
Author: Siobhan JK


                "Aria, Opal, help me" 

The two women ran outside to find their friend bent over with a hand on her stomach. Aria got to her first "What is wrong Ursula? Why are you here in the middle of the night?" 

"He wants to kill my baby. Help me" 

"Who wants to kill your baby?" Opal asked pushing strands of the wet hair behind her ears. She must have run all the way from home. Although she'd never been pregnant, she knew that wasn't good for the baby. 

"There's no time to explain. Help me deliver her now" she demanded, her eyes darting from one side to the other. 

"Come inside. Let's talk about this" 

"No Opal. He's coming. There is no time. This baby has to come out right this second"

"You can't be serious Ursula. You're only a few weeks pregnant. Your stomach isn't even showing yet..."

"I know. But you can accelerate the process. Can't you? I won't let him hurt my child" Both Aria and Opal looked at each other "Don't do that!" Ursula snapped. She knew they were communicating in their own way and any other day, she would have smiled, asked them if they were badmouthing her then let it go. Because she knew they would never think ill of her. Contrary to popular belief, witches were kind, humble beings who used their magic to grow flowers and plant medicinal herbs. They were descendants of fairies therefore had no evil bone in their bodies. Unless someone provoked them of course "I know the cost and I'm willing to pay it" 

"No. There has to be another way. Let's leave this place and find somewhere safe where we can talk about this" as she was saying that, howls filled the dark night. A heavy feeling settled in Opal's heart. She knew what was coming, what was going to happen. Whatever it was, it would change them forever.  

"Do it. Take the baby and leave" 

Her body could handle the spell but she would need time to recover before giving birth. Since there was no time, Ursula knew that she was going to die and was okay with it. As long as her child survived, she was willing to do anything. That monster would never get her hands on her. 

Aria and Opal worked fast. Using their magic to accelerate her pregnancy. Her body protested to the changes that were happening too soon. Bones cracked, skin stretched to it's limit and Ursula bit her tongue to hold back the screams bubbling up in her throat. When it was done, they asked her to push. She did it with her last breath. 

"Clarisse" she said trying to open her eyes and look at her baby. Her only regret was that they would never get to know each other. She hoped Aria and Opal would tell her babygirl how much she was loved. How much her parents loved and adored her. In her last moments, she prayed to the moon goddess. Asking her to protect her child's father so in turn he could protect their daughter. That wasn't too much to ask. Was it? 

"She's gone Opal. What will we do without her?" Aria sobbed holding the crying baby. 

"We must leave. Right this second" 

"But we can't leave Ursula's body like that. Let's bury her..." 

"They're here. Ursula asked us to protect her baby and that is what we will do. Even if it costs us our lives. Do you understand?" 

"Yes. The baby... Clarisse" Opal opened a portal. They walked through it. Seconds before he arrived. 

"Shh. This world doesn't deserve you little one. You are too good, too innocent for it. I'm sorry it's come to this but I promise you'll be fine. Sleep now. I'll take good care of you" 

"Aria it's time." 

"Five more minutes" 

"You're getting attached sister. If you create a bond with her you won't be able to let her go. I've never known you to be unwise" 

"I know sister. But she's just so beautiful, so pure. Come look at her Opal. Just look at her" 

"I feel it you know. The urge to protect her and keep her away from harm. You forget we're connected sister" 

"I just wish we could keep her" 

"I'm sorry" Opal put her hand on her sister's shoulder in a comforting way. "He'll find her and she won't be able to escape. We have to do this. We promised Ursula we would protect her with our lives" 

"Okay. Let's do it then" They placed her in the circle they'd drawn then stood over her. That particular spell would require a great amount of powers. Since they'd helped their friend give birth, they needed time to replenish their magic. But as always. There was no time. The only way to protect Clarisse was to send her to a place they would never think of looking. An orphanage for human children. At least there she would be safe. 


He stared at the bloody body, angry that she'd died before he arrived. He would have wanted to see her eyes one last time. To ask her if she regretted betraying him. Loving someone else was one thing but to have a child with him? No. He couldn't allow that. Never! 

"What now? There's a lot of blood. Do you think she already gave birth?" one of the warriors asked. 

"Impossible. She was only a few weeks pregnant" 

"Maybe the witches..." 

"Make an announcement" he snapped not wanting to think about that damn baby "The king and queen are dead. Their only remaining relative will ascend the throne" 


"Find the two witches who lived here and kill them. No one is to ever to speak of what happened tonight. Anyone who spreads rumors will be executed"

"Yes, your majesty" 

After they'd all left, he stared at the corpse. What a waste. Even though he didn't want the child, he wanted her. Wanted to tame her wild nature. But she would rather die than be with him. Squatting, he ran a finger over the frozen lips. 

"My dear Ursula, I will make sure you never rest in peace. When I find that child, you'll regret dying and leaving him alone" 


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