
Chapter 3

What remained of the pack gathered outside as we marched Josiah out front, for them to bear see his reign had ended. My rogue army joining them as my father knocks Josiah’s knees out from under him causing Josiah to tumble down the steps and onto the ground. My sister begins to address the pack.

‘Josiah is no more. His reign is over. We shall no longer suffer at his hands. I appreciate those of you that tried to help me during the past two years. I leave it up to you all to decide what his punishment shall be as you all have endured as much suffering as I have. Over the next couple of days, my sister and I will hear from all of you on your suggestions. For now, though this man will remain in the dungeon of his own making. In the very room where he chained me down and commanded others to have their way with me, as he too will be chained in those same chains waiting for the decision of his fate.’ She says as the pack howl in rejoice. Aaliyah held up a hand to quiet them. ‘Discussion begin in the morning, but tonight we feast and celebrate.’ She finishes as the crowd once more howls.

Over the next several days we discuss everything; in the end the pack could only agree to one thing.” Adelaide pauses “Well go on, what is the one thing they agreed upon, what was his punishment? Mack asks. “Only that it should be decided by the two of you.” “Why us?” Matilda asks. “The pack and my sister feel that aside from my sister’s torture and his daughter being sold, the two of you being banished from each other for five years was the third vilest act this man committed. The pack knew that the two of you might want some payback after you heard the truth.” “Oh, I want more than payback, I was so afraid of what might be happening to his daughter that I have lived with that grief ever since and not being allowed to see my mate only made it worse.” Mack said gripping Matilda’s hand. “I will give you both time to discuss this.” Adelaide says taking a drink. “Wait, that doesn’t explain how you became Alpha.” Matilda says.

Adelaide shakes her head saying, “I am getting there. Just wanted to give you both a minute to process what I have just told you.” “Ok, so how did you become the HWIC (Head wolf in charge)?” Ask Mack. Adelaide takes another drink before continuing. “Once everything was settled Aaliyah called for a pack member’s only meeting. In addition, unbeknownst to me had already discussed this with our father. My sister has set out on a journey to find her daughter and rescue her from the clutches of whatever vile man has made her a slave, but before she left, she held a small feast in honor of new allies, turns out her true mate is one of Alpha Mason’s sons, Eli. He too has gone on this journey with her since he was not the next in line for Alpha. During this feast, Aaliyah made a speech that ultimately the pack could decide Josiah’s fate. In her absence, she asked the pack to accept me as their new leader. I honored and appreciative, by how many of them stood, bowing their heads, and vowing their loyalty to me and me to them. I too also vowed to never take any of them for granted and do my best to be not just the Alpha they wanted, but one that would treat each of them with respect.” She finished.

“What about the Rogue wolves?” Asked Matilda. They split up between my father’s, Alpha Mason’s, and my packs. We decided to let them choose which pack they would like to join. Before the feast was over, we all had our new pack members, and I was named Alpha.” Adelaide finishes looking at both.

The room stays quiet for several minutes before Mack broke the awkward silence. “Alpha Adelaide, what is it exactly you are asking of us?” Mack questions. “Well, simply put I would like for the two of you to decide first what will happen to Josiah and second if you will remain with my pack or seek another.” She responds. Matilda turns to look at Mack before asking, “When would you like our decision by?”  “I can give you three days to decide on the pack as for the later, take as much time as you need. Josiah is not going anywhere. As I mentioned earlier, I have given the two of you plenty to discuss and no it will take some time to process. In the meantime, please make yourselves at home. Josie will show you to your room if you would like to stay here. If you don’t, then I have already made arrangements for the two of you to be put up at the hotel in town.” “With all due respect Alpha, we do appreciate the hospitality, but I think we would prefer the hotel. Given the fact we have not seen each other in 5 years and would hate to disturb anyone as we catch up.” Mack says not taking his eyes off Matilda. “Very well, I will have Josie drive you two into town and Josie, please grab them some dinner and let the hotel know room service will be on my tab. “Josie nods and looks at Mack and Matilda, “Please, come with me.” She says as the couple gets up and follows her out. They pile into a blue Jeep Wrangler with the doors off and the soft top rolled up. Josie sits in the driver seat as Matilda and Mack climb into the back. The two interlock their fingers as the Josie starts the Jeep and pulls away. They rode for a long time in silence.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Janice Choate
Really good so far, I am liking this one.

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