

I had died.

I had to have died and entered heaven.

How else would it be explained that I had the most beautiful angel with blond hair over me?

Her hair was messy, sure, shot in all directions, but she was beautiful and she looked so innocent...

Although it seemed strange to me.

According to my filthy file, I should be burning in the fifth pile of hell.

Unless the devil was a woman and by the way, incredibly exquisite.

She was looking at me with her huge green eyes, brimming with curiosity and intrigue.

Suddenly she smiled, showing me all her teeth and I felt my chest throb and my fly tighten.

But it didn't last long. As soon as she opened her mouth all the charm ended.

"Oh,” sighed the angel. “I thought you were dead, but your chest was moving. That's why I covered your mouth and nose, to see if you would react with that, but you started to move like crazy and I had to let you go, but at least you woke up. By the way, you have a bump behind your right ear about the size of a duck's egg. Does it hurt? It burns? Does it itch? How many fingers do you see? Do you want to throw up? You're dizzy?”

“What?” I asked, freaked out by all the chattering, how many words did she say in less than thirty seconds?

"That I thought you were dead and...” I covered her mouth with my hand when I saw that she would repeat the same story.

"No, shut up.” She opened her eyes even more. "My God, give me a break. Where the hell am I?"

I looked around me, still not removing my hand from her mouth, confused by what my eyes saw.

I was inside a tiny cabin, there was a small kitchen, some wicker chairs and two single beds, and you could tell that only one was in use.

And that everything was in the same space.


“What?” I turned to see her again and noticed that she was trying to speak under my hand “Oh, sorry.” I released her mouth “Now tell me.”

"I said I didn't know."

“We are in a cabin and from the sound, I would say in of the beach, how can you not know where we are?”

“We're in the beachfront cabin on an island. I don't know which island we are on.”

I looked at her for a moment as her words penetrated deep into my brain.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I exclaimed, getting up, trying to forget the sharp pain that strained my leg and I got as far away from that strange woman as I could.

"Don't swear at my house, please."

“Your house?” I screamed, "This is your damn house and you don't know where it's located?"

“Stop it!” She exclaimed waving her index finger in front of my nose "You're going to that corner right now! You’re punished for being rude!”

“You're crazy!” I exclaimed out of myself.

This had to be a fucking joke.

I got out of that strange place as best I could.

The leg was killing me, at some point I had lost my special shoes, my shirt was also missing and I was only wearing the shirt I always wore and my dress pants. My head throbbed with pain and the strange, incessant chatter of this woman did nothing to ease me.

“But what the fuck...?”

I stopped on the porch of the small wooden house to look, impressed, what was spread out in front of me.

Before me was the most beautiful and crystalline water I had ever had the good fortune to see.

Unfortunately, these were not holidays, but a kind of divine punishment from God.

More specifically, by Diego Gómez.

The rhythmic sound of the waves would have become mesmerizing had it not been for the situation I was in.

It was a tropical paradise, all sand and palms. To my right, I noticed that there was a small wooden boat on the shore of the beach.

"That's where you came from."

I turned to see the mysterious girl and had to lower my gaze a lot.

She was tiny.

“And did you carry me home by yourself?” I asked mockingly.

"Actually, I dragged you,” she replied unfazed by my tone.

“Your?” I said incredulously.

"I’m very strong, you would be surprised at the things I have had to do all these years."


"Yes,” she looked at me curiously "Are you okay? You’re very white.”

“Not. I'm not okay, I don't know where I am, I wake up with a crazy and strange woman on me, my head is going to explode and I think I need to sit down.”

I fell into a sitting position on one of the steps and leaned my head on one of the railings.

"You don't have a fever,” she said, touching my forehead.

I pulled her hand away and opened my eyes, feeling hysteria beginning to boil through me.

“Will you at least have a name? Or am I done going crazy and I'm already hallucinating?”

"Oh, you're not crazy, believe me.” she held out her hand. "I'm Abigail Ward, welcome to my island."

"I don't want to be welcomed to this place. What am I supposed to do until they find us? I can't stand here idly having to attend to so many businesses. I...”

Her laugh interrupted me.

“What is so funny?” I asked annoyed.

"You,” she laughed again, amused, "You think we're going to get out of here."

"I don't know about you,” I looked at her annoyed, "But I'll leave. They will come for me and there you will see if you leave or not.”

"I've been waiting for twelve years for them to come for me. Believe me, after a year you will no longer have that idea.”

“Twelve years?” I looked at her impressed and then curious “What did you say your name was?”

“Abigail Ward.”

“Your last name sounds familiar to me...”

“My dad was the owner of Ward's Automotive Industry.”

I looked at her amazed.

“You’re the daughter of James Ward.”

"Yes,” she confirmed calmly.

“Your father died mysteriously. And you and your mother disappeared shortly after...”

“We were returning from Brazil. Mom had been in charge of the company, and Dad’s death, had left pending the opening of a dealership. Everything went well, until Mom decided that we would return by yacht.”

"And the yacht sank, right?"

“That's right...”

"And you made it this far."

"Yeah, we” she corrected me coming down the stairs.

I followed her slower. Until we reach the edge of the beach.

“Who arrived? I asked looking around. "Only you’re here."

"Mom and I,” she finally answered, "But she died shortly after arriving here."

I looked at the girl apprehensively as I processed what she had told me.

The poor woman had been alone for more than a decade, now I understood that she acted in such a maddening way.

Then the breeze hit and made me realize something.

This woman was only wearing a white nightgown and nothing else. I could see her small, but rounded ass through the sheer fabric.

