

Leya had never given anyone a bath, let alone an adult man.

Standing in the small confines of the cabin’s bathroom, she did not realize just how constricting space was, not until Kairo stepped inside.

His shoulders seem to hunch inwards as well, the top of his head angled down to prevent grazing the ceiling. He looks uncomfortable but Leya feels nothing close to sympathy for the large man.

“I’m assuming you’ve never had a bath,” Leya murmurs as she carefully manoeuvres around the man, wary not to touch his dirt-stained body. Setting the bucket down in one corner of the shower, she drops a scrubbing brush inside, bar of soap, bottle of two in one shampoo, scrubbing gloves, three razors and a nail cutter.

She feels him shift somewhere to her side and her eyes slant to peer at the man gazing at the showerhead now at his height. His glancing fingers pick at random bottles aligned on the racks then pops them open before tentativel

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goodnovel comment avatar
Emily Struna
Ok I’m like how this book is different from the others I’ve read from you. As this time it’s the male who is the wounded traumatized one and the female is the savior type. I wonder if In all these years since he’s been cursed if he’s forgotten his past as a royal.
goodnovel comment avatar
Lisette Martinez
so we'll written! I love the story and can't wait for more ❤
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina D
Update please, such a good story

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