
Chapter THREE: The Meeting

1:00 o’clock rolled around and I’m getting tired of sitting and staring at paperwork, when realizing I haven’t eaten at all today which is really a normal thing.  With not having a mate to help me things are rather difficult to keep up with sometimes.  “One day,” I mused to myself as I made my way down to the kitchen.  My head Omega, Kelly was cleaning the kitchen. 

“Hello Alpha.  I see you missed lunch as always,” Kelly said smiling at me.  Normally I don’t let my pack speak to me in such ways but as she had pretty much helped my father raise me after my mother died in childbirth, I let her comment slide as I always do. 

“Hi Kelly”, I said smirking at her, “at least I am down here now.”

“Very true. What would you like me to make?” she asked.

“Hmm… can you whip me up one of your pizzas?  I know you have some of your crusts on standby waiting for me.”

“Of course, dear.  Meat Lovers with extra cheese as always?”

“Well yes ma’am,” I said giggling, “you know that’s all I will eat.”

Smiling she got to work making me one of her delicious pizzas.  “I will bring it up to you if you would like,” Kelly offered.  “Sure, that would be great.” 

I made my way to my office when I came across my Delta Josh.  “I thought you wouldn’t be back for another week?” I asked him.

“Sherri had to come back early; her father is in the hospital.  His health has declined a lot in the past month,” he replied back.

 “Oh no. Tell her to be strong for him and to come get me if she needs anything.  Her father had helped mine so much in the past and I want to return it to her if I can.”

“Yes Alpha, I will let her know.”

I continued up the stairs back to my office to wait for my pizza and Alpha Thomas.  “Ugh he will be here soon,” I groaned to myself. Even though Alpha Thomas was the one who took me under his wing when my family was killed and made me who I am today, I still sometimes dread the meetings with him.  Other than him staying a couple days a week training me, he also was my fall back to sleep with when my heat hit.  Both of our mates had been killed by rogues so we knew there was nothing wrong with it and always took precautions because neither one of us wanted the commitment of a relationship or a marriage if a child was brought into the world by us.  “It’s been awhile since I have been with him,” I sighed to myself about the time I caught the smell of pizza and I knew Kelly was close.

“Hello Alpha, here is your pizza,” Kelly said walking into my office.

“Thanks so much.  Just in time to eat before my meeting.”

“Who are you meeting dear?” Kelly questioned me.

“Alpha Thomas, I have some questions for him, and he should be here at any time.”

“Interesting enough.  Enjoy the pizza.”

Kelly left my office when I got to thinking about what she said.  Why would she think that my meeting with him would be interesting?  I always have Alpha meetings and she never says anything about those.  She knows we had been together quite a bit over the last few years, and we haven’t been seen together in about 8 months.  Maybe that is what she’s thinking about as my train of thought was interrupted by Henry mind linking about Alpha Thomas and Beta Stephan being at our borders.  “Bring them in, I am already up in my office.” I linked.

As I wait for Henry to bring them up I start getting a bad gut feeling about this meeting and what it is going to entail.  I know Alpha Thomas’s ways on getting people to do what he wants and I know he is going to bargain with me for the information I want and I know what he normally will ask for in return.

I heard them coming up the last flight of stairs followed by a knock on my door.  “Come in.”

As Alpha Thomas entered, I could already see the smirk on his face.  After my father was killed, he was the one that helped me become the leader I was supposed to be and not the lady my father tried to drill into me. We did it behind the scenes because quite frankly I was afraid to fail in front of my pack.  Now I'm more confident than ever but only because this man helped me focus and channel what I possess now.

Dragging myself from my thoughts I stood up to greet him and shake his hand.  To some he may seem intimidating at 6'4" and definitely in shape but to me he's the same person I knew so I don't falter when he tries to intimidate me as always.  At 5'8", I'm taller than most of the women in my pack and a lot stronger not just because I am an Alpha but also for what happened loosing everything.  Alpha Thomas pulls me out of my thoughts when he questions me "Alpha Minerva, what have I done to get such a pleasure of meeting with you?  Since you've become such a strong confident leader, I didn't think you'd need my help."

