
Chapter 0005

I stunk like a sterilizer. Not only sterilizer but also sterilizer mixed with hospital scent. Weird combination but I did smell like that. We had physical checkout for university students where we and to change gloves, needles, and clothing more than a hundred times. We had to use the chemicals, again and again, to clean things or disinfect the tools.

It surprised me how my hand was still alive using all these chemicals.

When I arrived home, an uninvited guest was in the living room talking on the phone. I froze on the spot and gulped. That was one certain person whom I didn't want to meet. Not today, not tomorrow, never. It was Bright. And I felt ashamed to face him after rejecting him for the second time even after he talked his heart out. Such hard things I have to face every day.

I tiptoed slowly inside. It was my luck, he was deep in the conversation turning his back to me. Then again my bag hit the nearby wall with a thud and he turned around. I quickly duck hiding behind the sofa.


"Win! Are you sick dear? Why are you clutching down like that?" mama's concerned voice asked from the kitchen side.

I groaned standing back. Bury me, god! So embarrassing!

"Uh, I was looking for my... keys! And I found it!" I said in one breath running upstairs without giving a single glance to the alpha.

"Your friends called me Win! Complained you never told them about Bright!" mama's voice again yelled for me.

"They are coming over in the evening!" she yelled again.


Guess god disliked me. He ruined my happy evening. Not that I didn't like my friends. But thinking about their complaints about me not updating with my life made me cringe. I didn't tell them about my arranged marriage. Only Jo knew about it. Ugh, won't Bright leave? Why is he here even?

Just after I took a long shower and slid a t-shirt over my head, my friends arrived. I said a quick prayer running downstairs. I heard quite a commotion going on later to find my friends around Bright.

What the...

"Win! How could you! You brat didn't tell us about your mate!!" Zerry complained at the top of her lungs jumping at me.

"Ahh. Get off me you pig."

It was nearly one year since we all met up like that. The only missing person was my best friend. I quickly called him and asked him to come. By evening our circle was complete. But an extra person was there. Troublesome.

Though Bright was there I avoided him at all cost. He too didn't say a word to me or looked at me. It made me wonder if he suddenly gave up on me... well if so it was for the best. Maybe he could go mate with one of my friends. I thought. I preferred Navi since she was sweet. Zerry was fine, but she was too loud. Both were good.

After dinner when we started watching movies his staring saga started. He was lovesick... I guessed. When he gawked at me like that I couldn't concentrate on the movie.

I shook off my train of thoughts concentrating on the movie we were watching. It was 1 am but still, my friends continued choosing movies.

We were sitting on the ground on single cushions for each of us. Jo sat next to Zerry probably flirting with her and next to her sat Navi, Pierre, and Nick. Next to Nick, I sat in one corner. Bright was at the other end far from me. But since we were seated in a half-circled way Bright and I kind of were sitting face to face.

It was a surprise how I survived the whole time with him glancing at me second after second. It annoyed me. The does he want!? I stuck my tongue at him when he looked at me. It wasn't a good move. He rested his face on his palm looking at me tilting his head.

He had that annoying smile that screamed sweetness for some reason.

My eyes widened as I tried to look everywhere but him. I even tried to change my sitting position. Then I decided~ I excused and left the TV room. Others didn't even notice what happened because they were too focused on the movie.

I went to my room closing it behind me. Falling to my bed I wanted to die... Everything felt like a huge weight on my shoulders. I felt like I was burning inside. I didn't even know why I was feeling down. There were a ton of things going on in my mind.

When will it end?

My room's door opened a bit letting a thin line of light creep in. I assumed it was Joss since he always noticed my mood changes before others. I groaned sitting on the bed. Then I opened my mouth to vent out everything in my mind.

"How silly is this situation! It's not like I didn't want to tell my friends but this is an arranged marriage and it's also not something that will happen in the future! And silly Bright! Why does he like me either?! Look at me! I look like shit! I work day to night what would he do with a mate who's not even at home?!" I ranted on but stopped.

Usually, Joss would add things here and there and make fun of me but-

I shrieked when I didn't see Joss there, instead, there was Bright. In his full-body, no hallucination or illusion.

"You look so tired Win," he said walking over to me.

Damn it.

"I thought you were Joss. What are you doing here again?"

"You left so I came to check on you. Why did you leave?"

"None of your business and I am fine, now you can leave," I replied bitterly.

He ignored my words and chuckled.

"You know, you are cute when you get angry," he said removing his shoes. Then he sat on my bed as if I welcomed him to my room! Who does he think he is?!

He chillaxed and leaned on the headboard of my bed patting on his lap. I eyed him with a questioning look.

"Keep your head here," he said with a sweet smile.

"What are you trying to do?"

"I am harmless. Now come on."

"Harmless my arse," I mumbled and got onto my bed. Then I looked for a comfortable spot and kept my head on his lap. My head stung as soon as I kept my head cause I didn't rest have any rest because of work.

Bright smiled keeping his finger gently on my eyes signing me to close my eyes. I too closed my eyes relaxing. His fingers slowly slid into my locks combing through my hair. I sighed at the feeling when I felt tingles all over my body. He did it really well. When his finger nudged at my scalp it almost made me moan at the feeling.

He was good at it.

Without knowing I slowly started drifting off to sleep.



"What do you do... as your job?" that day I asked him a question about himself for the first time. Other than scolding, rejecting, or talking trash I wanted to know something about him. Because all I knew were his name and his second gender. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I am a useless guy."


"I just became the successor of pa's company after I graduated," he said with a sigh.

"It's really good... isn't it? You've even graduated, don't call yourself useless."

"Not at all. I feel useless to have spoon-fed everything. Look at you, you studied and worked hard to achieve your dream. I wish I was like you."

'Trust me silly alpha... you don't want to be me.'

Then I fell asleep on his lap with his magical fingers running in my hair.

The next day I woke up to my alarm at 5 o'clock. Just in time. I checked my phone which blared with notifications overflowing.

I went through the messages sleepily but stopped at Zerry's chat where she also attached and had sent me a picture of... me and Bright.

I was fast asleep on Bright's lap and Bright was looking down at me with a smile. I blushed at the photo quickly tossed my phone away.

When did he leave last night?

Did he even sleep?

Why am I thinking about him in the first place?

Then I saw a message pop in, from an unknown number. There were two messages:

'you slept on my lap last night'

'I touched your butt to move to keep you aside. Hope you don't mind ;)'

I choked on my saliva blushing like a tomato. Suddenly I felt shy and my room felt too hot though the weather was cold.

'Bright you stupid idiot!'

He was such a mysterious person. One time he would act nonchalantly like nothing in this world was worth his attention. The other time he would be the romantic lovesick guy. Then again this.

The flirt.

How did he even type this?

Well, two can play~

'Won't mind.'

'Mind if I do the same in return~?'

For the first time ever I flirted with a person. And it was Bright whom I wanted to reject since the beginning. I didn't mean anything by that text. I was even selfish enough to think of the text as nothing when he was already in love with me.

But the night before when he caressed my hair helping me to sleep comfortably.. one of my heart cells betrayed me!

The cell fell for Bright.

But I didn't know about it. It happened without my knowledge...

If I knew by then I would've removed that cell. Though it doesn't sound practical. Well, I would've restrained myself from falling for him.

Thankfully I didn't do that.

If not today I won't be able to wake up in the morning next to him. Surrounded by his warmth, embraced by him.

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