

When Zayn finished cooking for them, they had their breakfast and took bath -one at a time. It's not that she's not ready for them to consummate their wedding but sometimes it feels like he's not ready and that alone hurts her beyond words. She still won't blame him with it since she didn't give him any sign to take their relationship to another level. How will she do that though? It's kind of embarrassing even though he's her husband. Some things just can't be out in the open even between a husband and a wife, most especially, between her and Zayn since their relationship is still young, or so she wants to think.

She walked him to his car and they did a very long dramatic goodbye as he wouldn't leave her even for a single moment. She laughed and ran into the house when he was about to draw her on his laps. Zayn can be very impossible sometimes but she won't just sit there and let the security man and the gardener to see them getting lovey dovey in the par

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