

I stare at him blankly.

What the hell did I do?

It's 6.00pm. I'm on time! So, why did I just get fired?

Trent gazes at me, his serious stare turning into a small smile.

"I just wish you could see the look on your face right now," he says with a light laugh.

Why on earth is he laughing?

He wipes his hands with the table cloth and smiles at me.

" I'll show you around."

Trent shows me around his luxurious living room. I admire secretly as we proceed upstairs. He shows me several rooms including his master bedroom. It's a four poster bed with neatly arranged stripped pillows. It's incredibly huge and volumous! What I love most about the room is the artistic paintings that are hanging on the wall.

"You love paintings?"

He asks behind me, his voice making me jerk back in surprise.


I don't feel like talking to him or saying anything more. My big mouth may end up saying a lot, making us get into a conversation only for him to end up saying something hurtful.

"You have a zip on your mouth today, huh?"

I force a smile and follow him as he leaves the room. He's done showing me all the rooms in this house except one.

The Trophy room.

Trent stands at the door. I find it strange that he does not open it or show me inside.

"This is my trophy room," he says sternly. "It's out of bounds!"

Rule number 4! Clean each and every room except The trophy room...

"Yes S-" I'm about to call him sir. "Yes, Trent."

A grin stretches on his lips. "Good."

"Start cleaning my room first," he orders, walking away. "I need the windows dusted."

I watch as he walks stealthily down the stairs and I must admit, I don't like Trent. He's so bossy.

Yeah, I know he's my boss and he should be bossy but must he be bossy because he's my boss?

I spin to head to his room.


I am busy dusting the big glassy windows in Trent's room when I sniff the sweet aroma of bangers.

I love bangers and mash. It's my favorite dish. Okay, scratch that. Every dish is my favorite dish. I'm such a foodie! But right now, my favorite meal is bangers and mash with onion gravy. No wonder he was dicing the onions earlier...

I'm already drooling and my stomach is grumbling desperately for the food. There's nothing I wish more now than to stop dusting the windows and devour all the sausages Trent is cooking right now.

My phone buzzes in my pocket.


Why is my grandmother calling? Shit! Did Aunt Lucy tell her?

"Hallo," I speak softly when I pick the phone.

"You little stupid girl! How dare you move out without telling me! You think you are grown now, huh?"

Grammy is nagging so fast I can barely say a word in between. This doesn't come as a surprise because she has a habit of nagging when things piss her off.

Something has definitely pissed her off.

"Now listen to me, silly girl. You will go back to Lucy's place and live there until you complete college and get a stable job. Okay?"

I huff. "First of all, I have not moved out yet. And second, I've made up my mind, Grammy! I'm moving out this weekend."

"Who gives you the balls to talk back at me, young lady! Now you think college has made you smarter and wiser than your old lady?" She turns on a crying voice. "You think you can live without me now? Just because you are about to get a college degree, you think you can do what you want, Mh? "

She always uses that crying voice to manipulate me into doing what she wants. But, I won't allow it to work this time.

"I'm really sorry but I've made up my mind," I say adamantly. "I really want this."

She sniffs and sighs. "I always knew the city would change you..."

I have lived with Grammy all my life in Hampshire. I grew up there. Made a lot of friends. Had a few flings. Broke a couple of hearts and had mine broken too. Went for horse riding in the summer and curled up in my small pink bed during winter. Hampshire is where I made a lot of memories. But somehow, I felt like I never belonged there. I felt there was a lot more the world had to offer than a little green country town. And it hurt a little that Grammy knew that too.

"Maybe the city didn't change me," I mutter. "Maybe this is who I have always been... "

I quickly hang up when when hear Trent clear his throat behind me.

"I didn't know I'm paying you for talking with people on the phone," he snorts.

I sigh and slide my phone back in the pocket. "I'm sorry..."

"Rule number 6! No phones during work!" he commands.

Can this guy just stop pestering me for crying out loud!

I force a smile. "Okay, sir!" 

He scowls at me for a while and finally lets it go.

"After you are done cleaning the rooms, you should wash the dishes."

A moment ago, I thought he looked dang good in the gray track suit he's wearing but I just changed my mind. He's ugly! I hate how bossy he is! Can't he see I'm already busy? Trent must be the male version of one of Cinderella's step sisters. I wonder who is the prince that will come to my rescue.

He narrows his eyes and barks. "Are we clear!"

"Yes, sir."

I need this job. Especially now.

Standing him won't kill me.

He turns to walk away but stops at the door.

"Oh and one more thing, Becca, is it?"

I nod.

"The next time you call me sir may be the last day you step into my house," he grins frostily.

I force a smile. "Yes." Sir!



