
I Didn't Kill

With trembling hands, Shama approached the injured girl. Her priority was to save her life, regardless of what had transpired.

Shama was wearing a voluminous gown from which she ripped off a large piece of fabric and carefully removed the knife from the girl's stomach. Blood gushed out like a river. Shama quickly scanned the area for water. Fortunately, there was a large fountain in the center of the hall. She washed the wound and covered it with the piece of cloth she had torn from her gown, trying to suppress the flow of blood.

"Why do I feel like I've seen her before? Her golden hair and exquisite lips resemble someone. Where have I seen her?"

Shama muttered as she bandaged the girl's wound.

Just then the door slammed open, and a young man entered. Shama couldn't help but stare at him. He was breathtakingly handsome, with piercing red eyes, a cold and fair face, and a beautifully sculpted nose. His rosy lips trembled as he saw the girl lying on the ground.

He wore an elegant robe and a crown, his lush hair cascading over his shoulders. He looked like a prince out of a fairy tale. Anyone who saw him would be instantly smitten. Shama was no exception.

"He looks like Rehan, the main lead of the comic,"

She thought, her heart pounding in her chest.

"But this is not the time to be staring at a boy,"

She scolded herself. "I need to tell him about this girl. Maybe he can take her to the hospital."

Shama turned to the boy, her eyes filled with concern.

Before Shama could utter a word, a thunderous voice boomed in her ears:


The man sprinted towards the unconscious girl lying on the ground, shoving Shama aside with such force that she plummeted onto her elbows, narrowly avoiding hitting her face.


Shama thought while rubbing her elbows to soothe the pain.

"She's the female protagonist of the story 'Mystical World of Mystical Creatures.' Is this a coincidence? Because they bear a striking resemblance."

Shama opened her mouth to speak, but the man's fiery glare silenced her. He opened his mouth, revealing a pair of fangs. His crimson eyes glared at Shama fiercely, shocking her to the core.

"He...He's a vampire? Where am I? What is this place?"

Shama thought, too terrified to utter a word.

The man cradled the unconsious girl in his arms as his guards rushed into the room. 

"Kill her. I want to see her lifeless body in my palace"

He commanded, looking at Shama. He picked the unconsious girl in his arms, walking towards the door.

Shama's body trembled with fear as she watched the man leave. His words echoed in her mind, "Kill her."

Why? She hadn't done anything.

Another young man stepped forward from the group of guards standing before her. He looked different from the others, with a charming and gentle demeanor.

He smiled at her and said,

"Shanaya, did you think you could harm Rehan's loved ones and get away with it? For so long, you played dirty tricks on him to get his attention, even harming Naina countless times. But he forgave you for the sake of the childhood friendship. But you?"

He scoffed, looking at her with pure hatred in his eyes.

"You never understood. How pathetic."

His voice was laced with disgust.

"But now, when you've crossed every boundation and limit, I must make sure that you reap what you've sown."

A saddistic smile spread on his lips, and an evil intent flashed in his eyes. He drew his sword.

"It's the end of your games Shanaya"

Shama stared at him in terror. He looked gentle, but she could sense the danger in his eyes.

"Naina? Rehan? And he just called me Shanaya? These are all characters from the comic. Where am I? Am I in the comic bok? What bullshit? But there's no other explanation which I can make out from this situation and also they all look too similar to the characters."

Collecting all the strength within her Shama spoke,

"Wh-what's your name?"

Listening to her sentence, the man narrowed his eyes, giving her a skeptical look.

"Pufft... Have you forgotten my name now?"

He said, suddenly breaking out into a laughter, tears threatening to make it's way out of his eyes. He snapped his gaze towards her while his jaw tightened in anger.

"Are you going to play amnesia now? Do you think it will save you?"

His voice went an octave lower as he looked at her with predatory eyes.

"Don't you dare play your dirty tricks on me, Ms. Shanaya. I'm not Rehan."

The calmness in his voice sent chills down Shama's spine. Her skin breaking out in goosebumps. She couldn't believe that she was in a comic and that too as SHANAYA. She was totally fucked up. Only some miracle could save her now. 

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