
The Necklace

Shama slipped on the garment and admired her reflection in the mirror.  The gown she wore was of the finest silk, the color of a summer sky. The bodice was fitted and embroidered with gold thread, and the skirt fell in soft folds to the floor. Her luminous eyes sparkled like stars, and her long lashes fluttered with every blink. Her delicate nose was as red as a cherry, and her lips were painted a delicate shade of red. Her cheeks glowed with a rosy hue, and her long, dark hair cascaded down her back in waves. 

"Oh my gosh, I look so beautiful," Shama exclaimed, praising her own reflection.

Shama walked to the balcony and opened the door. The cool breeze caressed her skin, relaxing her mind and soothing her heart, making her forget about everything that had happened in the past few hours.

The lush green grass of the garden below swayed in the breeze. Beautiful butterflies and tiny bees flitted from flower to flower. Tall trees provided shade for the animals resting beneath them. Shama smiled gently as she gazed at the serene scene.


A voice interrupted her reverie. She turned and saw Ekansh standing by the door, his arms folded across his chest.

"Admiring the view?" He asked, his tone laced with amusement.

Shama's eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean?" She asked coolly.

"Nothing," He replied, shrugging.

"I was just wondering if you remembered that I saved your life."

His gaze flickered to the locket around her neck. Shama knew that Ekansh was not as simple as he seemed. He had an ulterior motive for saving her, and she was determined to find out what it was.

"Of course I remember," She said, her voice calm and collected.

"But what do you want in return?"

Ekansh's lips curled into a sly smile. "I want the locket."

Shama's heart pounded in her chest. She knew that the locket was important, but she didn't understand why. Why would EKansh want it?

"Why?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Ekansh smiled at the question.

"That's not your concern," he said calmly, "Just give me the locket."

Shama hesitated. She knew that she was in a dangerous position, but she couldn't bring herself to give up the locket. It was the only thing she had left of her grandfather.

"No," she said finally, her voice firm. 

Ekansh's eyes darkened and his jaw tightened, smile fading completely.

"You're making a mistake," he said in a low voice. "You don't know what you're dealing with."

Shama stood her ground, her chin raised defiantly.

"I don't care," she said. "The locket is mine, and I'm not giving it to you."

Ekansh stared at her for a long moment.

suddenly breaking the trance, he stalked towards her, his eyes gleaming with malevolent intent.

"Don't worry," he said. "I'll help you get Rehan back and kill Naina."

Shama was stunned. How could Ekansh, Rehan's most loyal friend, offer to help her betray him? But then she remembered the darkness that lurked beneath his seemingly charming exterior.

"I should leave all this behind," she thought. "It's better to stay out of it and live my life freely. After all, I'm Shanaya now, the princess of the most powerful vampire clan."

"Dear well-wisher," she said, her voice cool and composed, "I appreciate your offer, but I have no interest in pursuing a relationship with that worthless cad, Rehan. I was foolish in the past to chase after him when he didn't even spare me a glance. And as for Naina, she's like a sister to me. I could never hurt her. I know I've made many mistakes in the past, but I regret them all, and I hope you can give me a chance to start my life over."

Ekansh was taken aback by her reaction. He had anticipated her succumbing to temptation and falling into his trap. Her calling Rehan a worthless cad was something he could never have imagined in a million universes. Shanaya had always been the infatuated girl who chased after Rehan blindly, without a single thought or care. She would go to any lengths to possess him and make him hers. She had been obsessed with him. But the woman standing before him now was unrecognizable. She was no longer the same Shanaya.

Shama smiled gently at Ekansh, her eyes sparkling with defiance. "May I now take my leave?"

"Are you putting on an act?" he asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes. "I simply asked for your locket. Is it that precious to you? Or does it hold some dark secret?"

"Listen, Mister," Shama replied nonchalantly breaking her polite, calm and collected facade, "I'm telling you again that I have no bad intentions. This locket was a gift from my grandfather. I could never give it away to a stranger like you. So please don't force me to be rude." 

"A girl who used to be our lapdog is now talking to me so arrogantly?" he thought, his lips curling into a sneer. "Interesting."

"Some wise man said, a facade doesn't last long. After all, a leopard can't change its spots."

He said directing his gaze towards shama, a sly glint in his eye. Shama remained silent, her gaze fixed on his with unwavering intensity.

"I'll stop bothering you now"

He said while pressing the bell. Maids crowded the room up in an instance as he commanded them to escort the princess back to her palace safely. Shama picked up her gown and bowed to him with regal grace. Ekansh bowed in return bidding her a goodbye while his eyes were still narrowed in contemplation.

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