
Chapter 4: Hidden Drug

Rae’s POV

Mary comes to sit down next to me with her roll and water “Why did you throw your food down on the ground? Aren’t you hungry?”

I brush the straw away relieving the dust and write “Lights.”

Mary instantly grabs me by the arm. “You can see the lights?”

I nod.

She shows me her bread. “Does this have lights?”

I nod yes.

“What about this?” as she shows me her bowl of water.

I shake my head no.

“So the water is safe” as she sighs in relief. Mary looks at me “If you can see the lights, that means you have the power too.”

Power? What does she mean power?

Looking down at the bowl of water in my hand I start sloshing it around in a circle. It almost mesmerizes me, there are so many questions swirling around in my head that I don’t understand. Mary breaks my trance.

“When they put you under and tapped into your mind what color was the light you saw?” she asks me getting excited.

A color? There were hundreds of colors, I guess it was like a rainbow now that I think back on it. I smooth over the dust and write “Rainbow” and look over at Mary.

She has the look of shock on her face and tries to catch her wits about herself. Quickly she brushes over the word and covers it with straw then whispers... “Don’t let them know” as she looks at the other women in the cell.

I notice one of the other women keeps looking at the roll that I tossed down. Without thinking much I pick up the roll and walk over to her and offer it to her.

The woman surprised. “Are you sure?”

I nod yes and she happily takes it and splits it with the woman next to her. I go and sit back down next to Mary.

Mary looks at the roll to her side and picks it up “Catherine, catch!” and tosses it.

I look at Mary and she just smiles at me.

After a while I notice the women who had more then one roll starting to act strange. They were giddy and cheerful, began singing and dancing like if they had no worries. I look at Mary and write a “?” in the dust.

Hesitantly Mary answers “They had a double dose since they ate ours.”

So those maggot lights were some sort of drug. What will happen to everyone, why are they doing this to us? Just then that wolfish man appeared.

“Well would you look at that. My, my” as that wolfish man grins.

“Cut it out Zviad, don’t get any ideas” as the black haired man comes into view.

“No fun Jeong” as Zviad jokingly gestures.

As the two men were talking the women who have been acting weird are now at the cell door flirting with them. That wolfish man Zviad seems pleased and excited while the one he called Jeong just looks disgusted.

Zviad looking at Jeong “Are you going to open the door?”

Jeong furrowing his eyebrows “No, just pull the trays and bowls out.”

“Tsk, no fun” Zviad frowning as he moves his hand, purple lights come shooting out.

The purple lights danced around the room taking hold of all the bowls and trays. There were some lights heading towards me. As they came closer, I found myself scooting away from them. I can see Zviad grinning from ear to ear. Why wont he leave me alone.

“Zviad!” Jeong shouts.

The lights stops, picks up the bowl, and heads out of the cell.

“What? I was just getting the bowl” as Zviad laughs and leaves down the hallway.

Jeong takes one last look at me and leaves. Why me, what’s got them so interested in me.

Jeong’s POV

I decide to go over the imports files and ran across the woman they brought in last night. Name unknown, demeanor unknown, abilities unknown, power unknown, background unknown, age possibly nineteen to twenty-one maybe. I toss the file onto my desk, what kind of crap report is this? Everything is unknown and they are guessing her age? I lean back in my chair in annoyance. Looking over at her picture I know for a fact she will be highly wanted. Doesn’t even matter if she has no known background, they will just lust after her body.

Sigh, I lean up and slide her file in front of me as I peer down at her picture thumbing over her face. I don’t want to see another Mary incident.

“Whatcha got there?” coming from the doorway.

I quickly grab all the files tapping them down and putting them in a locked drawer while placing the key in my front pocket. Looking up Zviad is there leaning against the door frame looking at me.

With a scowl on my face “Nothing you need to worry yourself over.”

Zviad grins ignoring me “It will be mine soon enough, you might as well just give in.”

Annoyingly I respond “You might be the next overseer” with a tone of warning “However not until the next set of imports. This set still falls under my jurisdiction.”

Zviad smiles “Whatever you say boss.”

Looking at the clock it’s been an hour since they were given food. “We should pick up the trays and bowls” as I stand up and begin heading out of the office.

Zviad prances off “Leave it to me.”

There is no way I’m going to leave it to him, not with the way he’s been acting around that new girl. Zviad reaches the front of the cell before I do.

“Well would you look at that. My, my” as Zviad grins from ear to ear.

I can see what he’s thinking without him even explaining it. How annoying “Zviad, don’t get any ideas!” why did they choose him to become the next overseer.

Passing the wall looking into the cell I see four woman running up to the door fondling themselves begging for us to take them. So this is how they want to keep women in control by drugging them to become this, pathetic.

Zviad laughing it off “No fun Jeong.”

I can’t help but feel disgusted at these women, but I know it’s not their fault. I’m more disgusted at the ones in charge that put this in effect.

Zviad looks at me “Are you going to open the door?”

Yeah you would like that wouldn’t you, it would give you an excuse to go all out on those women. Not happening “No, just pull the trays and bowls out.”

“Tsk” Zviad not pleased “No fun.”

Zviad begins picking up all the bowls and trays with his power. Then I notice he’s toying with the new girl and she seems to respond to his power. I can’t let him mess with her anymore otherwise he won’t stop and it would be a huge headache.

“Zviad!” I shouted.

Zviad stops and grabs a bowl with his power. “What? I was just getting the bowl” as he smiled and walked away.

Looking at her I know, she can see them. She can’t deny it, but I need more evidence. Seems I’m going to have to keep my eyes on her.

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