"I just need to ask you a couple of questions of some things that has been brought to my attention recently." I said judging his reaction.

"Why didn't you just ask over the phone?" he questioned me.

I sighed and said "I wanted to see your face and reactions to my questions to know if you're behind it. Since we know each other inside and out I'll know if you're lying to me.  There's a supernatural child that's been kidnapped by wolves and I have been asked to help find this child."

"I should have known that's what it was about.  I cannot help you with this Alpha. That coven and I are not in good terms at all."

"Wait. How do you know that the kidnapped child is from a witch coven?"

He set there a second and finally sighed. "I received a letter blackmailing me into helping this kidnapper in taking you out."

I snarled at him letting my wolf Alectrona show, she has been rather quiet since I said yes but with the threat in front of us she decided to make a showing. "Now just hang on, I didn't come here to try anything nor am I wanting to go against you. I helped you to much and spent to much time with you.  I want to help you because these wolves are putting my pack in danger by wanting to go against you."


"Wait. What do you mean?" He asked.

"Did you not pick up your packs scent on the letter or did you just not pay attention to it?"

"I tried to pick up scents from it but I couldn't and thought they masked it. No wonder you called me," he replied slumping in his chair.

I watched as his eyes glossed over showing that he was mind linking someone and considering he isn't of my pack it was his Beta. As I was just about to interrupt he set up and said "We will help you Alpha Minerva. But I want it to be just my Beta Stephan and I so word doesn't get around and we lose any chance at finding that little girl."

“That works for me.  Do you have any idea who in your pack would want to rage war against me?  You would think they would not with the reputation I have.”

“You would think not but I have a feeling of who it is, he always seems to disappear and blocks mindlinks from any of us.  The place to find him from where I gathered is the were club Bearly,” was his response.

“Well I think we need to pay him a visit tonight.  What do you think?”

“Hell yeah it’s been awhile since we have had a night together,” Thomas winked at me.

“Well let me tell the Porter’s what is going on and we will meet down stairs at 8pm?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

I watched him head out the door.  He’s right, it has been awhile since we have been out together which means he will probably end up in my bed, which I’m not complaining about at all.  I called the Porter’s and let them know what is going on with the Alpha.  They were a little hesitant at first but we really don’t have much of a choice.  After that I headed up to my room for a shower and to get ready for tonight.

Hopefully I find who I need and why he is doing it.

——Thomas POV——

Oh yes a night with Minerva. I haven’t had one in 8 months and I was over due. She used to be such a sweet girl when her father was here and raising her to be a proper lady and be an amazing Luna. Since he, her mate and son was killed in the attack, I saw the light change in her eyes. She healed two days from her own wounds and she contacted me to help her start her life as an Alpha. I was there when she was inducted into the position and soon after she asked me to help her train.

So I trained her and she has developed into a ruthlessness Alpha that even I cannot match. I am not sure if that happened because of watching her family get killed or because she was a woman and wanted to prove that she can be an Alpha. Regardless, she as lived up to her name as a goddess of wisdom, medicine and even war. She is the only Alpha I look up to, because she has carried 3 packs through war and lost only 1 person and she felt like she failed him as leader. She not only leads her pack as an Alpha but as a Luna as well.

With Minerva on my mind I took a nap to kill time until I am supposed to get ready. Before drifting off to sleep I asked myself why the Moon Goddess never paired us as second chance mate?

I heard my alarm go off and slowly stretched awake. I climbed out of the bed and headed for a shower. I still have an hour and half until I need to be down stairs so I thought to myself about going and seeing Minerva. I stepped out and dried off quickly, hurrying up to her room. Knocking I heard the shower turn off. “I’m gonna get lucky,” I thought to myself.

I waited for a moment then knocked again just louder. “Come on woman answer the door,” I grumbled to myself about the time she opened her door in a towel.

“It’s seems like forever since I’ve seen you in nothing but a towel,” I said smirking at her. This woman was absolutely gorgeous. I was going to take her right now no matter how much she protests. She’s never been able to resist against me long.

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