
Chapter 3

Skylar sipped her coffee as she eyed James across the table at the bistro she had chosen as he ordered their lunch. The waitress pushing out her chest as she took the order and batting her eyelashes. Skylar rolled her eyes and took another sip. She couldn't really blame the girl though, she probably would've done the same. Though her motives would've been strictly monetary with him being loaded and likely a good tipper. The perky waitress bounced off with their order and Skylar turned back to James. 

"Why don't you ask her? She'd probably be your girlfriend for free," Skylar smirked. She was probably crossing a line, him being her temporary boss and all, but she had him by the proverbial balls at the moment and couldn't resist milking it. The look he gave her should've made her nervous but it only spurred her on. "Those girls at the boutique probably would've too."

"Keep it up and I might just also ask them to fill in for Mrs. Babbitt." Skylar laughed at the threat and James scowled. She got the impression he wasn't used to being in compromising situations. 

"But seriously though. You probably could've asked anyone off the street, so why ask the temp?" She set her coffee cup down on the table and putting her elbows on the table rested her chin in her hands and looked at him curiously. 


James leaned back his seat and eyed Skylar for a moment. "I needed it to be a business transaction. Less complications that way." From what he had seen so far he was sure Skylar would be able to fool his mother. She carried herself well, was charming and eloquent (when she wanted to be) and the fact that she was a complete bombshell didn't hurt either. 

Skylar nodded at his response, "That makes sense. I'm assuming we are duping an overbearing family member, likely maternal judging by how far you'd go to do it. Mom trying to set you up?"

"Persistently," James couldn't help but be impressed by how well she'd read the situation. "I'm sick of being ambushed at family functions, the office or even on the street by my mother. Always with another heiress in tow. I thought she would have run out of options after she hit up almost every family at the club but she just cast a wider net."

"Well," Skylar said glancing at her watch. "We have half an hour left, let's get our story figured out. I suspect she will probably be suspicious and pull a divide and conquer so we better be on the same page."

"Have you already met my mother?" James asked wryly. Skylar winked at him as the waitress arrived at their food. "Thank you," he said to the waitress, without taking his eyes off Skylar. The waitress shot Skylar a daggered look as she left and her lips curved in a satisfied smirk. This date might not be so bad, James thought to himself. He felt a twinge of disappointment for a moment when he remembered it was fake, but immediately pushed the thought out of his mind. This was a business transaction and it could not be anything more. 


James checked his watch anxiously as he waited in the empty office lobby. He didn't care what time it was, or if they arrived on time. In fact, he preferred to be late as it meant less time spent in the presence of his family, and it struck him for a moment that he felt genuinely anxious, a feeling he wasn't accustomed to. If his mother saw through the ruse he would have to listen to a lecture and she'd the next girl on her list there in seconds. Frustrating and exhausting, but not anxiety inducing. He resisted the urge to check his watch again.

Before he had a chance to ruminate further on the issue he heard a set of elevator doors open and the sound of heels on tiled floor. He turned to look at Skylar found himself feeling more than just anxious. He had left her in the boutque to shop while he stepped out for a business call and had not seen the dress she had chosen. 

"Not bad huh?" she asked with a wink. 

"Go change," James instructed. Not bad was an understatement. She had chosen a strapless yellow dress that flaunted an appropriate but distracting amount of cleavage. The A-line skirt ended just below mid thigh and accentuated her hips. The colour complimented her skin tone and made her brown eyes seem brighter and James berated himself for even noticing. 

"Don't be an ass," Skylar rolled her eyes at him and headed for the door and the black car waiting out front. James frowned at her response but couldn't come up with a good reason to stand his ground. He was pretty sure that 'go change because that outfit makes me lose my mind' wouldn't be acceptable. He sighed in resignation and followed her out to the car. He couldn't help but take a moment to appreciate the view as he followed. This was a stupid idea.

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