

Myra knew all about sex and consent, when you are of the ubis race, there is one thing you have to be careful of and it was consent. 

The three incubus in front of her were going against that rule and she was watching, just one more marker remain for them to cross and then they were hers to punish and deal with. 

“L- Leave me alone.” The young succubus which they surrounded and were mercilessly teasing and suffocating with their pheromones said shakily, even with her pupils dilated. Myra could feel the potency from her perch a little far from them and the fact that she could feel it when it was not directed to her just shows how strong it really was and what this scene that was playing out before her really is. 


“But we can make you feel so good instead of doing that. Just imagine how sated you would feel afterwards.” One of them said, stepping closer to her. 

“I did not give consent.” The girl shrieked but she was too late, the asshole touched her and in the process turned her into a mindless slave for sex, something which was clearly against the laws and is only allowed when couples do it between themselves. 

That was her cue to start dishing out some punishment. 

Just as the victim jumped on the male incubus and meshed her lips with his, unconcerned about the other two circling her, she was still too small to handle more than one Incubus and she was barely legal, just went through her first heat. 

“You boys have been very naughty.” Myra stated just because she had always wanted to use that line. And when they froze and jumped away from the girl, well the two that was not trapped anyway, she smiled when they looked at her with dawning horror, realizing the smile for what it really was, a predator slowly circling them. 

“She wanted to give it a trial.” One of them rushed out. 

“Yeah, you can ask her.” The second added and the wave of anger that escape Myra, brushed against them as her emotions went a little out of check. She always had to restrain her dominancy so that others would not feel suffocated but in their case, she wanted to suffocate them with her hands around their neck, instead of power and she would relish every moment of it because she had always been the blood thirsty little princess.  

“I am not a child who don’t know about her people.” Myra answered, feeling insulted by the trick which they wanted to play on her. 

The incubus below the girl who was moaning as the girl did something to him, panted but managed to get out to his friends. “Incubus are stronger and you are two for god sakes just touch and bring her to join the fun.” 

Myra smiled when the two looked at each other, some people height of stupidness never fail to amaze her. They appeared by her side, using their power of teleportation and gripped her arms and tried to turn her into a sex slave. 

In return, Myra gripped them and let her hormones flood the air. Their pupils became blown and they staggered around, leaving them confused and not willing to do more, she approached the girl who was just about to reach for the incubus trousers and touched her. The girl movements became less frantic as she slowly came back to herself. 

When she scrambled away from the incubus, Myra let her go. 

“Thank you.” The girl cried as she gazed at Myra, knowing that she was about to be raped and she would not be able to report because her hormones were on the air, she would have been seen as the one trying to seduce the boys, not the other way around. 

“Call the guard force.” Myra tell her and the incubus that was not under her allure, tried to stand but Myra stroke his face with her finger. Sinking her hormones into his skin and just like with his friends, his pupils became blown and he was immediately subdue while staring at her like she was a snack he wanted to feast on. “Tell them that the quicker they get here the more chances they have of not letting three incubus get scared by sex for life.” 

And with those words, Myra playfulness dropped and she stripped the boys of their will completely, letting them feel the helplessness as they were filled with sexual desire they did not want and she did not block their awareness. 


“I cannot believe you.” The queen yelled as she hits Myra on the back of her head while pacing around her. “My own daughter raping my subjects what were you thinking?”  The queen was in a meeting with her council when the news came in. this was the biggest scandal that her daughter had created since the five weeks she had been home, each day she tries more stunts, bigger than the one before but this one. She broke rules. 

“I did not rape anybody Mamee.” Myra protested. “They did, a succubus who they robbed of her will after she told them no multiple times. I know because I was there watching.” 

“Then why on earth did you not just do the normal sane thing and stop them before they went too far?” Her mother asked. 

“Because they would have denied and the law would have protected them and they would never learn their lesson and the next time they decide to try again, their victim might not have a chance to go unscathed. At least this way, I can ensure that they will have no future victims because they would never try it.” Myra explained as her mother signed then sat down. 

“Your majesty, look at it this way.” Her mother adviser, Lord Stan, said. “She prevented some misguided teenagers from going down the wrong path.” He stated, he always did see the good in Myra doings after all, he was the one who taught her, her warped sense of justice. 

“You always side her in her actions Stan.” Her mother said tiredly. “One day she is going to cross the line. Why did you do this just when you just returned home, you know that I would have to send you away until this dies down once more.” 

Myra sighed, another thing she did not prepare for while she was being an avenging angel, she did not think about how the frigid council would react and they reacted as usual whenever she upholds the law in her own way, they react badly. 

“So once more, I am being driven from home.” Myra said bitterly but her mother shook her head. 

“You brought this upon yourself, no one else did.” Her mother answered, wagging a finger in front of her daughter face while Myra fixed a pout on her face. 

“Instead of sending her towards the witches courts are usual, why don’t you send her to the vampires this time?” Stan asked as Myra perked up. If there was another solution for her, instead of the pretentious but dangerous court she was always sent to, then she would prefer it. 

“Wait but I thought all is well with our relationships with the vampires, have they made any policies restricting us?” Myra asked worried. Nobody wanted the Vampires to be tight in their policies regarding their race because the vampires were thorough and most of the time when they wanted to constrict, they do it fully. 

“No, we are fine.” Her mother assured her “It is just that, strange rumors have been going about that the whole supernatural world is under threat and no enough information is being given.” 

Myra worriedness blossomed, there were few things that can cause the supernatural world as a whole to be under threat and one of those were demons. She could understand her mother view. If it was demons then the ubbis race needed to strategize and chose a side. The side that abandoned them or the side that might slaughter them when the truth comes out. 

“I would need more than that to just visit.” Myra stated, biting her bottom lip, deep in thought. 

“The leader of the Vampires recently found his mate, I think congratulations are in other from the ubbis race.” Stan suggested and Myra and her mother agreed. 

It was time Myra represented the Ubbis and act like they were supernaturals, not something more deadly. 

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