



"Hot pink? Or aqua blue?" I held up both the two dresses I just mentioned their color and showed them to Kaycee who was lying lazily on my bed, typing on her phone while popping her gum at the same time.

She stared at the dresses with narrowed eyes before lifting them up to stare at me instead.

"Wow, you really know your colors more then fashion." I frowned and watched her swing her long legs over the bed and strolled towards me and grabbed the dresses from my hands and tossed them back inside the closet.

"I'm about to go crazy. Jonathan is gonna be here in an hour cos he said that when I texted him a while ago, and I'm still looking for a dress to wear."

Kaycee continued rummaging through the racks of clothes till she slowly pulled out one while staring at it with wide eyes.

"What's this?" I glanced at the dress before running my fingers through my long, dark wavy hair.

"Mom got it for me. She wants me to wear it at the Halloween party last year and I was like, 'are you kidding me mom?' That's dress is defined slutty!"

Kaycee kept staring at the dress and I thought maybe she didn't hear what I just said. She can keep the dress if she wants it, I don't even know why I still had it.

"This one. You're wearing this one." I did a double take.

"You're kidding right?" She threw me a glare before shoving the dress in my hand.

"No, you're the one kidding here. Girl, this is the type of dresses girls wear to dinner dates with Jonathan, not those grandma dresses you picked out earlier that you only knew about their colors instead of their styles."

I tried protesting again but she turned me around and started pushing me to my changing room area to get ready. I already showered before she got here, and she only did my hair and makeup and helped me choose a dress. I pulled off my white fluffy robe and then put the dress on. At first it was a bit frustrating, especially trying to figure out which straps goes where cos it was sort of doubled.

When I finally had the dress on, I walked out from behind the wall that was covering me to change, and watched Kaycee gasped as she stared at me.

"What? Is it bad?" She quickly shook her head to disagree.

"Bad? Bitch why would I picked out that dress if I knew that you would absolutely look bad in it?" I stared down at the dress and then she grabbed my hand and pushed me to stand in front of the long body length mirror next to vanity.

"See for yourself."

I looked in the mirror and tilted my head to the side while I stared at the dress that was clinging on to every inch of my body, showing off the curves I thought I never had anymore because of the tough trainings that dad had me go through. My hair was flowing down my back in waves and the double straps only ended on my shoulders leaving my back bare and open.

"Now, you just need a pair of hoop earrings." Kaycee started searching for them on top of the vanity table while I continued staring at myself in the mirror. For the first time in forever, I felt confidence flowed through my body like a tidal wave washing upon me.

It's been forever since I last felt like this again. Felt like I could do anything in the entire world without worrying about what anyone would think of me. The bad Faye inside me was itching to be let out and let her take over. But the thing is, I've kept her locked up in there so she wouldn't make me do things that will define me as the person that they thought I wouldn't become.

I'm Faye Maria Antonio Castillo. And I'm a good girl. Period.

I put on the earrings that Kaycee had given to me and then flipped my hair over my shoulder. My phone dinged and I grabbed it from the top of the nightstand and saw it was a text from Jonathan saying he's waiting outside.

"Was that him?" I nodded and grabbed the small clutch she was giving to me and shove my phone and other small necessary items inside as well.

"Well you better get going. I'll wait till you get back and I'll text you if aunt gabby or uncle Anthony unexpectedly arrived back home." I smiled and thanked her before walking out of my bedroom and making my way downstairs.

The housemaids had probably let him in, and he was standing and looking around, looking very much handsome in a pair of jeans and white shirt with a leather maroon jacket. He suddenly looked up and let his eyes traveled down to my body before smiling back at me.

"Wow, you look absolutely beautiful Faye." I blushed and tucked a loose hair strand at the back of my ear.

"Well, you don't look so bad yourself. Let's go?" He nodded almost immediately before grabbing my hand and leading me outside where his sleek black and red Audi was parked. He opened the passenger door for me and I slid into the vehicle, and caught a scent of newly leather seats with a big whiff of his good masculine cologne lingering in the air. He got into the driver seat and signaled for me to put on my seatbelt with a small smile on his face.


A few minutes later, we arrived at a very expensive and posh looking restaurant, and the valet quickly drove off his car while we walked in and he quickly told the front door receptionist his reservation, and she quickly guided us to our reserved table.

We quickly sat down and then she handed us our menus before strutting away and I caught Jonathan watching her as she left. A small pang of jealousy jolted through me, but I ignored it and flipped open the menu.

We barely made any conversation before our food arrived with our wine, and after we started eating, he finally broke the silence.

