
Chapter 3.2

It was two pm when I finished my hair and make-up to, and I'm sure my parents are already there downstairs, it was still early, so I opened my phone first and read some novel

My phone suddenly rang

1 new message from Mr. Crush

Maybe I'll read it later, I went first to my life-size mirror next to my bed to see if what did I look

*knock *knock

"Come in"


"Ma'am, your parents told me to knock you here because you will already leave", said by one of our housemates, if I'm not mistaken, she's Manang Tess's child, Alexa and her have the same age and grade, my parents are the one who pays for her school, there's no need for her to help here, but Manang Tess said that this is the only way for them to be able to pay for her daughter's education, so every weekend or if she's free then she just come here.

I retouched my make-up while talking to her "How's your studies? Are you having a hard time?", I asked while smiling because I know she's a shy type kind of person, she looked up and hesitated to answer "Just tell me if you have difficulty with the lessons, I can help you, or we can do a group study with Alexa ", I widened my smile even more so that she wouldn't be distracted by me

"Ah, why am I okay, uhm, I'm having a little trouble with math, but I can do it, maybe Alexa won't like it if I go to study with you", she replied shyly, my eyebrows rose at the end of what she said, is Alexa doing something bad again?

"Why did you say that? You guys are okay, am I right?", they once were together, and they got along well with each other

"Ah nothing, I'm just embarrassed", she said bowed her head, probably shy for the nth time

"You don't have to be ashamed, I'll take you with me sometime, okay just tell them I'll be there in a minute—", I hadn't finished what I was going to say when she bowed and quickly left my room, I wasn't rude or mean when I talked to her, aren't I? Maybe she was just intimidated by how beautiful I am now hehe

I fixed what I had to bring, I took a handkerchief and cash and immediately put it in the pouch I was going to take, I also put my phone in and went down.

"What happened, mom?", I asked anxiously when I got close to them, she covered her mouth with her palm and screamed again when I looked at dad he was just silent and looked at me like he was shocked, what's wrong? "Mom, dad are you guys taking illegal drugs?", Their shocked reaction was replaced by a very loud laughter, what's wrong with our family? My family.

"Your overact, Elie", mom laughed and wiped her tears at the same time, maybe it was from her unstoppable laughter, huh? Me? Overacting? 

"Huh? What's wrong with you? Dad?", I turned to him because I know I can't get a definite answer from mom now

"You're really had grown-up", Daddy said passionately and smiled while he was hugging me, eh? He let go of me and stood next to mom and then put his arm around her ” Before you don't like short clothes, you also don't like heels, the only thing that doesn't change was you still like make-up.”, amusement was all over her face, he also shooks his head

"You used to be a baby, now it looks like you're going to have a baby", mom added, mom's wind is bad 

"It's because I'm already growing up and mom", I eyed and glared at her, and she just laughed "I wouldn't have a baby, yet I don't even have my own baby", I said while pouting which was referring of having a boyfriend, they just laughed even more

"Don't you have a boyfriend yet? Someone is already—”

"Time will come, Elie. You'll have your own", mom said smiling and sincerely said while she cut off what dad was going to say "The one who wouldn't be like your crazy daddy", he continued while elbowing dad's side who just made a sound, is dad really crazy? It looks like it's the two of them

"I hope so, but I like someone who's an engineer"

"Huh? You don't want a businessman anymore?”, Dad asked

"Dad, who said I want that?", I laughed

"Didn't you say before that you want a businessman, right?", Mom assured me and I just shook my head

"Past is past mom, dad. It's better if my future boyfriend is an engineer", they looked at each other as if they were nervous, because I'll be a chef in the future and then my husband is an engineer, actually I would have preferred the engineer, architect, welder, gardener, construction worker, businessman, police, pilot, astronaut, seaman just all around HAHAHA "Do you know what hasn't changed?", I asked with a smile they just shook their heads "I'm still your one and only beautiful child I love you so much, and I won't trade you for anyone, so let's go mom, dad. We might cry here and be late, Uncle Fred doesn't want that”, I said and went first to the car

"What is it that? We said there that our son wants a businessman?"

"Yes, because that's what she said before, why did it change?"

"Maybe she's tired of seeing people like that?"

"Maybe, but how would that be? That's what we said already said”

"I'll just update him later, so he knows"

"All right, it's really embarrassing"

"Hurry up, and maybe your daughter will notice"

I even heard them talking, they would talk, but they were near me didn't they postpone it and continue it when I'm not around

I just went with parents first because my plan is to come with dean when we go home, isn't that a good plan?

(^ _______ ^)

Dean and I talked yesterday but only for a few moments because Dom was diverting my attention with him, and he was in a hurry to go to the mall, but he's only busy with his phone when we got there, but what we talked about yesterday was that we would just meet at Nicole's house because he said he knew where it is, and he had also gone there, before

We already arrived at my cousin's house and oh, she still has arrear on me, dad was supporting mom and I for us to got down, my parents went inside first because I said I would wait for dean maybe he was just late for a bit

I've been waiting outside for about thirty minutes, but he's still not here, mosquitos are already eating me. He's so bad, can he afford to make me wait? Psh his confidence was really high that he was able not to go with my invitation

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