
Months Spent


Months Spent

The two were gathering the things needed for their experiment. Pax made a checklist for Layla, and she just bought some other needs from the grocery. Pax, meanwhile, was preparing all his tools and equipment in his lab.

    “Hey Pax, when exactly is this experiment finished?” Layla dropped all her grocery bags after making an entrance to Pax’s lab. She held her knees gasping for breath,

     “Really Layla? Was is that heavy?” Pax said going to different spots of his lab. After grabbing 5 or more beakers from the kitchen shelves, he placed them all carefully on the table and said, “I think we can finish it in 7 weeks as long as we keep working on it each day.”

    “Not bad huh. At least it isn’t more than 2 months or something. I’ll go here automatically each day. Even if you want it or not.” She walked up to the area where Pax was pacing back and forth for several materials. “I’ll help you with that” She muttered, carrying the objects Pax passed onto her. Pax remembered his experiences with both his moms on his supposedly tiny experiments years ago. His experience with Fawn wasn’t that much of luxury, they didn’t have all the tools but if Pax needs something below 10 euros, his mother would buy it for him. Meanwhile, his experience with Aida was full of wealth, he even got his own laboratory—that wasn’t in an alley in Chicago—

     “Pax? Pax?” Pax saw Layla roll her eyes, “Earth to Pax!”

Pax stopped daydreaming suddenly. He forgot he was pouring a substance he grabbed a while ago, he was pouring it on the table.

     “Oh my gosh! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!” he exclaimed, quickly pacing to get a towel. While Pax was in distress, he saw Layla sitting, just laughing at him. It was the first time he made her laugh. Wow. The feeling of making a girl laugh feels so good. The feeling seems familiar though. He thought while smiling back at Layla who was laughing her butt off.

     A few moments later, Pax was done wiping away the gooey liquid he accidentally poured on the table. Layla was now adjusting the temperature to put for the beaker while Pax was having a rest. From somewhere on the table, a large fire conjured up from the heating. The flames bright green and blue. Making unique experiments sometimes made Layla think that she had the right choice to sneak into somebody’s weird so called “house” down in an alley. 

She hurried to the place where the fire is caused and rapidly adjusted it to normal. The sound of it made Pax woke up, 

     “Hey. Layla.” Pax muttered, he probably thought he was still dreaming, “I don’t know why but… I somehow feel close to you.”

     “And why is that?” she asked, still handling the mixtures. “Maybe you’re just socializing. I know you don’t do that often that must be why.”

     “It’s like I’ve known you. It was the first time I made you laugh yet the feeling seemed familiar but—never mind” he sighed.

Pax woke up with the sound of bubbles from their current experiment. He looked up at his digital clock that read 23:47. He squinted his eyes to see if what he was seeing was true. Turns out, it was. 

     He paced through the corner of the room to reach the curtain windows, just to see it was actually midnight. It was hard to think that because he was last working with Layla at the afternoon. He had slept for hours, he wondered why Layla didn’t wake him up. It would be great if he woke up, so he would wake up from his bad dream. It was strange though, he dreamt of her about to cry saying he doesn’t remember. Remember what? He thought.

    He walked slowly to his tiny closet to grab his pajamas and go to bed.

       “Good Morning!” Layla greeted as she walked in to her every day work place. “I see… you’ve cleaned it up a bit, didn’t you?” She was wearing a plain white sweatshirt and her usual ripped jeans. A messy bun and goofy eyeglasses with a tape to finish the outfit.

     “Yes. I did. Like the new arrangement?” he asked, to Layla’s surprise, he said this sentence politely. “I didn’t know you wore glasses.”

     “it’s a bit confusing now since I got used to the old arrangement, but I love how you made a lot of space for the experiment table.” She answered ignoring Pax’s comment on her glasses. She dropped her backpack at the couch and stared at the room for a second. “What for?”

     “Nothing. I just thought I could spice it up a bit.” He replied. “Shall we continue on our experiment?” 

     “Uh—sure!” Layla was really shocked about how Pax’s kindness. It was like somebody possessed him. Every other day she wore her usual outfit, a tank top, sometimes even a denim jacket, but didn’t feel quite stylish today. And her usual jeans. Although, Pax was dressed uniquely. The usual suit he wore each day, now became a casual striped t-shirt and loose jeans. How had Pax change so quickly after a month?

     It was the usual day with Pax. Just some fun conversations, serious ones brought up by Pax. Some rest, if needed, and same old Pax waking up to Layla being out of sight. Each day was just as same. But both were never bored of it, as long as the experiment becomes a success, they will keep going. Pax became a lot of laughs afterwards. It was really rare but Layla came to appreciate it.

A whole lot can happen in just a month I suppose. Pax now smiled at her, instead of being all bossy and mean.

It was like beauty and the beast. Layla thought while watching him work. It’s not that he’s all ugly and filthy. And he didn’t lock me all up in a tower. It’s just the vibe of- someone actually falling in love.

It was 4:30 am. Layla was sleeping peacefully in her bedroom. Until, she heard a repeatedly vibrating tone. She slowly got up from her bed to see what was actually vibrating. Was it her phone? Was it the alarm? Was it… Pax’s Keychain Notifyer.

     She quickly pushed her blankets aside to grab her backpack from the closet. She noticed her keychain buzzing with blue light that reads,


     She blinked repeatedly to see if what she read was right. 

It was right. Of course, it was right! I’m so dumb. She thought to herself, shrugging.

Quickly, she dropped the backpack and got ready as fast as she could.

     Pax was waiting for her to come barging into his door. But all he would do was to pace back and forth, looking at his watch again and again.


     “Sorry. Am I late?” Layla stood behind the door she just banged a moment ago. She was wearing her normal clothes, but now her hair was tucked in a pony…a bun… something in between.

     “Just in time.” Pax smiled, he hurried to the table were their experiments lay untouched. They seemed ready. 

     “Hope that thing we worked on for weeks doesn’t kill me.” Layla nervously chuckled. Pax raised an eyebrow at her. She then replaced her smile with a serious face. “For short. I hope our hard work pays off.” Pax nodded alongside with what Layla had said. They were standing beside each other near the table.

     “Well, are you ready?” Pax asked with a throaty tone. Their eyes met, and with a bit hesitation, Layla gave an insipid smile and nodded. Pax hurried to get the Erlenmeyer flask. It had a gooey dark green liquid inside, Layla stared worriedly at it. A bit disgusted by it. 

He passed the container to Layla. Who’s currently staring at it. 

     “I guess this is it.” She said, her voice shaky. “Ready or not. Here I go.”

Pax stared at her as she gulped the mixture. One gulp. Two gulps. Three gulps. Gross. Both of them thought.

She finished swallowing the mixture and she exhaled so loudly it made Pax jump.

“Oh My GoaSH that is GrOoHohOSs!” she exclaimed tightly, coughing exaggeratedly. “pax give me WahoHuteR” 

“WHAT??” he called. “Wuhother?” he stared at the ceiling for a moment and thought WATER! She needs water!

Quickly, he moved to the drawers to bring out a bottle of water. He grabbed the whole stack he had. Moving over to her while bumping chairs and pillows.  Suddenly, he noticed. Why’d Layla stop coughing?

He put all the bottles down so he could see clearly… 

“Too late dumbass.” Layla sighed shakily and fainted.

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