"So Faye?"

"Yeah?"I replied almost immediately and he chuckled.

"Why did your father send you all the way to France for training?" I took a small sip of wine before answering.

"Well, he just suggested the idea of going to France for the summer holidays and I said yes. Mostly because I had nothing to do or no where to go for last summer so i thought, why not go to France and get special training sessions."

He slowly nodded while sipping his wine.

"You haven't been to any missions on your own right?" I chuckled before nodding my head.

"Yeah, my parents think I'm not ready yet. But all this training and stuff, is just for preparation you know."

"What about your brother? Was he getting any of this special training sessions as well?"

"Jake? No. He doesn't need to. He knows almost everything more then I do. He's fine on his own." A weird look appeared on his face but it was quickly gone before I could make out what that look was.

I get that he and Jake 'don't like' each other very well,and I'm sure they don't talk about each other as well, except cursing and all. But he brought him up so I'll just go along with it. But that doesn't mean I'll be bad mouthing my own brother to the person he hates the most.











and him for


"So, he goes anywhere he wants, while you had to ask permission?"

Something in his tone struck a cord within me. I didn't like the way he stated that sentence but I didn't wanna ruin this precious moment of my life with him, so I decided not to say anything about it at all.

"Well yeah, it's because I don't usually go out and since I'm the youngest my parents worry a lot about my safety which makes sense, considering the fact that we're the royal Mafia. You don't know, which enemy could be lurking in the shadows all along, and never know when they'll pounce."

He stared at me with a blank look on his face before glancing to the side and reaching for the wine bottle to pour some more in his glass. A weird silence settled upon us, but we continued eating without saying a word.

"I'm curious." He suddenly looked at me after i just said that.

"About what?" I placed my fork beside my plate and propped both my arms on the table and leaned my face onto my palm.

"About this. Why are you suddenly so interested in me now Jonathan? Why now after all this time? I thought you hated me as much as you hate my brother." He casually leaned back and folded his arms across his chest with a smile on his handsome face.

"You really think that?"

"What else am I suppose to think? Everyone thought so too and besides, we never talked or even know each other that well. It's quite shocking that you suddenly decided to ask me for dinner tonight. So what's the catch?"

He started chuckling.

"There's no catch. I just want to do this with you because you Faye. And I'm kinda fed up fighting with one Royal sibling, so why not make friends with the other one to remain on their good side. Even though Castillo and i are not in good terms but that doesn't apply to you as well, I swear."

The part where he said he likes me? My heart nearly stopped functioning. This is something I've been dreaming since freshmen year and now it's finally happening for real.

"Alright. If you say so." He grabbed his wine glass and held it up towards me.

"Cheers. To new friendship." I held back the small pang of disappointment when he said 'friendship'. But I still clinked my glass with him with a big smile on my face.


Straight after our date, Jonathan drove me back home and then when we reached my place, the guards guarding the front gates opened it and let the car drive through. He parked right on the driveway in front of the front door, and then I unbuckled my seatbelt and smiled at him.

"Thanks for tonight. I had a great time." He smiled at me.

"Me too." I nodded and then unlocked the door to my side.

"Alright then, I'll see you-" My words got cut off from my lips when he suddenly leaned in and grabbed the back of my face, colliding our lips together.

I was so shocked that I couldn't move at all and my eyes were wide open. But thankfully, I quickly regained myself and my eyes closed and I kissed him back. I've always dreamt of the day where I would finally have my first kiss with Jonathan, but now when it's finally happening, it was nothing like I've ever experienced before.

His lips perfectly went in sync with mine and it erupts butterflies in my stomach. His hand that was resting on the side of my face, ignites chills on my whole body. When we finally pulled away, he smirked before licking his lips.

"Nice." I slightly frowned. Nice? What does he mean by that? Please god don't tell me he's only saying 'nice' because he can't say to my face that I'm a bad kisser. FYI, I've kissed guys before, so I picked up a few skills along the way. And nice is the only word I got in return from the only guy that I've been crushing on since I was 14?!

"You're actually a good kisser then I thought." He added a few seconds later, and I slowly let out a sigh of relief.



just over-reacting.

"Which is why I want to do this with you another time. Is that okay with you?" I chuckled.

"Are you kidding? Of course I would love to go out with you again. Well, I'll let you decide the places and time, as always." He nodded while smiling.

"Alright. You have my number. Goodnight Faye."

"Night Jonathan." I stepped out of the car and waved him off as he drives away and then I made my way inside the house.

Thatwas one of






been to. And


hell of a kiss I've




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