
Chapter 7


Days and weeks passed. Raia, Lexa and I became closer to each other. I can tell them about myself even if they don't ask me. I can say that having a friend is fun too. 

"Okay class, you have a new classmate." Our adviser said. 

There is a transferee? A man entered our room. He is not yet in uniform. He sure- Wait, what is this prick doing here? 

"Introduce yourself." Mr. Chavez commanded. 

He nodded to our teacher before facing us. 

"I'm Jake Amilton. Your new classmate." he introduces himself to us. 

"Sir." He call our adviser. 

"Yes?" ~ Sir Chavez. 

"Can I move my seat?" he asked. 

And where does he plan to move his seat 

'Don't tell me ... 


He looked at me then smiled from ear to ear. "Oh, I want to move my seat next to Andrea Smith." 

This prick... 

I stood up to refuse. I can't let him sit next to me. No, I don't want him sit beside me. He'll just make my everyday a hell.

"Don't put him here, sir." I protest. 

"Why?" Sir Chavez asked me. 

"If you want your class to be quiet, don't keep him with me." My answer. 

But if he wants his class to be noisy and we can't go to class, it's okay. He won't have a time to teach us. 

That's in favor of my classmates. And also me, of course.

"Sir, what he's saying isn't true. Your class will be quieter if you put us together." the animal said 

'What a good liar, tss.' 

"Don't believe him, sir. What he says is not true." I protest. 

"What is real? Who is telling me the truth?" Sir Chavez asked. 

He's also slow. He can't get a hint. 

"The decision is still up to you, sir. If you want something noisy, put us together. If you don't want to, then don't." I said. 

Mr. Chavez looks so confused. he looked back and forth between the two of us. He doesn't know who to believe between us. 

But in the end he still take my side. 

Jake had no choice but to sit in the chair that our teacher prepared for him. 

Jake is my classmate in elementary from grade 2 to grade 6. We are close but he's always goad me. 

He can easily pissed me off. He likes to tease everyone and he's very talkative like Ash. The only difference between them is that Ash is not twit. 

So sometimes I don't like Jake because of his habit. 

If Mr. Chavez put our together, my life won't be quiet. Ash is already making a lot of noise, if he added more, my ear drum will explode. 

The class started and I just listened to our teacher. The class ended quietly but Jake stared straight at me. He's teasing me. 

"Who was the man earlier? Do you know him?" Ash asked me. 

"Yes, a lunatic." My answer. 

We are already walking to the cafeteria. He always wanted to take me to our table everyday when break time or lunch time came. 

I don't know why he always does that. I just let him do it instead of arguing. As usual they were complete at the table, only Alistair was absent. 

I saw that jerk kissing a girl on the side of C.R. He's always like that. He barely passed the week without kissing a girl. 


I don't think his relationship with a woman will last for a day. He plays with women too much. 

Soon after, Alistair arrived. He did not even fix himself. He still has lipstick under her lip. Tss. 

"Hi Andeng!" Jake called me as he walked closer to our table. 

He has a friends right away. He hasn't been here a day but he already has friends. What a friendly man. 

"Long time no see. Miss me?" He asked with his arm around mine. 

I glared at him. 

"Take that off." I threatened him but the animal did not listen to me. 

He's really annoying. 

"Are you going to remove that or do you want me to cut that?" I asked here with a threatening voice. 

"Oh, don't scare me. I just want to put my hands on your shoulder." He said. 

This prick really annoys me. 

"Bro, take that off." Tristan pleaded and pushed Jake's hand away that has been slung over my shoulder since earlier. 

Tristan stood by my side and he faced Jake.

"Who are you and why are you meddling with our business?" Jake asked Tristan arrogantly.

"You're bothering my friend." 

Jake laughed out loud at Tristan's answer.

"HAHAHAHA Really? You have a friend? It's a miracle! HAHAHAHA." he said applauding while laughing. "Someone tried to be your friend and you allowed it? I still can't believe this" He added. "Anyway, just be careful. She's a dragon." He said and pat my shoulder. 

He left with his disciples after he annoyed me. Tristan returned to his seat and asked me if I'm okay so i said yes. 

That was nothing compared to the other things that he have done to me before. If I'm going to compare it to a disease or something, it's just mild. It's not that serious.

"What does he mean?" Raia asked. 

All of them are waiting for my answer. 

"I don't have a single friend and even if someone attempts to be friends with me, I don't allow it." I replied. 

As you all know, I'm not a sociable type of person. I don't want anyone bothering me. That's why I don't have any friends. I also have a one big reason.

"No wonder. Does anyone want to be friends with you if that's how you behave?" Alistair asked. 

Alexa hit him on his arm. He complained about it but when Lexa glared at him, he just kept quiet. 

"Why did you allow me right away?" Lexa asked. 

"Because you're Shan's sister. But if you're not her sibling, I won't let you." 

"Why don't you have a friend?" Tristan asked me. 

"Because I don't want to." 


"She prefers to be alone. Remember? She's not a sociable type of person." Blake answered for me. 

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