
I Am The Villainess?

Shama couldn't comprehend what was happening. Her life was in danger, she was trapped in a novel, and she was the antagonist. Life was definitely laughing at her.

"Please believe me when I say I didn't kill Naina. I really didn't. Please let me live,"

Shama pleaded, weeping.

He stared at her trembling body, her innocent face belying her words. He frowned, confused. He placed his chin in his palm as he tilted his head while looking at shama. A wicked grin spread on his face.

"Fine, I'll let you live. Run far away from here. Don't let me catch you, else you're dead."

He stepped aside, clearing the path for her to leave the room.

Shama was shocked. She didn't question why he was letting her go, but she knew she had to flee immediately. She darted past him and the guards, disappearing from sight in seconds. The man's predatory eyes carefully examning her every move.

"So naive"




Shama found herself in a vast forest in the outskirts of the palace. She didn't think twice before sprinting away, deep into the dense forest while night slowly painted the sky in complete darkness. Shama ran, ran until her lungs burned and her legs ached.

"Am I really in the comic? How did everything turn out this way?"

She gasped, struggling to catch her breath.

The silent forest echoed with her panting.

"I need to...Get out of here...No matter how"

She murmured again.

She turned back to check if she was being chased, but tripped over a stone and hit her head, knocking her unconscious.

The guards slowly emerged from behind the trees. The man who had let her go approached her and looked down at her.

"Sigh... I guess I have to kill you now,"

he said softly, squating down to stroke her hair with a wicked smile.

He gestered with his fingers to the guards, they raised their swords walking towards her to stab her. But a bright light emitted from her locket, blocking the attack and sending an immense shockwave throughout the forest. The guards fell down, some knocked unconsious while some heavily injured.

The man was stunned. He stepped forward to examine the locket she was wearing. A beautiful crimson tinted diamond hung from the chain with a small gold plate attached to it. Something in miniature form was engraved in it. Something which was hard to read.

He reached out to touch it, but the locket emitted a strong electric shock, spreading pain throughout his body. He quickly retracted his hands.

"No need to kill her. Take her to the palace."

He ordered the guards as his eyes were curiously glued to her locket. The guards obeyed and carried her away.




Shama opened her eyes and found herself in a luxurious bedchamber. The room was adorned with beautiful chandeliers, exquisite furniture, and a lush carpet.

She was shocked by the opulence of her surroundings. She sat up in bed and remembered the events of the previous night.

"I'm in a novel,"

she thought.

"That man resembled Rehan, the male protagonist of the comic. He's a vampire. I saw his fangs. So, he really is Rehan."

Shama shuddered at the memory of his spine chilling gaze.

"The girl I tried to kill was Naina, the female protagonist of the comic. She's a human, and Rehan cherishes her. No wonder he ordered his guards to kill me. I invited death by trying to kill her. Fortunately, I saved her, or she would be dead."

Shama wiped off her sweat. She was still afraid.

"The man who freed me, I assume is Ekansh, Rehan's best friend and his most loyal subject. But look at him, betraying his friend by setting me free. He's such a traitor."

Shama muttered, not at all being grateful towards his kind action. (note the sarcasm)

"So, I'm..."

Shama thought for a moment.

"I'm Shanaya? SHANAYA????? The villainess????? What in the whole multiverse??????"

Shama shouted in disbelief. She looked herself up and down and slapped her forehead in disappointment.

"In every comic I had read about soul swapping, people get the role of the female lead or something good. But I, I got the role of the antagonist. That too the worst, the cruelest antagonst. I didn't sign up for this shit. God, why are you so mean to me??? I hate you."

Shama shouted, looking up to the ceiling in anger.

But she had better priorities right now as she started to analyze the situation.

"Shanaya loved Rehan deeply. But he never paid her any attention. Slowly, she transformed into a villainess who hated Naina for stealing Rehan from her and tried to kill her today. I should be dead by now."

Shama thought while rubbing her chin.

"How am I still alive? Shanaya was killed by Rehan for harming Naina. So, did I change the storyline."

She thought for a moment, then nodded her head in agreement with her own conclusion.

Shama looked around the room, absorbing her surroundings as she rose from the bed, realizing that she had fainted last night but was now in a strange place.

"Where am I?"

she wondered.

"Who brought me here?"

She scanned the room and spotted a bundle of garments placed over the chair which was placed in front of the dressing table with a note attached: "Please wear this."

"Very well,"

she said.

"I'll put this on."

She scanned the room for a bathroom as she saw one right at the corner of the room. She took a refreshing bath, erasing any drop of blood from her body. 

 As she was wearing the gown, she noticed the locket around her neck.

"That's my necklace," she thought. "My grandfather gave it to me when I was a child. But how is it here?"

She stared at the locket. "It's the only thing I brought with me from the real world. The only memory of Grandpa. I must protect it well."

Shama clutched the locket tightly in her hand.

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