
Chapter 8: Mine

Sadness covered both their faces with Rick's question 'You are right boy... That is a mine' the elderly replied with a voice of disappointment

'The work has stopped for now because of our intervention but we aren't sure how long we can hold on' the younger one continued

'This area is under protection they can't mine here we have to take actions to show them their place' I said. These big companies can't exploit these people just because they have a little more money and influence.

Just then a huge growling voice roared through the trees from within the forest. 'What was that?' Nina jumped in fear agitatedly looking around for the source of the loud noice.

'Some wild animals I think' I said also looking around, the growl brought me to my alert mode. It was loud and gives the feeling like there are more than one around. Gladly the voice was not that close to us so I believe we are safe for now.

The old man looked up and turned to his associate, he nodded towards him. Understanding his actions the younger one looked at us and said 'You people should come with us to our village or we might get attacked by some wild animals'

'Yes, I think that's a good idea I am not feeling that good either' Nina agreed still looking around in distress. She definitely was scared and her fear was justified too it's better to go to their village as they are suggesting.

'Is it nearby?' Rick asked

'Yes just 10 minutes walk don't worry you can rest there' the man replied pointing towards the way in his right. There was a narrow route through small plants which looked like a way people travel from.

We followed after them to their home it took us few minutes till the village was visible. I could see the village from here it may be called a small village but there were lot of small huts.

There were many people too, everyone was wearing some sort of traditional dress which looked unique and beautiful. Nina grabbed my hand for support, I looked at her face she was scared. It was not shown on her face but her body language was telling her fear clearly. Rick followed behind us keeping track of our route and looking out for any potential danger.

People were standing at the village gate in small groups talking to each other as soon as we entered their focus shifted to us.

Nina grasped my hand more tightly while trying avoid their stares. As we walked following those two people everyone slightly bowed to the elderly man showing respect but their eyes never left us. We were the odd one out after all.

'You can rest here' the man said gesturing towards an open concrete sitting area around a huge tree. I placed my bag there along with Nina's.

'Bring them something to drink' he said to a woman standing in front the door of a nearby brick house and she nodded.

We are in middle of a village at an unknown location meeting strangers and accepting their hospitality. This is something I could never imagine doing.

This village was peaceful and on our way here I noticed that mud houses were in majority though now we are standing in front of a brick house.

'My name is Rick and they are my friends Nina and Luna' Rick introduced all of us to them slightly Bowing showing respect, must have learned this from seeing the other villagers.

'...and thank you for your hospitality' I added after Rick's introduction. Nina was still holding my hand but she looks fine now it's good she is trying to use to with this new experience.

The man nodded with acknowledgment 'My name is Rishin and he is my father' he said introducing both of them. Finally now we knew their name.

As our conversation was going on the lady from before brought us some glasses filled with a lavender colour liquid, perhaps some kind of drink.

'Here please have it' she politely said offering us the glasses.

Nina looked at her glass in confusion 'Is it alcoholic?' she asked her concern. I also glanced at it, with just the looks of it it's hard to tell if its something alcoholic.

'No, don't worry its not an intoxicating drink' she answered smiling. She was beautiful with long black hairs and a pretty smile. She was alao wearing a red and yellow traditional clothing like other ladies I saw in the village.

'She is my wife kezia' Rishin answered

I took a sip of my drink first as Nina was still not sure. She must be feeling suspicious as all of this she is experiencing today is completely new for her.

'Its really good' I exclaimed with my eyes growing wide. With just one gulp I can the drink is so good like sweet netar.

'Its the juice from a local fruit we grow here' Rishin replied taking his glass of juice.

I took my second sip Nina was also drinking now and Rick had almost finished his. Just then two people arrived where we were standing and they walked upto the elder.

'Sir we talk them out yesterday but they might come back tomorrow' one of them said with a serious face

'Yes, we have to do something' the other one supported him.

'We went to check the situation they are not back... yet at least' the elderly replied them holding onto his support stick with his both hands.

I think they are talking about the mine situation we saw today I must ask them to share the problem with us maybe we can help somehow 'Is it about the new mine that is being drilled' I asked finally

All three turned to look at me the two new villagers who came looked at me with suspicion. The elderly walked upto me and nodded 'Yes' he replied

'Can you please brief us about the situation maybe we can help' Rick said with a determined face.

They all looked at each other as to quietly discuss if they should tell us. I can understand their source of fear amd confusion. After seeing how the big city people are drilling mines here they must not find us trustworthy.

'It all started two weeks ago'

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