How had I not noticed something like this before?

Because you had woken up to the news that you were abandoned on a desert island.

Interestingly, my subconscious sounded like Mark.

And now that I was wide awake, the weight of reality crushed my brain.

I was lost on an island in the middle of nowhere with a woman who looked like the most beautiful and heavenly angel, but with the mental stability of a madwoman from a madhouse.

"She died there,” she commented simply and pointed up to his left and that took me out of my thoughts.

Turning to where he was pointing, my heart pounded in my chest.

Some thirty meters from us rose a cliff, I calculated, more than fifteen meters high.

"I saw how she slipped off the edge and fell on the stones.” she turned to see me. "But her body never returned."

My eyes widened in surprise at the weight of her words.

Not so much for the content of what she had said. But how she said it.

There was no pain in her voice. She said it like someone who talks about the weather or asks for the time.

I was cold, I accepted it. But that woman beat me.

Talking about her own mother like that didn't affect her?

Sure, I had gone through something similar to her, but it wasn’t the time to think about it, much less talk about it with someone this crazy.

I opened my mouth still searching for the right words when my eyes fell to her chest.

"I can see your tits,” I said at last.

“My what?” She asked confused.

I looked up into her gigantic eyes, thinking she was joking. But there really was confusion in them.

“That I can see your... Nothing, forget it,” I looked away from her and looked at the sky “I wonder what time it will be...”

"It's two in the afternoon.” she smiled childishly and started walking towards the house again. "I saw you on the shore when I woke up this morning and attended to you. There is fruit in the house, do you want some?”

I followed her confused, trying to connect one information with the other, but this woman spoke very fast.

“Do you let any stranger into your house? You have even asked my name.”

“Your name is Alexander Hardy; you live in New York and you’re a vigilant.”

"I'm a security agent, girl,” I said annoyed, "And how do you know all that about me?"

"It was in your wallet."

She opened the door and let me pass.

“Do you have gas on the stove?” I asked confused.

“What?” she turned to look at the stove. "No, I don't have. I think that thing is for decoration or something like that. I never knew how to turn it on.”

“And how are you going to cook?” I asked confused.

“To cook?” She looked at me thoughtfully. "I've never done it."

“And what do you eat?” I asked exasperated.

“I think I already told you,” She looked at me curiously “You really hit your head hard, I said I had fruits and vegetables...”

“Do you stick with that?”

Oh God, Oh God.

I would starve. I knew it, I could see it before my eyes.

I couldn't keep up with a fruit-based diet. I needed meat. Protein! Red and juicy meat from some quadruped, maybe I would settle for a succulent roasted chicken breast and some potatoes with Dijon mustard.

“Don't you have any protein?” I asked with my mouth watering.

She pointed to a wooden box on her right as she peeled a mango.

"That box arrived recently; everything should be good."

“Recently?” I asked without understanding, "Do you order through A****n or eBay?"

“Are those also rude words?” She looked at me without understanding.

“What? Not! Those are... Forget it,” I said, exasperated. “Where do the boxes come from?”

“I don’t know.”

She took out a plastic bowl and began to put in some fruit. Everything, before my hungry and frustrated being.

“You said that box arrived recently...”

"Hmm,” she confirmed.

My gaze drifted to her mouth, which was now biting into a piece of banana.

I shook my head at the sight and forced myself to breathe normally.

“Then where did the fuc… The box come from?” I said, correcting my vocabulary.

“Listen,” she dropped the plastic knife, the peel of the banana already swallowed and looked at me with her penetrating green eyes “You already have me tired with your talking, I don't know where the boxes come from, I only know that they arrive from time to time and in the same place. Could you shut up and let me eat in silence for a few seconds?”

My expression should be immortalized.

Was this woman upset by my questions?

Her impudence had no limits.

“I speak too much?” I asked getting annoyed more and more.

She nodded without looking at me.

“I mean, do you mind me asking?”

“You see? You don’t shut up. It's infuriating. Here,” she handed me the bowl of fruit, “Bon appetit.”

She took hers and went to one of the chairs that was located in front of the only window in the living room / dining room / bedroom.

Instead, I dropped the bowl and went to the box that had been opened.

Inside were personal hygiene products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, compresses, tampons and also canned food, two bags of Doritos and other delicious junk food.

I grabbed a bag of Doritos and another of Oreos and went to sit next to her.

“Did you say they came every so often?”

She made a face and then looked at me ugly.

“I'm eating.”

"And me too, want some?” I handed her the Doritos.

"Mom didn't allow me to eat any of that, she said it was poison,” she commented, denying again.

"Anyway,” I sighed resigned, taking the bag away from her, "Where do the boxes come?"

"On the other side of the island. Every two or three months they appear, I imagine it will be a ship that passes through that area at night and the box floats until it runs aground here...”

Or maybe someone would bring them in and leave them when they knew she was asleep.

None of this made sense to me. I knew her father's company was still running. But it was her grandfather who had taken over.

Also, that the guy was a son of a bitch in his entirety and...

Suddenly everything clicked in my head.

Arthur Ward was the CEO of Ward's Automotive Industry and before me stood the heir to that emporium.

Had Abigail been brought to this place, away from the hand of man, by her grandfather?

"Arthur Ward? He only kills to have power; he is sick of power. Your mission is to unmask him and sink him, because he does not care to remove whoever crosses his path."

Gomez's words hit my brain hard.

And hell, the bastard had been right about something.

I had to get to the bottom of this matter, so his trip to jail would have to be postponed a bit.

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