
Awaiting Answer

Please, please say yes! 

"Darling is this really what you want?" dad asked.

"Yes, dad." I replied.

"Alice please give us some time to think about it." Mom said.

"OK then, I'll be going to m..y r..o..o..m." I stammered.

When the hell did I become a stammerer.

I quickly ran upstairs to my room and banged the door behind me as tears fell from my eyes with the thought of my parents declining my request.

I wish they won't.

"Why are you crying?" I heard someone say, I looked up and saw my younger sister and brother, Josh and Jessica staring at me.

"What are you both doing here?" I asked and wiped my tears.

"The normal routine." Josh said as they ran to my arms and wrapped them selves around me.

Fast forward 

                    Jenny Pov

The next day

        "Eww." I said still sleeping.


"What's the hell is tickling me." I thought, opened my eyes and screamed what I saw.

"Jake!" I screamed and ran round the room with a dog chasing me, sadly,  I tripped on a shoe and fell while the door rushed about to jump on me.

"I think it's gonna bite me." I said and closed my eyes in fear.

"Bye world." I said. 

I practically waited for a few minutes expecting something but nothing happened, I slowly opened my eyes and gladly exhaled when I saw Jake holding the dog.

"Jake, thank you for saving me, I almost died." I said.

He stared at me awkwardly and started laughing which made him fall on my bed.

"Why are you laughing." I said.

"Oh,  it's nothing." He said.

"Hmm, I don't trust you, get out of room and take your dog with you." I said already pissed.

"I'm not leaving until you apologize to Ben." He said still laughing.

"Who's Ben?" I asked confusedly.

"The dog." he said with laughter.


I joined the laughing club too.

"So you named this stinky, ugly beast Ben!" I said still laughing and he stopped and shot me a glare.

"I didn't know you had lost your sense of humor." I said still laughing.

I'm getting on his nerves 

"That's not even funny." He said with a frown.

"It is to me." I said and pointed at him laughing.

"Whatever am out of here." He said and picked up he's so called dog Ben and left.

"Better." I yelled.

"That what you get for laughing at me." I said and went to the bathroom for a long bath.

"Good morning,what are we having for breakfast." I said.

Descending down the stairs like a princess which I am, I was wearing a yellow handles gown which was above my knee with a black scandal on my feet.

"Wow you look gorgeous Jean but you spoilt it a little with your choice of footwear." mom said.

"Yeah, yeah it's not like am going out or anything, I just decided to wear something free." I said and sat on my seat.

"Well, that shows your lack of fashion sense." Jake said rudely.


"Mom, Jake is getting on my nerves." I said.

"You have no nerve for me to get on." he said.

"Now you're getting me pissed." I said.

"If you wanted to use the toilet you could have just told me before you opened that mouth of yours." he yelled.

Now I knew he was pissed but I wasn't, I just wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine but it back fired I can't stop now, so I'll continue. 

"Like I said you got no sense of humor." I said.

"Whatever." He yelled.

He went upstairs probably to his room while I started eating, I kinda felt like I was been watched, I slowly looked up and meet the intense gaze of my parents 

Damn what now!! 

"What?." I asked.

"You should apologize to him."

That statement cooked up the anger in me.

"No way, why the hell should I, firstly he pissed me off twice and I returned the favour so it's his fault not mine." I spat.

"Young Lady you go apologize to your elder brother now." dad said.

"For crying out loud he's just three years and some months older than me." I almost yelled.

"I've lost my appetite." I said and ran upstairs to my room.

I think I hurt his feelings and also disappointed my parents at the same time.

Am a mess, just five minutes apart and I already miss Jake.

I need to call Alice.

I dialled her number but it wasn't going through.

Can today get any worse.

                    Jake POV

I was playing zombie highway, who am I kidding I was listening to Jenny and my parents conversation.

I felt a little hurt by what jenny said, how could she, well she was right, I caused it firstly, am the one who suppose to show an example because am the eldest. But am not gonna apology, she's the one that will do that.

I dropped my phone and felt sleepy at that moment my door squeaked open.

"Who's there." I asked.

"It's jean." she said.

I knew it was that little brat, I can't stand her in my room right now.

"Get out." I yelled.

"Please just let me in." She said.

"No, get the hell out of my room." I yelled.

Angel Writes

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