
The Villainess Justice System
The Villainess Justice System
Author: The Alpha Writer

Welcome Agent A

Beep Beep Beep...

A sound rang continuously, resonating around the space like a heart rate monitor, increasing it's tempo with each second, before dying out seemingly non-existent in the last minute.

Just as anonymously as it left, a figure materialized standing. It's body not moving an inch, not in the slightest. It resembled a piece of hard wood rooted into the ground and left to wither away in the hands of nature. In the vast white space it stood like a spot of dirt in an immaculately clean surface, soiling its pristine appearance.

It began giving off energy in wisps of dark smoke, moving in a rather slow swirling motion, which were all soon absorbed by the white space producing what could be considered a floating translucent ball of light.


A sharp, loud sound once again reverberated across the whole area, sending ripples across the whole space.

{System Booting…





Welcome to The 'Villainess Justice System'}

A robotic voice thundered loudly across the area, announcing its presence.

"Nnngh...Shut it….Shut it now!" The once stark figure from which the dark energy was absorbed from, seemed to have life as it yelled in a domineering tone with its gaze on the white floor.

"Noisy." It muttered.

Resulting from dark matter being taken away from it, the figure now appeared to be a woman. She possessed long dark, flowing hair with the top part tied into a bun with a blue feathered ribbon. Holding a sword dripping with fresh blood, her whole body was also drenched in another person's blood, possibly a victim as her body harboured no major injuries, with just a few cuts and scratches here and there.

Her face and figure looked ethereal though covered in layers of dirty clothes and blood. She looked around the empty space without a hint of anxiousness on her face, trying to identify where she was. As she scanned the area she somehow felt like this place and situation was a bit familiar, though it seemed a bit vague.

She stopped as she glared at the floating orb raising her sword at it.

"Where am I?", She asked in a calm but deadly tone,"Who am I?"

The system who had keenly watched her behavior from her outburst till this very moment, thought she was very 'Interesting'. She didn't look scared or anxious, being able to hold one's peace in such a situation was a huge feat, worthy of applause. It grinned 'I might be lucky to have her as my host.'

Ignoring her questions, it replied.

{I am system 078, The Villanness Justice System. You are my host now as you have been chosen by the Superiors, after being ejected from your original world. We are a perfect match in both matrix, mind and potential so we are now in a soul bound relationship.}

"That doesn't answer my questions. Where and who am I?" She asked again coming closer to the orb, her bloody sword positioned for a swift cut.

'En.' The system thought as she moved closer what could such a low grade sword possibly do to a ball of energy, how does my host think? Has amnesia made her dumb.

{You are at the reception area of your soul space. Your second question would be revealed with time as we go on various missions, conquering worlds together.} 

The system put quite simply.

"Missions?" She thought aloud, as her eyes beamed with curiosity.

{Yes. You and I would carry out various missions in different worlds. The goal being to ultimately change the unfortunate endings of the second female leads also known as the Villanness of their respective worlds according to their death wishes.}

"What if I don't want to?" She asked skillfully returning the sword back to its sheath strapped on her waist as she could perceive the system wasn't capable of harming her.

But could she really be harmed in this spirit form? She contemplated as her hand rested firm on the handle of the sword placed in its sheath.

The system was surprised at her question. Why wouldn't she want to go on missions with this esteemed being, wasn't it good enough for her?.

{If you don't, your soul would be sent to Oblivion to suffer for eternity without an option of reincarnation unless pardoned by the Superiors.}

"Who are these superiors you keep talking about?" She asked out of pure curiosity.

{Reply denied. Host doesn't have the right to know. Go on missions and you might be given the privilege to learn more about that.}

Was all it wanted her to do, missions?. It expected her to blindly follow it through worlds without being given, the most pressing information she needed. Hmph...dream on.

She smiled wickedly.

"A little pain won't hurt. I'm not interested in world hopping, you might as well skewer my soul then." She replied in a serious tone.

"Ha…" The system panicked. 'Did it get some masochist or psychopath as a host?. Why was it so unlucky?' It thought, saddened by its unfortunate plight but simultaneously it's interest in her increased greatly.

How was he going to get her stay without giving out any information?. It suddenly remembered, Ah yes why didn't it think of that.

{I don't think you would want to make that kind of a decision.}

Amused by the system's answer and nonchalant tone, she had thought she had put it in a tight spot but surprisingly it seemed indifferent at her threats.

"Why shouldn't I do that? Like I said, I'm not scared of pain."

{It isn't about you this time}

"En. What is it about then?"

{At your original world, moments before you were ejected, you promised someone on your swords honor. That if you were able to change their fate you won't hesitate doing so. Unless your honor and dignity as a swordswoman is worth nothing, and you are a person who goes back on their words, please do go into oblivion.}

Well, the Lords won't punish this insignificant being for letting out this bit of information right?. I can't let her go. How many more millennials would it take to get another host.

{And for the record I am not lying, a system is unable to lie to their hosts.}

Well he wasn't lying about the first phrase.

As the system spoke those words, the woman's heart strangely got heavier and heavier. Was this sadness she was feeling?.

{Is host alright, the heartbeat has increased by 35%} The system asked in a worried note. Maybe it had spoken too much this time.

Really? She reached for her chest, her heart rate had indeed gotten much faster. Weird...did this promise really mean so much to me? Why would I make such a vow? The past me must have been really selfless.

[Selfless my ass] The system mused quietly.

"What did you say?"

{Nothing (─.─||) }

Giving a look that showed she didn't trust the system yet, she regained her composure ignoring the loud pounding at her ribcage.

"Fine. We will do it your way." She surrendered, "How many missions do I need to pass to finish this charade?"

{Host, the number of missions aren't fixed. Although it might be shorter with high level difficult missions, that fact isn't guaranteed.}

"High level difficulty?"

{Yes host. The difficulty level of missions are ranked from the easiest to the hardest 

F, D, C, B, A, S, SS. Would host like to run the optional tutorial world with F ranked difficulty?.}

"No, thanks" The last thing she wanted to do right now was to help people with their problems. She was still struggling with her new identity and not in the right mind for patience to deal with b*tchy people or she might just end up commiting murder.

{Tutorial Skipped. Does the host remember anything from her original world?} The system inquired following protocol.

"Nothing much. I think my name is Zhi Ruo, somehow that name is stuck in my head. And from my state and the weapon I possess, I might have been a swordswoman."

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