
Chapter 3: Why you did all this?

The day was bright going well people going through work. Staff sitting in their cabins witg eyes dead straight on the screen of computer in front. People going around with files in hand discussing work with eacg other.

Few floors above in a well lit furnished room with minimal decoration there was a man sitting on a chair. His steady hand firmly signed through few papers it's been hours since those eyes were focusing on papers. 

The room was quiet sunlight entering through thw window making the scene feel peaceful.

The table was filled with files and that man keep opening those writing notes inside. His fingers moved up to massage his temples.

 Getting up from the chair and Walking over the carpet over the marble flooring he reached the floor to ceiling tall window. 

His fair firm hands loosened the knot of his blue tie hanging from his neck loosening the shirt's collor. He tilted his head tousling his soft black hairs. His amber eyes looking down at the road in front of the building. Cars, people everything was at a grain size from this height.

He closed his eyes. His mind going back the memory lane taking his soul to relive those moments. 

'Father...' a child's voice came. His eyes widened with fear seeing the blood all around the room damping the carpet on floor.

'Why you did all this?' his squeaky voice came out, his eyes watering. The beast looking figure turned to face that little child, his big claws dripping with blood. The darkness surrounding the room was nothing in camparison to the darkness residing in his eyes. 

The image of his father with those red bloodshot eyes of his still dwell in his mind. 

The power he yearned for since that day, believing it to be the end of all his sturggle. The very same power which destroyed him. Today even after sitting on it all there's no satisfaction in his heart. There are still many things that need to be taken care of.

'Sir!!' a voice called from behind bringing the big man back to reality away from those painful memories. The things you try to forget comes back to you way hard. 

'Sir, I brought you the company's Quarterly financial statement.' the voice again said politely standing straight behind those broad shoulders draped with a black coat. 

'Put them on the table' he answered flatly signalling towards the table moving his head while still facing the windows. 

The assistant followed his orders and placed the file along with various others on the table. Afrer his work was done he excused himself out of the office.

Jaiden walked back to the table taking his pen and again engrossed himself in the work.


The bus was moving steadily on the road heading to the forest. The road leading to the destination was a clean wide one surrounded by the rows of trees. The vegetation density kept increasing as they keep going ahead. The weather was also pleasant with sun shining through the clouds.

Trisha and Nina were watching some episodes of one of their favourite teen drama sharing the earphone. They were completely into the scene on the screen while I was still gazing out of window. I have no interest in those they just hype up your standard always making you feel incomplete.

I folded my hand placing them on the window sill and rested my head on the arms taking in the air. The changing scenic view gave me peace, the fresh wind gently pummeling my face. 

'LUNA...' the shrilled loud voice muffled by the distance reached my ears. Hearing mother calling my name gave me strength to open my eyes slowly as I lay down on a soft surface, Perhaps grass.

'' I called in a murmur focusing all my strength to bring out few words from my mouth.

As I opened my eyes slightly the first thing I saw widened my eyes and that image jolted me from my sleep. I pushed myself away from the window sill in surprise sitting straight on the seat, again it was that dream. 

While enjoying little my solitude I didn't realize when I dozed off and that dream was there again. But this time it was different from my memories, different from what I remember of that day.


I saw that same black figure up close. It was standing just above me those big scary golden eyes staring right at me but the memories were hazey I still couldn't figure out What it was? 

The only thing I remember from that day is that my parents and the crew found me lying in the grass near the valley downside. I was somehow unhurt but unconsciously lying in that flower valley we were looking for. Distance away from the cliff I fell in. To this day nobody know what actually happened but remember my mom's tear and how both of them hugged me so tight.

I looked at the two ladies sitting on my side not at all bothered with what just happened just beside them. How much immersed you people are in that drama?

'Hey girls we are playing games wanna join' David offered looking right into my eyes. His full set teeth forming a comforting smile.

I need a distraction to calm my nerves I guess it's to time to enjoy with the group and with that thought, I nodded. 

Trisha and Nina also put down their phone and smiled happily, already standing up to join the group in their singing and dance party.

The party began, it was lively and I loved the songs they were singing. Jack passed me a packet of chips 'Here Luna eat this... Its good' he said

I accepted his offer and had some. It really was good and I love snacks. After that I was offered some more snacks, coke cans by Rick and even Emily gave me some Candies. I took out my packed snacks from the bag and everybody dived into my crackers and pastrys.

'Your turn now' Noah passed me the microphone with a giddy expression offering me to sing a song now.

I love singing but I am someone you call a bathroom singer. You can't trust my voice it cracks. It's so scary to sing in front of everyone but they all look high even without using substance, I think it's safe to sing today. Taking the microphone from him I prepared my little heart and persuade it to pump some confidence in me.

Here goes nothing...

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