sitting on the floor massaging her back. 'Yes don't mess with me' I mocked getting up from my bed.

She also got up still rubbing. 'You bully I was trying to wake you up on time' she complained in Pain

I slightly smiled she looks funny,every time she complains.

This girl standing in front of me with short brunette hair and plump face is my room partner in this dormitory.

I sat down on my bed with my legs hanging down, ruffling my hairs as I yawn. Trisha kept standing and staring waiting for me to get up.

Looking at her I finally got up and put on my glasses, the most important thing in my life now. 'I am getting ready, happy?' 

She smiled and after confirming that I am getting ready she went back to her desk.

Walking upto the mirror I stared at my pathetic state. I really sleep like a log, look at my clothes and hairs. 

'What are you going to wear?’ trisha asked and Waited but got no response.

'Hey?' she called out again and noticed me staring at the mirror in a daze.

She came close to me and patted on my back 'You okay' she asked with concern.

Her actions brought me back to reality. I keep getting these dream sequences now a days from my childhood memories. 

'Nothing much just thinking about a drean I just had' I answered with no emotions

'Dreaming about your Prince on a white horse?' she asked giving me a playful smile. 

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