
Chapter 18: Zhang You is Lost

Lin Zoe and Shen Zi were fixing each other, with the wind singing in their ears and their eyes, talking at their place. With patience and calm, she could only wait without doing anything. If Shen spoke, it will help her know how to deal with Zhang You later. 

They were both looking at each other, and Zoe was even more impatient than him. Shen sighed and stood up from his chair. 

"All this happened for your security, you know. I will have never done anything bad to you." At hearing him, a slight smile appeared on her face. She stopped smiling and faked seriousness. 

"I'm listening! Go on."

"To trap Zhang You, I tracked the motorbiker who tried to knock you. With some special method, I forced him to give me the description of what happened and the person behind all that mess. That's how I knew about Zhang You. I knew you were on the platform and disturbance could ruin your image. So, I asked Lu Jin to bring my secret silent guns and sleeping needles. After all this, you probably knew I will call the police to arrest her."

Lin Zoe stooped from her chair and hugged her husband. She cried tears of joy and was happy that Shen did not stop thinking about her and saved her life.

"Mr. Shen Zi! I owe you my life for saving me." 

Shen was so touched, he hugged her back to kiss tenderly her forehead. 


At the courtroom, Shen sat in front, at the right, with Zoe and his lawyer. The accused was not yet present and could not come if the process had not started. Many people were present in the room and a group of distinguished people, sat at the place of the accused. 

They were Zhang You's relatives. 

Zoe knew it and stayed quiet. They were throwing dark looks at them. Lin Zoe didn't want to cross their looks and looked elsewhere. At a moment, the people got up and the judge came, in his dark robe and gavel at hand. 

The judge sat and clapped his gavel on the sound block. 

"I'm asking the people to sit down." 

Shen and Zoe were anxious while Zhang You was still not present. The judge took his gavel and struck it on the sound block. The noise in the room, turned instantly to quiet. The process had begun. 

"By the name of the law, bring the accused within us," the judge said. 

The police officers seating at a corner of the room, hurriedly left the room to an unknown quiet room, where Zhang You was kept by two guards. An officer held her right hand and the other her left hand, then carried her to the courtroom. 

As she entered the court, Lin Zoe examined carefully her face. She had a pale face which seemed like, she hadn't slept all night. Zhang You couldn't bear to see Lin Zoe's face nor did she wished the same thing. The only reason she was stuck with her husband in this courtroom, was because they had to prove sufficient accusations against Zhang You, that Lin Zoe only could testify. 

She sat at her seat, beside her family and watched at the glares of the judge over the court. The court officers gave way for the two lawyers to greet the judge and defend their clients. 

"Greetings, her excellency - the judge." they both greeted 

The judge struck his gavel on the sound block and called upon, the two main characters. "I will now call the accused and the victim. Please in the name of the law, swear you shall only tell the truth. Then, we proceed."

Zhang You stood up and swore she will only say the truth. Lin Zoe did the same. The judge had put his eyeglasses, and read out some documents. 

<Clank!> they heard. 

"Good! Now, we may start. May the lawyer of the victim, come." she said, with her black looks behind her glasses.

The lawyer of Shen Zi, stood up and presented himself before the judge. Shen Zi patted Lin Zoe's shoulder. "Don't worry, this lawyer is great in solving out cases," With a comforting smile, she nodded. 

"Dear judge, here present is Miss Lin Zoe from the Lin family, who has been a victim of a case of planned homicide. She had been a target of Miss Zhang who obviously tried to murder her twice." 

The lawyer of Zhang You and her family, stood and quickly tried to cancel the words of his opponent. "Objection, your highness," he said. 

The judge made a hand to the other judge for a stop, "Objection accorded." 

Zhang You looked at Lin Zoe with an evil smirk. It looked like, she was prepared for this. If she managed to be freed, Zoe will be dead for good. She didn't care because she knew, she couldn't get away, especially because she was backed up by Shen. 

"Your highness, here is miss Zhang who was unjustifiedly accused. If she has to be imprisoned, there has to be proof," he said

People in the room started chit-chatting, Zhang You was smiling flattery over to Lin Zoe. Lin Zoe stayed calm and said nothing. The lawyer of Lin Zoe simply smiled and let his turn come over. 

"Silence in the court!" As the judge spoke, everyone present turned calm and no sound could be heard.

"Well, it's true there needs to be evidence. Miss Lin and her lawyer can you please fulfill some evidence?"

Lin Zoe stood up helped by her husband. She went on before the judge with her lawyer. Zhang You, seeing the attention and affection given to her, could only feel jealous and gritted her teeth. 

She looked up to her family members and complained heavily.

"Brothers, Father and Mother, since I'm here, you haven't told me nice words and cajoled me a little. At least, I'm a very sad person because of this event," she said

Her mother looked up at her angrily, and said, "You little Zhang, stop being stupid. Even if she gets affection, keep your energy on thinking about how you can successfully win the trial. That's the love we are showing to you. Isn't it affectionate?" 

"Yes, mother. It is!" she replied shamefully.

"Our honor your highness." she and the lawyer said. 

"Miss Lin please I have called for proof of some evidence. As the victim, any sufficient physical or vocal crime offended to you, shall be enough to put the accused in prison. You may speak!"

Lin Zoe was prepared and knew her script perfectly. 

"Your highness, my complaint against Miss Zhang is..." 

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