I'm done dusting and scrubbing the rooms.

It was not as hard as I thought since the house is so clean. That makes my work easier.

I thoroughly wash my hands and head to the living room. I'm met with an uproar of laughter. Trent and some other two young men are watching football on TV as they eat  bangers.

I don't pay attention.

But Trent calls me.

"After washing the dishes, quickly clear the table," he orders. "And stop dragging yourself around like a dead corpse! Be fast."

Lord! Give me the strength to stand this man. I need this job but I need that strength more.

I head to the kitchen and I'm met with a pile of dirty dishes. I quickly turn on the tap and immediately start washing as I wash dish by dish.

" Damn! Are you for real? " I hear a voice shout. "You're so hot!" he says in amusement.

I look up swiftly and find one of Trent's friends staring at me.

He starts walking towards the kitchenette with a bright smile on his face. I must admit, he's really cute. His curly brown hair has been cut into a mohawk. His dark smiling eyes blend so well with his killer smile.

"So," he hoists himself on the counter. "You are Trent's new house help?"

He seems like a nice guy so I say in a low tone, "unfortunately..."

He laughs. "I fancy funny females!"

I just respond with a smile and go on cleaning the dishes.

"I'm Jesse Linkard," he introduces himself, smiling at me.

His name rings a bell but I can't recall where I have heard it from.

"I'm Becca."

Trent enters the room but I ignore him and continue talking to his friend.

"I have heard your name somewhere. Are you a rapper?"

He's wearing some faded jeans, a white Bob Marley shirt, an expensive leather jacket on top and a blinging gold chain on his neck. His hair and swagger easily makes him pass for a rapper or popstar.

He laughs. "No, I am a player."

I chuckl. "You look like one..."

"No, as in a football player. I play for Menpool United" Jesse grins at me. "And even if I was a player, the only game I would want to play is you, my goal would be to satisfy you and you would be the medal I crave to win."

I chuckle and fake a blush but I'm not falling for that crap.

"You have a way with words huh?"

 "Yeah. Only when it comes to you..."

Trent cuts in the conversation.

"Jesse, she's not one of your conquests. She's not your type man!"

Trent looks at me in disgust.

"She's a maid!" He adds.

Jesse smiles sweetly. "I'm tired of all those cheap supermodels we keep dating. This one has stolen my heart."

I grin. "Never been a thief of hearts..."

Trent scoffs with a smirk on his face.

"Green eyes on a flawless skin!" Jesse is flirting with me. "So lovely. You are lovely."

I'm enjoying this because it's making Trent mad. I love it when he gets mad.

"Gooooooooaaaal!!!" A voice jeers.

Trent's other friend just entered the room. He has a darker complexion and seems like the quiet one in the group. A guy with a few words he seems.

"Marcus, the goal is offside," Trent snorts glancing at Marcus. Then he turns to look at Jesse and I.

"I like you for real," Jesse continues, not paying attention to his two friends.

"Jesse, you like every other girl that comes your way," Trent intrudes with a harsh tone.

I don't know why he's so invested in my conversation with Jesse. Jesse is just playing around. I don't know why Trent is being all serious and stiff about it.

" Becca is nothing close to those girls," Jesse says more to me than him. "She's a medal. A precious golden medal."

"Okay enough!" I stop him.

His words are starting to get to my head. That's not good. I'm a girl who falls way too easy. I know myself.

"Finally!" Trent grunts scrolling through his phone.

I'm done washing the dishes. I look at the clock on the wall. It's 9 O' clock. Time really flies.

"I need to get going ," I say, wiping my hands.

"Not now!" Jesse fakes a cry. "We should get to know each other more."

Trent rolls his eyes." Not before you clear the table... "

I quickly do as Trent says and take my backpack.

At last!

First day at work. Finished.

" I'll be thinking about you, "Jesse winks as I leave.

I don't know why he doesn't seem to think I'm not his type. I'm just a maid. Just like Trent told him. And probably Marcus think so too. That's why he hasn't said a word to me since he saw me...

I smile back at Jesse, only to be met by Trent's cold stare.

"It's cold outside," Jesse says softly. "A leather jacket may come in handy, don't you think? "

He takes off his jacket and hands it to me.

I honestly can't believe he's giving me his expensive designer jacket. Damn!

I smile, taking the jacket. "Thank you, Jesse."

I glance at Trent and he seems so irked, gritting his teeth.

Jesse winks at me as I slide in his jacket. It's so warm and it smells so good.

"Welcome, sugar."

Shit! I'm blushing so I quickly glance away.

I can feel the gazes of the two men on me as I turn to leave.

I wonder how it will be like working in the presence of the two dashing men!


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