

Myra loves the journey whenever she leaves her settlement and moves on one of the supposed ambassadorial jobs which she always goes to. She might not like the courts and the attitude of other supernaturals especially the snobby ones but there was always one part of the journey she loved, her being on the road. 

She could always teleport to where she was going but she finds it better to move among the human population. Their overcrowded cities and ill-mannered tempers makes it the perfect feeding ground for her and it was a change up from the usual supernatural diet. She had discovered that their emotions came second to none other but her own race and their memories could easily be modified. 

And the major reason why she likes travelling among humans was that she gets the peace and quiet, time away from other supernaturals and that was why she was surprised to see a familiar blond hair a few paces ahead. 

Jacob, one of the vampire leaders, the one who was most social anyway. She had spent enough time in the witches court to know all about Jacob and his weird taste in bed partners. 

“Jacob.” She yelled as she tried to catch up with the vampire who was walking away quickly. His shoulders tensed then released as he looked at her direction and his let his disarming smile loose when he saw it was her. 

Myra rolled her eyes at his happiness. Someone he thinks that he would be able to get her into his bed, wanting to hear about the rumored sexual prowess of her kind and she was the only one who was almost at the same level of power when it comes to ruling with him and so she had the leverage of bedding him which others of her kind don’t because they knew better than to get on her mother’s bad side. She being her mother’s daughter unfortunately made her Jacob target as he had come to mention over and over again that they both have much leeway and so they could fraternize. 

“You look good Myra, as usual.” Jacob said as he used his eyes to undress Myra. 

“Of course I do. It is an art.” Myra replied, flipping her hair over her shoulders. “How have you been?” 

Weird enough Jacob tensed again. “Just there, and you?” 

“Apparently, I annoyed the council again so I am on my way to my exile place, but the good news is that it is with your race this time.” Myra smiled. 

Jacob smiled too. “That is fortunate, at least I know that when I return, you will be there. Can you surprise me by staying in my home and waiting for me naked when I return, I wouldn’t mind some chocolate dripping over your body.” 

Myra shook her head. “Not going to have sex with you Jacob, give up already.” Jacob started pouting. 

“Okay, at least have one drink with me before you continue.” He offered and Myra shrugged. What hurt could it make after all, she was a little thirsty. 

Myra followed Jacob to a little hole in the wall café right around the corner, each catching up with each other. “Their Bathroom is free, I have to make use of this golden opportunity, order for me.”  Myra said as she rushed to the bathroom. She was quicker than usual and was just returning from using the bathroom when the passed the corner which gave her the perfect sight of their table and Jacob putting something inside her drink. 

Myra paused at that, as she wondered what was going on. Jacob turned and saw her, his face flashed with panic but she was already backing towards the direction of the bathroom, hoping to escape using another door but Jacob did something risky. Something she did not expect one of the leaders of the vampire race to do in front of humans. 

He used his super speed to her side and not only did he stop there, he grabbed her by the throat and flashed them to the bathroom she was just exiting. 

“Let go.” Myra struggled against the hand that was choking her but she did not have the strength to pry him off. 

“I am sorry Myra but I did not want to hurt you, you are one of the few ones which I actually like.” Jacob said, his tone was filled with regret even if his eyes were unnaturally cold. More unnatural than usual and his gaze was clear which meant he was not under the influence of bloodlust. That scared Myra more. What had she gotten herself into?

“I cannot have you telling others that you saw me. That would ruin a lot of things.” he added as he increased the pressure. 

She was starting to feel faint even as her hand clawed at Jacob arms and that was when she did something she never thought she would do when she was scared. She let go of her powers and it lashed at Jacob in full force, trying to save her life. 

Jacob hands went slack as his eyes widened while he felt blinding sexual release, his hands weakening was all Myra needed. She used her physical strength to punch Jacob in the nose and when he stumbled fully from her, she teleported out of there faster than possible and had the sense to land in vampires territory. He would not be able to come after her since he did not want his people to know where he was.

“Are you alright?” Some vampires started crowding around her but she was not feeling comfortable in their presence so she struggled her way out of their midst and stumbled towards the central building for the vampire race, the place she teleported in front of. 

Minutes later, she was in front of three vampire rulers after she said that she had words of Jacob location. 


“I hope you did not trick us here for nothing.” Caleb growled at Myra who was seriously contemplating if she should pound him to the ground. She needed her strength for that and she was very weak now after that huge out flow of power from her just to escape Jacob. 

Better out of power for a little while than dead. Myra consoles herself. 

“That is not the way to talk to the Ubbis heir apparent.” Elijah, one of the vampire leaders that usually stands as the front for the vampire rulers hissed at Caleb, at least one of them was concerned about her position. Myra rolled her eyes. 

“I am not good at that diplomacy thing but we need answers, Vincent would not be happy that he is being dragged away from Gwen and we have nothing solid to tell him by the time he gets here.” Caleb returned and Elijah sighed. 

“He got a point there. My brother will not be pleased.” The female among them said then leaned into Myra space. Myra eyes narrowed at the female blatant disrespect of personal space and was just about to snap at her when she grinned at Myra. “Cool highlights, they really blend well with your hair and skin tone. How did you do it?” 

“Jessica!” The two males snapped at the woman who rolled her eyes. 

“Relax, if she was a threat, she would have already attacked.” Jessica smiled at Myra. 

“What happened or are you just trying to look for attention.” Caleb asked and Myra glared at him. 

“If I wanted attention, I would not try to kill myself for it and it would be rather ineffective that I am here and not among my people who will give me the attention I desire and as for what happened, I think I should be asking you that question because announcement did not go around that some leaders would be trying to kill each other or that Jacob is now a traitor. Because of that oversight on your part, the Ubbis nearly lost their ambassador, what do you have to say for yourselves?” Myra demanded and Caleb shifted back. 

“Whatever is happening with Jacob is the business of the Vampires and we are in control of it. Others don’t need to know.” Elijah said smoothly as Myra frown deepened. 

“In control and I almost died and you are still demanding answers from me. You have a lot of balls.” Myra snaps at Elijah. 

“No, just two each… I would suspect.” Jessica replied. 

“Don’t make me force the answer out of you.” Caleb growled, his eyes turning red and Myra snapped. 

She had enough of being Vampire chew toy to last a lifetime, she will not let another vampire bully her. She drew her power to her, the little she had recuperated and slammed it into every male within 12 feet of her, of course, she did not anticipate that it would be that moment that four more would chose to teleport into the room and the two males among the four joined the other two that were getting on her nerves on the floor, holding their chest and groaning at the make believe heart attack she placed on them. 

“What did you do?” The pregnant female screamed as her eyes went red. 

Crap, today was definitely not Myra’s day. 

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